Search results

  1. Terrik

    Pro Tools 9

    Alright, so I'm trying to put something together for my girlfriend. She's a music composer and she wants a system designed for music writing and mixing programs. In particular we're looking at sibelius and Pro Tools 9. Now, I know little about apple PCs. She wants a laptop so I guess we...
  2. Terrik

    U bai gold?

    I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
  3. Terrik

    Steam Issues

    I just bought Dragone Age II and Dawn of War Retribution on steam, downloaded them and cant get them to work. At all. Ill try to launch the game, and every time it will tell me "installing directX" as a "first time set up"....then poof. Nothing. Window disappears and game doesnt launch. So...
  4. Terrik

    The Final Voyage of the USS Haleyprise's time. I'm giving Haley away to a friend of mine. The reasons are threefold. 1. I'm likely moving to Shanghai soon and landlords don't typically like you coming in with pets. 2. It's really hard to actually transport said pets. 3. Believe it not, I'm really allergic to cats--I've...
  5. Terrik

    China Beats Out Finland for Top Marks in Education

    Education Survey: China Scores Top Marks; U.S., France Lag - TIME Huh. That kinda surprises me too. Though it is one city, some people pointed out SH is still a population of 20 million and that's no small amount of people.
  6. Terrik

    Video Card...issues?

    A least i think it's my card. I've been noticing my performance issues and Im not sure whats up. For example, In SCII, when I go to options, it claims I have 256MB of video memory (when I really have 1024). This is odd because when I first bought the game it recommended all ultra settings. Its...
  7. Terrik

    Living Abroad?

    I've had this conversation a couple times in IRC and I wanted to know what the rest of you thought. For me personally, I couldn't imagine myself doing anything else at this point. Living abroad has, for me, generally improved myself as a person, given me new insight in a lot of things and...
  8. Terrik

    Haley status: FOUND

    Haley's been found! The shop lady heard reports from the maintenance staff that a kitten had been stalking the tops of the massive water pipes in the basement floor. Sure enough, got my flashlight out and went among the pipes and I heard her start to meow and there she was. Just brought her...
  9. Terrik

    Haley is missing :(

    So a couple days ago I left for work and Haley (the kitten) was running around like she always does. My Canadian friend spent the day cleaning up the apartment and getting his stuff together for his possible Ukraine trip. I came home and he said he hadn't seen Haley since the morning. The door...
  10. Terrik

    New Computer issues

    I recently got a new Alienware M15x. I've got the i7620M, a Radeon Mobility 5850 HD 1GB (running GDDR5 ram), 8 GB of Dual Channel DDR 3 1066mhz. By all accounts I should run stuff pretty damn quick. I recently got DOW II and ran it on ultra settings. For a while it was fine. I'd get a...
  11. Terrik

    Game Recommendations!

    M father, lucky for me, has schedule trip to Beijing in a couple weeks and is bringing up my new alienware laptop that I ordered. I need some game recommendations so he can pick up a couple for me. I like FPS/Strategy/RPG---I like a lot of things. However, Im not interested in MMOs or...
  12. Terrik

    I found a kitteh (UPDATE-PICS!)

    I came down into the courtyard of my apartment complex yesterday and saw a little kitten just sitting there, mewing. It was dirty, covered with a bit of paint, had gum stuck in its fur and Its front right leg was bent in quite the unnatural way too. I felt really bad for it so I took it up to my...
  13. Terrik

    On this June 4th, 21 years ago...

    Nothing happened. Discuss.
  14. Terrik

    Dear Dave: On Trucks and Tigers

    Dear Dave, If you had the opportunity, would you drive a truck carrying a cow into a park full of Siberian tigers and watch them eat it without mercy? This is a serious question Dave.
  15. Terrik

    Obama signs one-year extension of Patriot Act

  16. Terrik

    Harbin Ice Festival! (Lots O' Pics)

    Over the last couple weeks, I've ventured out of Tianjin in search of a new job. My old contract in Tianjin ended, I had to look for a new job as quickly as possible, as my visa in China expires on the 25th of februrary, and without a new job, I'd be forced out of the country. Since I had a...
  17. Terrik

    Malaysian Churches Firebombed for using "Allah"

    Linky: And here I thought Malaysia (in my experience) was more moderate...but good lord.
  18. Terrik


    I was thinking of picking up an iPhone, as my current phone is subpar. I can apparently get one here at the Apple store in China for about $250. I'm just trying to get your guys opinion on whether or not you guys feel they're worth the price (especially those who already own one). The...
  19. Terrik

    Ever have a game ruin another game for you?

    I had this happen not too long ago. I played through Mass Effect, finished the game as full renegade and went "HELLS YEAH!". I wanted to then move onto Fable 2, because I loved the first one but I as I started to go through it, I just couldn't get into it at all. After playing through Mass...
  20. Terrik

    hal-forum? half-forum? ha-vorum?

    I happened to see Philosopher B's thread "Hey Girls and Boys of Half-O-Rum" and it got me thinking...just what IS the correct way to pronounce the name of our forum? I use to call it half-forum..but what with the red HAL eye and all, I thought perhaps it might be hal-forums. I also have no idea...