Hey man, becoming a seal takes dedication, fysical hardship, serving the country, hard work. And with veteran benefits about to be cut, let's give them something to be happy about.
So, anyone still playing? Played with the expansion?
Principles are all very well and good but the combo base + expansion is now €40 for Black Friday or whatever and having just finished yet another D3 season (seriously, I started two days ago, the power creep is ridiculous sometimes.) I'm sort...
If or when you know, could you let me know who's responsible for the last mile delivery? There's some pretty big differences in reliability and delivery windows between the different providers here (Bpost, PostNL, Amazon, DHL, DPD, FedEx). Don't want to miss them :-)
I think she's referring to @ThatNickGuy 's books here, not Piers Anthony's. I wish there were 20+ Dill books to read through, including one canonically called some pun with Panties in the title, but for now, this is sadly not the case.
Slowly but surely we're creeping up to 1% of Dave's age (all the rest of us together, of course).
(in all seriousness, I think I'm almost the age @Dave was in the days of the Image boards; I think he's in his mid-fifties now and that's over 15 years ago so he was just around 40ish. But that...
I don't know how you eat your hardboiled eggs, but apparently not sliced thinly and spread on a sandwich, or cut in two and dressed with salad, or whatever;
Dark mode's been there for a while, yeah, I've used it almost my entire playtime. I think they've added a couple new fonts, and I don't remember/know if the timer option was there before?
An 80-something piece of trash who can't keep their mind straight for five seconds but has a powerful stranglehold on their environment?
Is her skin orangey by any chance?
"New Tech Oligarchs Take Over USA With Puppet As President" pretty much;
Also, - ushering in a new age of propaganda: with more and more Americans getting all their news and information from a small handful of social media all in the hands of 2 billionaires who are both friends to the president...
140 hours and 40 minutes later and the credits roll. Phew. Looking back at those starting stats, oof, what a baby I was :-D
Anyway, having now looked up a bunch more online about alternative endings and so on:
- I didn't get any of the "secret" companions, but
- I did actually apparently end...
In a few years' time: "Why can't I find a good housekeeper for $4/hour anymore? it's all those dems planting ridiculous ideas of worth in these coloreds' heads I tell you!"