Good move. Disavowing the killer while protecting their market. Anyone who objects like you just did will be made to look like they sympathize with mass murderers lol
Think I'm on chapter 4 now. It's been good from the start. I like how so far it's mostly about questioning propaganda and ideology. That's been a problem for a lot of gamers
To be fair, a lot of modern art is so valued bc it's used for money laundering so there is a lot of bullshit that rises to the top bc the art itself does not actually matter
Pure abstract art is like an empty bucket that you fill with meaning from your own essence. I don't find that interesting
It is a circus, we have two major parties that agree on 90% of the worst shit they do and they get into a spending war every election cycle while telling the little people they can't afford to help them. It is so gross that people are expected to just accept this as a sign of maturity
It is so difficult for me to justify nonviolence anymore. But this is a propaganda war and it needs to be fought as such. Doesn't help that the democrat agenda is to compromise to republicans while making money for democrats. The left needs to learn that libs need them a lot more than the left...
Depends on who made the PP and what the reason was for emailing it. The tweets here are vague about the source of it and why it was shared
It's a good assumption but you can't prove it with the evidence currently available. This guy could weasel his way out just with "I don't know who made it...
I didn't like it the first time I tried it. I didn't get it like I do now, I had to figure it out. It helps that I think most jrpgs are linear and automated so I think most of the common complaints about it also apply to the rest of the series
The nra wouldn't nearly be so influential if our government would promote responsible gun ownership instead of scaremongering and trying to regulate or ban parts of guns
Part of it is the school's problem and they should be held accountable regardless of how awful the nra is. The government would still be fucking schools if the nra never existed