RANT - about anything II

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^_^ Thanks. I didn't think people would get curious about it... thought it would be overshadowed by the wall o' text below it, hehe.

Scarlet Varlet

Had a dream this morning where I was Player-Killed and looted. :angry:

Scarlet Varlet

Gusto said:
Scarlet Varlet said:
Had a dream this morning where I was Player-Killed and looted. :angry:
Those assholes. :angry:
Damn straight! Tomorrow morning I'll dream I opened a can of Whoop-ass on them! :angry:
Scarlet Varlet said:
Gusto said:
[quote="Scarlet Varlet":2ymqmvhf]Had a dream this morning where I was Player-Killed and looted. :angry:
Those assholes. :angry:
Damn straight! Tomorrow morning I'll dream I opened a can of Whoop-ass on them! :angry:[/quote:2ymqmvhf]

That'll learn 'em. :uhhuh:


Staff member
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Dr. Clayton, stop being so freaking cute!

Seriously... this is getting out of hand. :hump:

I had a dream where I PKed this guy at a bar with a nice smile and a beer. He dropped some good loot too. Tonight I plan to dream about corpse camping.


Staff member
stienman said:
ZenMonkey said:
I had a dream where I PKed this guy at a bar with a nice smile and a beer. He dropped some good loot too. Tonight I plan to dream about corpse camping.
A little necrophilia, eh?

Greetings, fellow traveller. Rest for a moment under the shade of the old tree, and listen to the wind in its leaves. Take this moment in your life to consider the small but important questions in time, for once again it's time for...

~~~A Moment with Zen Master North_Ranger~~~


"Is it necrophilia if a Forsaken teabags a corpse?"

This has been a Moment with Zen Master North_Ranger. For more Zen advice and a free catalogue of merchandise, call this number...


Staff member
Who decided that (at least in movies, never heard it in real life) they should say things like "Mr. President?" Two titles to address someone instead of a title and their name just always annoys me. O well. Not that big a rant really, just wondering.


Staff member
Because then you don't have to worry about pesky little things like who's really the president and such. And if the President is portrayed as doing something terrible (eg. OK'ing a nuking of a small town to prevent the spread of Ebola, or napalming a prison island where hostages are held), you don't vilify the president in question.

Although, I could see some presidents actually doing something like that...

North_Ranger said:
Because then you don't have to worry about pesky little things like who's really the president and such. And if the President is portrayed as doing something terrible (eg. OK'ing a nuking of a small town to prevent the spread of Ebola, or napalming a prison island where hostages are held), you don't vilify the president in question.
Interesting way of putting it. I agree that it's about addressing the office, not the man himself. When a foreign ambassador visits, he's not coming to see Barack Obama, he's coming to see the President of the United States, if I'm making any sense.
ZenMonkey said:
North_Ranger said:
Because then you don't have to worry about pesky little things like who's really the president and such. And if the President is portrayed as doing something terrible (eg. OK'ing a nuking of a small town to prevent the spread of Ebola, or napalming a prison island where hostages are held), you don't vilify the president in question.
Interesting way of putting it. I agree that it's about addressing the office, not the man himself. When a foreign ambassador visits, he's not coming to see Barack Obama, he's coming to see the President of the United States, if I'm making any sense.
I agree with Her Highness, Mrs. Moderator.


Staff member
*shrugs* What else is the Prez good for in movies? Honestly? He's always the guy everybody is waiting a call from, and the call is usually related to something that will kill a lot of people and/or the protagonist and his/her group.

It's like Waiting for Godot at the electric chair.
North_Ranger said:
*shrugs* What else is the Prez good for in movies? Honestly? He's always the guy everybody is waiting a call from, and the call is usually related to something that will kill a lot of people and/or the protagonist and his/her group.

It's like Waiting for Godot at the electric chair.
Or he's a Nixon muppet.


The hell is up with crazy people following me on Twitter? First there was yeah anyway and now some random person who has followed me, replies to me occasionally, but can't figure out that I'm not a guy is giving me crap for not following her(?). Oh yeah, and for not burning sage in my office where the dead bird was.

I don't really want to make my updates private since that sort of kills the point of Twitter in my opinion (I've "met" some neat people who more or less randomly followed me), and I can always just block this person if necessary (I assume she'll unfollow me), but egads. Did I eat a crazy magnet last week?


Staff member
I had a dream that my godmother was still alive, but they were keeping her in this weird fenced-in garden with other women with mental problems. I got to visit her every day. She kept on telling me to watch the people who took care of her, because they stole from her and hurt her. It was..... unsettling. :tear: The last dream I had of her was so beautiful and comforting, and now this? I wish I knew what this was supposed to mean, if anything. 2nd time I've had this dream, so it's just weird.

And Zen, I'm sorry bout the crazy Twitter people. I guess you've had your fill of that lately. :\
Twitter is being just weird to me... I made two tweets earlier, and than they both disappeared... Than I made a tweet commenting on that, which also disappeared 10 minutes later. I'm getting other people's tweets, why do mine go away?

Philosopher B.

David said:
Twitter is being just weird to me... I made two tweets earlier, and than they both disappeared... Than I made a tweet commenting on that, which also disappeared 10 minutes later. I'm getting other people's tweets, why do mine go away?
My brother was having similar problems. He joined and made some tweets recently and they disappeared for a while (they reappeared eventually, though).

Scarlet Varlet

There's a pig lives in my building.

Piles his trash in the small enclosure for our rubbish bins, puts bags of trash in the blue recycle bin and leaves the crap everywhere. I've a pretty good idea who it is.
a) I got ousted from the forum :waah:
b) I had to make the most silly-named alt ever :waah:
c) I failed at the previous task :waah:
d) Egh, I hate myself for not buying the sort of food I should be eating.

Fun Size said:
My hand is broken. I'm a fucking programmer, and my hand is broken.

There is no part of this that does not suck.
You get to keep it and not have to have a hook. How is that not a plus?
Edrondol said:
Fun Size said:
My hand is broken. I'm a smurfing programmer, and my hand is broken.

There is no part of this that does not suck.
You get to keep it and not have to have a giant foam finger. How is that not a plus?
FTFY. I never really thought they were going to take it off - I was really hoping it was just a minor thing. Now I get a cast that immobilizes most of my right hand, and I type for a living. All because I'm a clumsy oaf who fell down badly.
HCGLNS said:
Rant: Cyclists!
Rant: Drivers!

Although I must agree that some cyclists are terminally stupid, but there are far more terminally stupid drivers out there that don't treat cyclists as vehicles...


stienman said:
HCGLNS said:
Rant: Cyclists!
Rant: Drivers!

Although I must agree that some cyclists are terminally stupid, but there are far more terminally stupid drivers out there that don't treat cyclists as vehicles...

Adam gets my first "THIS!" of the day.
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