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  1. Zappit

    Supervillainous 404

  2. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Honestly, "But Hillary..." is just the new, "Thanks, Obama!" Bring up all the Hillary shit. If she was in office, we would not have this unhinged, clusterfucking shitshow of an administration we're stuck with now. We'd have better standing in the world, we wouldn't have alienated out allies...
  3. Zappit

    Supervillainous 403

  4. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I'd trust Joe Isuzu before I trusted either of them.
  5. Zappit

    Supervillainous 402

  6. Zappit

    [Gaming] Tragic the Garnering

    There's only one deck that even bothers with phasing - and even then, it's still rare - the Phyrexian Dreadnought Legacy decks. Casting Vision Charm when you play the Dreadnought and puts its trigger on the stack let's you skip his sacrifice requirement. I've built that deck, and really, Stifle...
  7. Zappit

    Random Comic Book Crap

    It's faster to call them both if you only have to call one name. Sounds like Fastest Man Alive shenanigans to me.
  8. Zappit

    [Comics] What Comics are you Currently Reading Thread

    Still reding the IDW Transformers books, and they're still good. Til All are One just got canceled, which is a shame, since it really was good. Quick update on the status of the major books, well into the post-war era: The Lost Light: Rodimus's mistakes as captain came back to haunt him, as a...
  9. Zappit

    Supervillainous 401

  10. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    He'd probably still refuse to shake hands with Angela Merkel, but it would be because he'd be too uneasy if his wife wasn't in the room.
  11. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    I don't want the Republicans to enact anything on their agenda, since it's all pretty horrible. But at least Pence might have a little respect for the office.
  12. Zappit

    Supervillainous 400

    Hey, look at that - 400 strips!
  13. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Christ. Is it time to use the 25th Ammendment or what? Should we really fear Pence? Would the Republicans actually be less incorrigible and incapable of governance? If anything, it would divide them more and they would accomplish nothing.
  14. Zappit

    Supervillainous 399

  15. Zappit

    My regional candy product is better than yours

    I KNEW it.
  16. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    The big problem is that they need to put on a show for their donors. The moment those little Koch-suckers actually pass one of their murder bills, they take the heat for everyone's suffering. They'll get voted out by people who'd like to have their healthcare back.
  17. Zappit

    Supervillainous 398

  18. Zappit

    Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

    Blame Bannon. He told Spicer the camera adds ten pounds.
  19. Zappit

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    Maybe I wanted to tell a story and offer up a review in less than ten words. Did you consider that? Hmmmmmmm? :p
  20. Zappit

    Nintendo Switch Thread

    Got Arms. Played Arms. Arms is fun.