Search results

  1. ZenMonkey

    HF Confessions (Anonymous or Otherwise)

    HF Anonymous Confessions You were serious? Dude. I don't hate you. Not even close. Now Jay and Gusto, though...
  2. ZenMonkey

    Swine Flue Vaccine Pro/Con List

    Some excellent reading about H1N1 and flu vaccination in general:
  3. ZenMonkey

    My Shego Avatar...

    orly? (say it as it's written...)
  4. ZenMonkey

    HF Confessions (Anonymous or Otherwise)

    HF Anonymous Confessions Pfft, you have no reason to believe I hate you. And seriously, to whoever thinks I do, try me. If we don't become buds at least we can clear up this idea that I hate you. (Unless it' Yes, you know who I'm talking about. In which case I do hate you and fuck...
  5. ZenMonkey

    So, I took my first drink.. (funny story inside)

    :laugh: Party in the drunk thread!
  6. ZenMonkey

    Animated Characters (Avatar of the Week)

    Any excuse to dress up as Sally again. (I remember during the parade a mom saw us and said to her kids "Look! It's Jack and Sally!" They waved. It was so cool. :D)
  7. ZenMonkey

    My Shego Avatar...

    Slit his tentacles and cry? Sounds like someone's a little emo...