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  1. A

    Reveal your alts!

    As usual. Honestly, sitting at home - alone, of course - getting drunk, doing things only you yourself could ever find funny, just messing up other people's nice and easy way of life, how pathetic can you get? Djeezes man, I'd feel sorry for him if he weren't such a numbskull dicking around on here.
  2. A

    Reveal your alts!

    Stop the bloody alt-hopping already, you dick-for-brain retard. It's not funny, and you're not entertaining anyone. Get a life, instead of just chatting with YOURSELF on an on line forum. How pathetic can you get, anyway? Moron.
  3. A

    Reveal your alts!

    Obviously, I do not have any alts.
  4. A

    RANT - about anything II

    a) I got ousted from the forum :waah: b) I had to make the most silly-named alt ever :waah: c) I failed at the previous task :waah: d) Egh, I hate myself for not buying the sort of food I should be eating.