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  1. Azurephoenix

    The Disney Thread: For Everything Concerning the House of Mouse

    I've been pretty harsh on Disney Star Wars lately but Skeleton Crew was actually pretty solid in my opinion. Too bad no one watched it... the viewer numbers are so low. Sucks because Disney will think that Skeleton Crew is the bad product (it's not) and not previous Disney plus offerings that...
  2. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    @Frank take this with a grain of salt as it is a sample size of just me. I couldn't detect any increase in VOC's from having the water washable resin sitting in the reservoir in my printing room using my Temptop air quality monitor. It still smells awful and requires venting BUT the whole point...
  3. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    If you really want to be safe with the fumes you need to exhaust to the outside. I put in an exhaust fan in my 3D printing/laser engraving room and when it's running full tilt there are next to no smells and all my air monitoring equipment shows no significant gains in VOC's and such. For resin...
  4. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    Frank you are going to love the results you can get with that printer. You can not even come close with an FDM... you will see. I have experience with both types. Especially for miniatures and tiny tiny details... it's not even a contest.
  5. Azurephoenix

    What are you playing?

    I figured as much. My Warhammer 40k group have a Dark Heresy campaign that's been going for years... role play in the grimdark is lots and lots of fun.
  6. Azurephoenix

    What are you playing?

    I didn't realize that W40k Rogue Trader actually used all the stats and skills and stuff from the W40k Dark Heresy role playing system. I may have to give this a try myself now. (Your character would be fine in the role play environment )
  7. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    Zbrush is good stuff. I like to sculpt in Blender for my organic models (I also suck hard at it).
  8. Azurephoenix

    A.I. is B.S.

    This is actually why I want to heavily restrict or even block my AI assistant's internet access except maybe to site I whitelist myself (weather, stocks, things like that). If you carefully control what it uses for reference you can get significantly better (more accurate) results. Reddit will...
  9. Azurephoenix

    A.I. is B.S.

    This youtube video was a big inspiration.
  10. Azurephoenix

    A.I. is B.S.

    It's... complex. Short answer: Build a PC that can handle one of the smaller large language models (the requirements to run a local copy of ChatGPT are EXTREMELY high so that's off the table). A local copy of a large language model like maybe Llama 3 or something along those lines. AI derived...
  11. Azurephoenix

    A.I. is B.S.

    Oh I absolutely want to try and replicate her sassy/mischievous nature. I may regret that but I think it would be hilarious.
  12. Azurephoenix

    A.I. is B.S.

    I'm actually attempting to make my own AI assistant that sounds like EDI from Mass Effect. Something that runs locally that I can use for voice commands with all my home automation stuff. Not sure if I want it to have any internet access though lol. "EDI, turn on the lights. EDI, set the...
  13. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    The N95 will help with particulates but not VOC's. Sounds like you pretty much know what you're doing with the ventilation... just minimize your exposure (I'm a safety nerd).
  14. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    The enclosure does nothing to keep harmful vapours and particulates away from you unless it's ventilated. As someone who has printed ABS and ASA before, make sure you have adequate ventilation as ABS produces a ton of nasty stuff when you print with it.
  15. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    The tealight holder is cool, seeing things people design themselves is always awesome. Those mushroom shelves are begging for some soft LED glow lighting for night time.
  16. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    The map shown in that video could be pretty easily done in Fusion. That said, I use the word "easily" because I've been doing CAD for most of my career. Parametric modelers can be weird to learn.
  17. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    This is what you need a resin printer for... print it out of an ABS-like resin, you'd get absolutely fantastic results.
  18. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    Figured I'd post some Warhammer 40k styled miniatures I printed a while ago. Excited to try and get these painted up. This is on my old resin printer as well... the new one should make the layer lines invisible to the naked eye which will be pretty awesome.
  19. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    Haha Pez, I just watched that video. All I can say is that's a lot of filament... Maybe Tinwhistler can make one... I don't have the printers for it lol.
  20. Azurephoenix

    3d printing

    What scale are we looking at? 28mm heroic like warhammer ones? Looks fun. Needs some paint! :D