RANT - about anything II

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I have my own Allejandra! I've never felt so smitted with a girl since the one with the crazy redneck boyfriend. She is in my class; I am trying to get to know this girl before I confess my profound love to her. My GAWD I love short blonde girls! SHORT BLONDE GIRLLLLLLLLSSSSSSSSSSS


I can feel myself slowly descending into becoming a crazed, jealous, irrationally-angry ex-boyfriend.

Since that's the last thing I want to be, I'm struggling to keep hold of myself as my thoughts spiral into insanity.
Soliloquy said:
I can feel myself slowly descending into becoming a crazed, jealous, irrationally-angry ex-boyfriend.

Since that's the last thing I want to be, I'm struggling to keep hold of myself as my thoughts spiral into insanity.
One of us! One of us! One of us!
*cough* We have team badges, yo, we're cool!

Rant: as some may have read over in the weekend thread, I had quite an enjoyable weekend; partly spent with actual real life cute nerdy girls :zoid: . That's good, right? Sure enough is. Anyway, of course yesterday night my ex had to call me at 6:30 am (I was just starting work, she was just going home from the bar) about how drunk she was, how much she wanted/need me, she wanted hot/steamy/etc (fill in what you want, it was a long conversation...) sex with me right now, etc etc.
Since I was at work, I obviously didn't do anything beyond wish her a good night's sleep and all that, but now, once again, I can't seem to...errr...think :pud: about any other girls than her, which is INCREDIBLY ANNOYING. Gah! Get out of my head!


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The people at my apartment are so apathetic. When I have a check in my hand, they look at me like a hungry dog looking at a cupcake (apparently). But when they lose MY check and I'm asking them what I can do in the meantime while they correct my mistake?... I get black fucking stares. I hate you all.

The best thing about my week has been homemade chicken salad. How sad am I? :facepalm:
Well-made chicken salad has been known to keep me happy for up to three days.

It is not to be taken lightly.


Staff member
Bubble181 said:
Depends. Was it really *great* homemade chicken salad? Because, you know, homemade foodstuffs can be pretty awesome.
It was my chicken salad. So yes, it's the best thing that's happened to chicken since it crossed the dang road.

Scarlet Varlet

Cajungal said:
Bubble181 said:
Depends. Was it really *great* homemade chicken salad? Because, you know, homemade foodstuffs can be pretty awesome.
It was my chicken salad. So yes, it's the best thing that's happened to chicken since it crossed the dang road.
Evidently into your oven. Not so good for the chicken, however.
My fucking iPod is fucking corrupted which means I'm going to lose all my fucking music and files on it some of which I've long since lost the originals and it's so fucking annoying I want to punch Steve Jobs in his fucking face.


Le Quack

Soliloquy said:
I can feel myself slowly descending into becoming a crazed, jealous, irrationally-angry ex-boyfriend.

Since that's the last thing I want to be, I'm struggling to keep hold of myself as my thoughts spiral into insanity.
Try crying, I hear that helps you emo fag.

I feel rather perturbed today, and I'd rather not write out the essay that would have to fit in this post.

Lets just say unreliable people can go get ass raped.

Aw...I would miss you if you left, G-man. But it's definitely best to take a break when needed. :falldown:

Le Quack

RANT ...... III?

I couldn't find the other rant thread.

I just got pulled over 3 times in the passed 30 minutes trying to get home from a friends house. They all pulled me over the a broken tail light. The first time he pulled me over I gave him my insurance and apparently it is 2 days expired. Then, he had to the nerve to ask to search my car for illegal substances. The second time, they also asked to search. The third time, they also asked to search. I had nothing on me, nor did it smell. I was being super fuckin profiled.

Goddamn Pigs.
RANT ...... III?

Did you accept to the search, tho? If I remember correctly you're not forced to, and after two or three times.. ~_~
RANT ...... III?

Or.... maybe there was someone who actually did something terrible that had a car similar to yours?

Still, I could imagine how that would get very annoying, very quickly.


RANT ...... III?

During Moot Court the other day, I was told all evidence regarding a killing's religious motivation was inadmissable, because the defense found a loophole that made the gathering of said evidence illegal due to "excessive intimidation" of the police to reveal it when it apparently wasn't covered under reasonable doubt.

-_- Tore everything to shreds.
RANT ...... III?

Broken tail lights, man. My friend had a similar experience once.

So did my uncle. Only, my uncle was driving a stolen car and wanted for stealing a semi truck earlier that month. He's had an um... interesting... life.


Staff member
RANT ...... III?

I hate opening my car door and seeing a dirty diaper right there where I was about to step.
RANT ...... III?

I hate going into my car to find that my dad decided he should leave his chewed nicotine gum pieces in the cup holder. So very gross :devil:

I also hate having to wake up at 7:00 every single morning to drive my brother to school, as if I'm being punished just for having a license. I had to walk to school nearly every day through high school; what makes him so special that he can't use his legs? It also pisses me off that he's such a little prick about it, never thanking me for the ride and acting like I should be happy to give him a ride half an hour late when his school is going to be packed with traffic and it will be impossible for me to get out of there.
I spent two full days working myself to the bone trying to finish a 5-6 page paper (That has manifested itself into 17 pages *don't ask*) only to find out that even though it was due at 4pm today, we have till Friday to finish it.... *sigh*
Canary said:
I spent two full days working myself to the bone trying to finish a 5-6 page paper (That has manifested itself into 17 pages *don't ask*) only to find out that even though it was due at 4pm today, we have till Friday to finish it.... *sigh*
Hi, new person!

Scarlet Varlet

Canary said:
I spent two full days working myself to the bone trying to finish a 5-6 page paper (That has manifested itself into 17 pages *don't ask*) only to find out that even though it was due at 4pm today, we have till Friday to finish it.... *sigh*
Yeah. Makes me want to just slough everything off and be late, just to spite 'em. :grrr:
Gusto said:
Canary said:
I spent two full days working myself to the bone trying to finish a 5-6 page paper (That has manifested itself into 17 pages *don't ask*) only to find out that even though it was due at 4pm today, we have till Friday to finish it.... *sigh*
Hi, new person!
hihihi! ^_^ and it's super annoying...But at least I get the extra edit time? I think that's good haha
Canary said:
I spent two full days working myself to the bone trying to finish a 5-6 page paper (That has manifested itself into 17 pages *don't ask*) only to find out that even though it was due at 4pm today, we have till Friday to finish it.... *sigh*
I hate and love that feeling at the same time. All that work when you didn't have to, and then the realization that there is no work when you have to.

And I've fallen for a person who toys around with people. Boy, can I pick them. Well, here's to the next one.

Scarlet Varlet

A sudden cold snap hits. Go to store to buy a warm blanket.
Think I can find one? Guess again. I can buy a beach towel and humourous beachball, though.


Staff member
Silvanesti said:
Cajungal said:

I'm overwhelmed.
im so sorry, I know how that goes. Try to take a night off if you can and just relax.
That's part of why I'm upset. Nothing went the way it was supposed to on my night off. Not fair! Not fair at all! I just wish I had somebody over here to talk to right now. :\ Thanks for listening, Sil. ^_^
Honestly, why the fuck can't I just leave the drama behind me? Gah! I shouldn't be involved in all this anymore! Leave me in peace!

Also: I know I'm out of shape, but seriously, why does it hurt 2 days later when I've only ran for 15 minutes?! Christ.
Scarlet Varlet said:
A sudden cold snap hits. Go to store to buy a warm blanket.
Think I can find one? Guess again. I can buy a beach towel and humourous beachball, though.
We got a massive dumping of snow on Tuesday and it's been unnaturally cold since. All thanks to the wind...And at least you can imagine you're on the beach?
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