Search results

  1. Enresshou

    [Question] Favorite holiday special(s)?

    Hey, everyone, Now that Thanksgiving's over and the Christmas season is in full swing, I got to thinking of Christmas specials. Since that could be kind of limited, I thought, hell, why not ALL the holidays? So, what's your favorite holiday special? Not traditional, but I've posted mine below:
  2. Enresshou

    Help for a friend (data recovery)

    Hey, all, A friend's boss owns a veterinary clinic and recently fired a shifty worker. Before the worker left, she claimed she needed to take a few word documents from the computer; immediately after this, the drug log--something veterinarians are required to keep on-hand--was deleted, and the...
  3. Enresshou

    City of Heroes going free to play

    Hey, everyone, I was talking with the girlfriend yesterday about MMOs, and an interesting little tidbit popped up after I searched: I think Issue 21 (when F2P will...
  4. Enresshou

    Gotta love psychotic animal rights extremists.

    Working in lab today, I received an e-mail acting as a heads-up about violent animal rights activism against research universities, with an increased focus on undergraduate and graduate students (link to source...
  5. Enresshou

    The great silence

    A wave breaks over the shore of conscience washing the memory away and everyone sleeps with eyes open hearts shut blinded to beauty And this, the...
  6. Enresshou

    Age of Reason

    There are more cells in your brain than there are stars in our galaxy You wonder--and then you wonder what we've done with it all, with these constellations of thought, these galaxies of memory to push us on as we stand on the shoulders of giants, the next golden age, just over the horizon as we...
  7. Enresshou

    Google Cr-48 Laptop Giveaways

    Hey, all, I apologize in advance if this has already been posted; I tried searching and came up with nothing. Long story short, Google's giving away 60,000 Cr-48 laptops with the Chrome OS installed on them (although I think ~20,000 have already been given away); you can apply directly through...
  8. Enresshou

    Science: 1, Republicans: 0 Long story made short, the Republicans tried to kill the renewal of the America Competes Act (which gives a pretty sizable chunk of scientific funding) by slipping in a provision that...
  9. Enresshou

    Faith in humanity being restored, piece by piece.

    Guy's friends from Russia arrive in US with a job prospect that "mysteriously" falls through. Employer--in a textbook pretext for human trafficking--wants to meet them at a strip club at midnight to give them 'hostess' jobs. Metafilter community bands together and saves the day. When you're...
  10. Enresshou

    Two of the most awesome things in the world (video)

    Pretty much exactly what the title says.
  11. Enresshou

    Nexus One? (or, 'Please help me choose a new phone')

    So my current plan's going to be ending soon (I split a family plan with my dad/stepmom/stepbrother/stepsister, but my stepbrother and stepsister are dropping out as well), and I've been thinking about getting a new phone. The ads on this site keep showing me the Nexus One, which I'm...
  12. Enresshou

    "Ink is without form" (poem)

    Ink is without form but I beg you to use me Stain the page with thought Cast me in your voice Bleed through layers of silence In the stinging darting swordplay of the pen.
  13. Enresshou

    How I caught a hit-and-run. (Or, "I feel pretty good about myself.")

    Anybody who's been the victim of a hit-and-run will most likely enjoy this story. About 2 AM today, I was sitting in my room when I heard a loud screech of tires, the unmistakable sound of car-on-car action, and another squealing of tires. I ran outside, saw my neighbor's car had been hit...
  14. Enresshou

    Super Street Fighter IV. WANT.

    Saw this today, and my excitement for the game just got jacked up to the next level.
  15. Enresshou

    Goddamnit, National Geographic... Really, National Geographic? Really? I can understand the desire to educate people about the attempted obstruction of Intelligent Design, but, if that was this...
  16. Enresshou

    New Symphony of Science: "Our Place in the Cosmos"

    "Matter flows from place to place, and momentarily comes together to be you. Some people may find that disturbing...I find the reality thrilling."
  17. Enresshou

    Newb with wireless networking. Please help.

    So, from your guys' advice last month, I finally got around to picking up a wireless router. I saw this on sale on Newegg, and figured "what the hell": I've now spent the past hour wrestling with this thing, and can't even get it...
  18. Enresshou

    COOL! (Science inside) Basically, a cursory glance at the modern state of particle physics, what the LHC hopes to find, and a (relatively) layman's explanation of what it all means. Good article!
  19. Enresshou

    So, I likely lost my second best friend.

    Some people on the board may remember me mentioning this five or six months ago, but for the (vast majority) who don't, here's the rundown. A friend, Scott, I've known for around ten years started dating a girl a year and a half ago. I met her, but she was always quiet; I made many attempts...