Search results

  1. Squidleybits

    [Question] Survey time!

    Coke or Pepsi? Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston?
  2. Squidleybits

    [Question] New Desktop

    Hi all! We are looking to buy a new desktop. I have a beastly laptop so this will be mainly my husband's with some family use. He wants to be able to play games and use it for his volunteer work. What processor and video card would you recommend without spending a mortgage payment? Also...
  3. Squidleybits

    [Funny] Tee here @HCGLNS

    I just told him that I would like a Toadette tattoo. He turns around and says "What the f$&@ do you want a Toyota tattoo for?" Omg as if!
  4. Squidleybits

    [Question] Which is the best name?

    We are adopting a cat this week and she is lovely! We're having a hard time deciding on a name. here are the family suggestions. Our son is three and would likely pick Thomas so only me, my husband's and my daughter's choices are here.
  5. Squidleybits

    [Question] Super expensive headphones - what am I missing?

    I am on my way home and will have quite a bit of time to shop in the Toronto airport. I am totally obsessed with the Best Buy machines. Here's my question: what's up with the $200-$300 headphones? What do they do that the others don't? I travel a lot and would like a good quality pair that...
  6. Squidleybits

    Best store ever!

    I was out of town for a few weeks on a work trip and I found the best store ever...full of Super Mario and other video game stuffed toys/costumes etc. I got my son a stuffed toad hat and a stuffed pikachu hat for my daughter!! Sadly, they didn't have any Toadette stuff, but I got a 1up...