RANT - about anything II

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I don't get to see my girlfriend for 10 to 12 months at a time :humph: Stupid Europe telling me I'm only welcome for 90 days a year...


Dammmit Google, why should I trust you with my damn credit card info if you cannot even keep locked in the fact I DO NOT WANT TO 'Use moderate filtering, I DO WANT '100 results per page', and fer God's sakes DO FUCKING NOT 'provide query suggestions in the search box'!!!!!

Every time they change something I have to go into preferences 3 and 4 times till they get the idea. I want a search engine, not some damn feature butt buddy!!!! :explode:


Staff member
I hate shopping. If shopping was a person I'd kill him and bury him in the feces of pedophiles and serial killers. :devil:
Bubble181 said:
LittleSin said:

-Much like WildSoul, I have to wear maternity pants. Unlike 'Soul, I am 7 months preggers and they are still falling down around me. I can't walk with something in both hands because I hace to stop and pull my smurfing pants up. I feel like a hobo!
That's what the father is for, silly.

-I have money problems out the wazoo. How the * am I suppose to pay for my baby with collectors hounding me? :waah:
-I got a massive tax return but most of it is gone already to the companiers we owe * too...and we are still having problems with the above.
That's what an internet birth registry is for, silly[quote:wt40vprh]
-I need this house to be * and span by Sunday but my energy depletes so quickly that I can hardly freakin' move after an hour of work.
That's what the husband is for when he's not carrying things, silly!
-I am getting Braxton Hicks. This also hinder all progress with things...I am doubled over in pain.
Ouchie, sorry to hear it :-(
-I can't sleep well. The bed is too small for me and husband now that I am the size of a mink whale.
But mink coats sell for a lot. Think of all the money you'll earn with all that leftover skin after the birth!

-My baby shower is on Sunday and no one has bought anything from my registry which means I am going to end up with alot ofhigher-quality-than-I-dared-to-ask-for useful stuff.

God damn. Make it stop!
Just two more months :)[/quote:wt40vprh]

Awu...Bubble. You made me smile. :)

Getting fed up with the myriad ways assholes defend and/or justify their behavior. Here and elsewhere, but right now mostly here.

In other news, what the HELL was a small dead bird doing in my office, when our house has no windows to the outside (all the screens have been nailed shut to make sure the cats can't push them open) and the cats cannot and do not go outside? Not a rant so much as an observation on an extremely weird phenomenon. Zen keeps going back to where I cleaned and mopped up the area, wondering what happened to her toy, I guess.

I know one of you did it. Fess up.

Bubble181 said:
You know it's the way owls show their love. Why do you even ask? *hoot*
No, it's the way cats show their love. Owls eat them, which is how I know it wasn't you. It would have been a pellet, not a corpse.



Bubble181 said:
Oh, fine. But you won't like the answer, really.
I helped Shannow place it there. He has a true burning love for you
Bubs, buddy... that was the petrol bomb, not the bird. And you left it in my back garden. After lighting the fuse. Are there map-reading classes for owls?
Iaculus said:
Bubble181 said:
Oh, fine. But you won't like the answer, really.
I helped Shannow place it there. He has a true burning love for you
Bubs, buddy... that was the petrol bomb, not the bird. And you left it in my back garden. After lighting the fuse. Are there map-reading classes for owls?
Bubble's head must be on backwards


Staff member
I cannot post my latest rant because of all the men here... so I'll just say...

Stupid ... things. :devil:

Also, I finally ironed out the shit with my apartment. They made me do a money order (have to do that after the 3rd), even though THEY're the ones who lost my check. But they have a stupid clause in their contract that releases them from responsibility for lost checks after 6 pm. (It was 7 minutes to 6... but I had no proof. Assholes.)

Anyway, FRIDAY after hearing nothing at all, I get a call from the accounting office saying I could give them a money order before the weekend ended and they wouldn't penalize me. Well how fucking generous! I called her up and told her that wasn't happening, because I wasn't even in town. There's a long pause, and then her horribly perky voice chirps back, "Well I suppose Monday is fine! And you still won't be charged!" Gee thanks! :devil:

Do you know how annoying it is to get a rent-sized amount of money out of 2 different accounts during a weekend?! Well, it was hard for me because of the stupid bank.... GAH I'm just glad it's over. Why couldn't this have happened before I renewed my lease?! I'd so be looking for a new place to live right now. I'd better win that free cruise or I'm peeing in their water cooler.


Allen said:
Iaculus said:
Bubble181 said:
Oh, fine. But you won't like the answer, really.
I helped Shannow place it there. He has a true burning love for you
Bubs, buddy... that was the petrol bomb, not the bird. And you left it in my back garden. After lighting the fuse. Are there map-reading classes for owls?
Bubble's head must be on backwards
If it wasn't before, it soon will be.

Cajungal said:
I cannot post my latest rant because of all the men here...
[strike:1a83dcdg]I argue with that logic. :twisted:[/strike:1a83dcdg]

Upon receiving further information, I recant my argument.


Staff member
InfiniteShadow said:
I've got spring break coming up but I can't go anywhere fun grrrrr :devil:
Wanna come over and do some linoleum prints??? Cuz that's what I'm doing!

<---gigantic loser
The snow is melting SO fast here... Our entire city is situated on crappy farmland that has NO irrigation whatsoever, so everything turns into a massive ocean and forces buildings and tunnels to shutdown due to severe leakage....One of my classes is cancelled for the rest of the year (goodbye to 5 classes that were ALL exam review -_-;) because the entire building is flooded and they won't be able to fix it in time *headdesks*

InfiniteShadow said:
Well at least you aren't stuck with majority of your professors being lousy this semester
Well, at least you don't have someone dismissing your problems by implying his are worse.
Yeah my college went on strike for two months a couple years back. My semester got FUCKED. It wasn't a good thing. I fucking PAID FOR SCHOOL.

I'd rather get the school that I'm paying for, warts and all, than NOT get what I'm paying for.


I have to cut back the gaming

Overslept a little this morning and was going to be late for work. First (serious) thought popping in my mind was to load an earlier savegame :facepalm:
Yoink said:
I have to cut back the gaming

Overslept a little this morning and was going to be late for work. First (serious) thought popping in my mind was to load an earlier savegame :facepalm:
Dude, I've totally done the same thing :rofl: I get too involved in something fictional and my mind starts thinking in that universe's rules for brief seconds.
Gusto said:
Yeah my college went on strike for two months a couple years back. My semester got smurfed. It wasn't a good thing. I smurfing PAID FOR SCHOOL.

I'd rather get the school that I'm paying for, warts and all, than NOT get what I'm paying for.
Some of the buildings are okay, but the tunnels is how we get around quickly on campus, not to mention that where I work is in there too >< Huzzah for $55 million in differed maintenance!
Seems like drainage should've been something they considered pretty heavily before building a tunnel labyrinth.

Those things are cool though. I visited a friend at Carlton (Ottawa) once and it was pretty spiffy.
a) walking home because you miss the last bus can be annoying, if people give you directions that are waaayyyyy off base (luckily I know my way around town a little bit)

b) I've done that thinking-in-fantasy-world-for-a-second bit too. Awkward.

c) Cajun....Now I'm curious. I know I can act like a [strike:1edfmvbw]misogynistic bastard[/strike:1edfmvbw] [strike:1edfmvbw]sad panda[/strike:1edfmvbw] misogynistic arse sometimes, but I'm actually not that bad. What's wrong?

d) Life sucks when you're on your own.

Bubble181 said:
c) Cajun....Now I'm curious. I know I can act like a [strike:3mflceb0]misogynistic bastard[/strike:3mflceb0] [strike:3mflceb0]sad panda[/strike:3mflceb0] misogynistic arse sometimes, but I'm actually not that bad. What's wrong?

( :heythere: @ Cajun)
Well, I'm just curious now. The whole "oh, too many men, can't talk about it" thing, I've heard before, used for pretty much everything ranging from "this brand of tampons f'in CHAVES" over "my clitoris piercing is inflamed" (and she showed me, later on :shock: Not a pretty sight, seriously) to just relationship trouble. It's just too much of a tease! Some things I won't be able to sympathize with (y'know, I'm not really troubled by wipes that don't absorb enough), others I might. Just curiosity. I'm not a cat, I should survive.
Toilet paper, hell yes. I'm a freak for toilet paper; I bring my own four-ply extra-soft super-absorbent toilet paper to work because I can't abide their frickin' sandpaper. Not what I meant, though :-P


Staff member
Oh, no, I wasn't trying to say anything mean about guys. This is more of a woman thing that I don't feel is appropriate for a board full of fellows ...some of whom have been known to be cheeky.

And if you're nosy enough to call someone out on not wanting to go public with something, a PM might be the better route.
I admit, Zen. I always fail at PMs though. Replying I can do, but for some reason, it'll never sent to the person I want to send to if I want to initiate a conversation. Strange thing, this board.0
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