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  1. Cat

    "Transformers 2" is a horrible experience of unbearable leng

    Ebert rules, if I'm unsure about seeing a movie I'll see if Ebert tears into it before flipping a coin.
  2. Cat

    Pronounce Your Name

    I'm just posting to increase my post count.
  3. Cat

    Graphics Only Thread! Part 6!

  4. Cat

    Pronounce Your Name

    Miles Davis?
  5. Cat

    Pronounce Your Name

  6. Cat

    L4D 2 - Nov 17

    They should've waited, there was no way anyone would think Valve was only going to sell the next episode in a packaged deal.
  7. Cat

    L4D 2 - Nov 17

    The Orange Box a ripoff? :durr:
  8. Cat

    L4D 2 - Nov 17

    Meh, L4D would have been good in a packaged deal but as a full priced game it feels like a waste.
  9. Cat

    Tales of Monkey Island

    Well this looks interesting, hopefully it will ignore the last MI game.
  10. Cat

    Hey Halforum what are you listening to?

    Black Sabbath - Time Machine
  11. Cat

    Talk about the last movie you saw

    Well this is going to be right at the top of my to watch list.
  12. Cat

    Talk about the last movie you saw

    The beginning of Taken was awful but by the time I stopped laughing at the daughter's retarded run the action was starting.
  13. Cat

    The OLD Halforum XBL/PSN/Steam/Etc Username Thread

    Halforum Username: Cat Steam Username: JacksColon
  14. Cat

    RANT III - Anything and Everything

    You should use mine, it'll be like a uniform.
  15. Cat

    RANT III - Anything and Everything

    Everything's fine
  16. Cat

    Penny Arcade - 4/22

    Looks like somebody's pussyhurt.
  17. Cat

    Penny Arcade - 4/22

    That was a cover.
  18. Cat

    Talk about the last movie you saw

    Going to finally watch Caddyshack now.
  19. Cat

    Talk about the last movie you saw

    Terrible movie, but everyone should see it.
  20. Cat

    Talk about the last movie you saw

    Watching The Room right now.