RANT - about anything II

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WildSoul said:
I hate people who give me unsolicited child-rearing advice. Really. I can handle my kid. He has his moments, but they are few and far between compared to most 3 year olds. Thanks for the input I didn't want, need, or ask for. :thumbsup:
It's always easier to raise other people's kids.

Son of a monkey whore!

Ok, here's the deal. My home system broke over the weekend. Was working fine thursday night, will not load past the Win XP splash screen on friday. No clue why not. I can load it into safe mode, even safe mode with networking, but not into normal fucking Windows. So, I start my troubleshooting. Found some errors in the event log saying several drivers would not load because they were incompatible with my version of window (Win XP Pro x64 Edition). All of that stuff had been working fine previously, so why choose now to fuck up? It doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I get to work on the system. Check the drivers to find out what they do. The first one that fails is relate to iTunes. Next ones are for CD-ROMs and such. Great, no problem. Remove iTunes, remove the problem, right? Haha, no so fast. remember that I'm in Safe mode? The Install Shield program that iTunes uses to install and unistall can't run under safe mode! Yay! I can't uninstall it! Or so windows would have me believe.

So, I go and use my wonderful friend, the internet, and get all the info on iTunes' files, registry entries, the works, and I manually uninstall that bastard. So, I am now iTunes-free. So, I go back and try to load again. No dice. Still freezes. So, I get BACK into safe mode and check event viewer again. Oh, the CD-Rom drivers are still not working, so I replace those. Reboot. Fail.

Wince. Blather. Retreat.

So, I say fuck it now and get out my recovery CD. I boot from that and try to repair windows. No such luck, the repair process fails. Yippee. So, I try it again. It fails again, but this time, it has a fun error to where it will only reboot and attempt the repair again and then immediately fail and reboot once more. I don't even need the CD in anymore.

Eventually, I get it to the point where I can boot back off the CD and I format my drive and reinstall Windows from scratch.

So, I've lost all my music files and all of my other stuff. No biggie, I have a backup of all that data on my nifty USB Hard Drive. 320 Gigs of fun. I plug it in and nothing happens. You have GOT to be kidding me! Ok, maybe it's the wire (please let it be the wire). I find another wire to try and still nothing. I take it over to my old system and try it there, it's a glorified paperweight now. No light, no power, nothing. It's dead, Jim.


Alright, fine. I just get my system back up and running, then email iTunes about possibly restoring my files. To my surprise, they do so without much problem. they even restore a few files that I had on my old system that I had previously lost due to my own stupidity. So, if nothing else, I have those.

Goddamn XBLA and changing the release date of Puzzle Quest Galactrix from Wednesday to "TBD."

And no, I don't want it on the DS or PC.
ZenMonkey said:
Goddamn XBLA and changing the release date of Puzzle Quest Galactrix from Wednesday to "TBD."

And no, I don't want it on the DS or PC.
Hubby has been complaining to me about this all day. I must have gotten 6 phone calls.

Last week he was pissed that they still hadn't decided how points it would cost.


I ordered flowers for you because i felt sorry. But now I really wish i could cancel the fucking order because of how much of a bitch you're being.

LittleSin said:
Hubby has been complaining to me about this all day. I must have gotten 6 phone calls.

Last week he was pissed that they still hadn't decided how points it would cost.
Heh, well for me it's just a given I'll buy it, which will probably not cost me more than $7 since I still have just under 800 points. I was just stoked for it this week. Sure, I have more than enough games to play but it's pretty rare I'm actively looking forward to a release at all.

Maybe I'll go play the demo some more, to avoid the inevitable embarrassment that is me trying to play WC3. Single-player, mind you. I am an RTStard.
So I get to school this morning, get to a lab, pick a warm spot next to the furnace vent, log in, go to gmail.com, and get THIS:

What the fuck.

If you're going to be on NPR talking to Warren Olney about Obama's speech tonight (which is not a State of the Union), you might want to do better than "I...um...think there's a legal obligation" for the President to give the SOTU. Yeah, it's from an obscure legal document called the U.S. Constitution, you asshat.

General Specific said:
Son of a monkey whore!

Ok, here's the deal. My home system broke over the weekend. Was working fine thursday night, will not load past the Win XP splash screen on friday. No clue why not. I can load it into safe mode, even safe mode with networking, but not into normal fucking Windows. So, I start my troubleshooting. Found some errors in the event log saying several drivers would not load because they were incompatible with my version of window (Win XP Pro x64 Edition). All of that stuff had been working fine previously, so why choose now to fuck up? It doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I get to work on the system. Check the drivers to find out what they do. The first one that fails is relate to iTunes. Next ones are for CD-ROMs and such. Great, no problem. Remove iTunes, remove the problem, right? Haha, no so fast. remember that I'm in Safe mode? The Install Shield program that iTunes uses to install and unistall can't run under safe mode! Yay! I can't uninstall it! Or so windows would have me believe.

So, I go and use my wonderful friend, the internet, and get all the info on iTunes' files, registry entries, the works, and I manually uninstall that bastard. So, I am now iTunes-free. So, I go back and try to load again. No dice. Still freezes. So, I get BACK into safe mode and check event viewer again. Oh, the CD-Rom drivers are still not working, so I replace those. Reboot. Fail.

Wince. Blather. Retreat.

So, I say fuck it now and get out my recovery CD. I boot from that and try to repair windows. No such luck, the repair process fails. Yippee. So, I try it again. It fails again, but this time, it has a fun error to where it will only reboot and attempt the repair again and then immediately fail and reboot once more. I don't even need the CD in anymore.

Eventually, I get it to the point where I can boot back off the CD and I format my drive and reinstall Windows from scratch.

So, I've lost all my music files and all of my other stuff. No biggie, I have a backup of all that data on my nifty USB Hard Drive. 320 Gigs of fun. I plug it in and nothing happens. You have GOT to be kidding me! Ok, maybe it's the wire (please let it be the wire). I find another wire to try and still nothing. I take it over to my old system and try it there, it's a glorified paperweight now. No light, no power, nothing. It's dead, Jim.


Alright, fine. I just get my system back up and running, then email iTunes about possibly restoring my files. To my surprise, they do so without much problem. they even restore a few files that I had on my old system that I had previously lost due to my own stupidity. So, if nothing else, I have those.
Rant update: I emailed Western Digital peeps about my dead drive and they said that it is still under warranty and so I can get it replaced for free!

So, small win there.

Now I just need to see if I can replace the porn collection. Anyone willing to help with that? :unibrow:
Do you *really* want my help in replacing your porn collection?

Admittedly, I'm not certain other bo(ard members, I only like humans, but still :-P

(try this place's XXX section for a good start :-P)

Hey landlord, would you mind warning me when workmen are going to come by so when they start banging on the wall of the room I'm in and then walking into our backyard through the privacy hedge, I won't have a heart attack? Thank you so very much.
ZenMonkey said:
Hey landlord, would you mind warning me when workmen are going to come by so when they start banging on the wall of the room I'm in and then walking into our backyard through the privacy hedge, I won't have a heart attack? Thank you so very much.
Jeez! :eek:

I'm nervous having INVITED people in my house.

Gusto said:
Jeez! :eek:

I'm nervous having INVITED people in my house.
Yeah, they were actually too noisy for me to be worried they were up to something, it mostly just startled about a year of my life out of me. Mostly. (I was fully prepared for a split second to get to the phone and the gun as fast as I could, which I guess was a decent defensive dry run.)


I noticed a trend. And no I ain't tooting my own horn but..

where the mother fuck are the Lost, BSG and Heroes threads?... seriously, where's our threads on Fringe, Life On Mars (yes even the shitty US version deserves discussion), Terminator, etc? (yea I could make them but..it'd be nice to see some other community members do so).
Mav said:
I noticed a trend. And no I ain't tooting my own horn but..

where the mother fuck are the Lost, BSG and Heroes threads?... seriously, where's our threads on Fringe, Life On Mars (yes even the shitty US version deserves discussion), Terminator, etc? (yea I could make them but..it'd be nice to see some other community members do so).
I was honestly waiting on you to make the Heroes thread this week. :)
ZenMonkey said:
Gusto said:
Jeez! :eek:

I'm nervous having INVITED people in my house.
Yeah, they were actually too noisy for me to be worried they were up to something, it mostly just startled about a year of my life out of me. Mostly. (I was fully prepared for a split second to get to the phone and the gun as fast as I could, which I guess was a decent defensive dry run.)
My home defense dry run is something I'm always ready for. I think I've said something about it one of many zombie threads, but there is a machete within arms reach of me right now. :)

Wasabi Poptart

I cannot be coming down with an upper respiratory illness. I will not get sick. Fuck.
My dog is obviously on his last few months, I worked on one computer all fucking day at work and still can't find why it smells like burning, my iPod decided to fake me out for 45 minutes and tell me it was corrupted (5+ years of music on it, some I no longer own), among other things today.

Anything else feel like piling on? I've got a few hours before I go to bed.

Scarlet Varlet

Going through a new project, coding it in PHP. wtf, yet another scripting language. There must be something redeeming in creating a new scripting language every fucking year. What does PHP have over jsp,perl,etc? Why don't they just pick one language and make it good?

PHP is ok, but I've yet to see why yet another script language was needed.


Staff member
Even though I can enjoy the show every now and then, I'm angry at Sex and the City. Ever since it came out and infiltrated the lives of my friends and employers, I've noticed a gross overuse of the word "fabulous." And my God, am I sick of it. SICK! There are other adjectives!

"Your hair is fabulous. Leslie, these appetizers? Fabulous. I went on a trip to Italy last year. It... was.... fabulous."


Cajungal said:
"Your hair is fabulous. Leslie, these appetizers? Fabulous. I went on a trip to Italy last year. It... was.... fabulous."
For my friends and me that adjective came from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and it must always be pronounced "faaaaaabulous" in a nasal Australian accent. It's rarely used seriously. :D
Scarlet Varlet said:
Going through a new project, coding it in PHP. wtf, yet another scripting language. There must be something redeeming in creating a new scripting language every fucking year. What does PHP have over jsp,perl,etc? Why don't they just pick one language and make it good?

PHP is ok, but I've yet to see why yet another script language was needed.
A conversation at a prior job:

HIM: Dude, have you looked at Ruby On Rails yet?
ME: Nope. We write .NET.
HIM: Dude, it's totally awesome. You should really check it out.
ME: Is it a scripting language with if statements?
HIM: (Kind of hesitant) Yeah.
ME: Yeah. I'll learn it, along with the other thirty scripting languages that come out this year, when it applies to my job.

Scarlet Varlet

Fun Size said:
[quote="Scarlet Varlet":vbxamvoh]Going through a new project, coding it in PHP. wtf, yet another scripting language. There must be something redeeming in creating a new scripting language every fucking year. What does PHP have over jsp,perl,etc? Why don't they just pick one language and make it good?

PHP is ok, but I've yet to see why yet another script language was needed.
A conversation at a prior job:

HIM: Dude, have you looked at Ruby On Rails yet?
ME: Nope. We write .NET.
HIM: Dude, it's totally awesome. You should really check it out.
ME: Is it a scripting language with if statements?
HIM: (Kind of hesitant) Yeah.
ME: Yeah. I'll learn it, along with the other thirty scripting languages that come out this year, when it applies to my job.[/quote:vbxamvoh]

I wouldn't touch aspx with a 10m pole. I sat through a security primer at an SD West and stopped taking notes after 45 minutes. Fuck that! Why make secutity such a rabbit warren.

PHP not so bad, it's just the latest thing. Fast to learn, thanks to years as a c/java/perl coder.


Staff member
ZenMonkey said:
Cajungal said:
"Your hair is fabulous. Leslie, these appetizers? Fabulous. I went on a trip to Italy last year. It... was.... fabulous."
For my friends and me that adjective came from Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, and it must always be pronounced "faaaaaabulous" in a nasal Australian accent. It's rarely used seriously. :D
See, now that's excellent. :uhhuh:
CynicismKills said:
My dog is obviously on his last few months, I worked on one computer all fucking day at work and still can't find why it smells like burning, my iPod decided to fake me out for 45 minutes and tell me it was corrupted (5+ years of music on it, some I no longer own), among other things today.

Anything else feel like piling on? I've got a few hours before I go to bed.
On top this stuff my dog is getting worse and my WoW account with two of my 80's was banned because it used to belong to a friend and they found out he wasn't using it anymore.
Fucking internet. Someone hacked my Facebook AND email today. Which means that my computer at the college must not have been logged out.

Which also means that my Twitter and, yes, Halforum accounts may be vulnerable as well.

If I'm in here acting like an asshole anytime soon, do not hesitate to give me the banhammer.
Gusto said:
Fucking internet. Someone hacked my Facebook AND email today. Which means that my computer at the college must not have been logged out.

Which also means that my Twitter and, yes, Halforum accounts may be vulnerable as well.

If I'm in here acting like an asshole anytime soon, do not hesitate to give me the banhammer.
Whelp... someone ban him ASAP, we just can't take the chance he's been compromised. :moon:

Gusto said:
Which also means that my Twitter and, yes, Halforum accounts may be vulnerable as well.
I assume you reset your passwords right away? Or are you worried they're scrambled?
ZenMonkey said:
Gusto said:
Which also means that my Twitter and, yes, Halforum accounts may be vulnerable as well.
I assume you reset your passwords right away? Or are you worried they're scrambled?
Yeah I reset 'em but now I'm little paranoid and more than a little FURIOUS.

Scarlet Varlet

Another weekend a day away and more rain. Like clockwork.

Hello? Am I back in London? I'd like to see the PM about this. The cricketbat? What cricket bat? :ninja:


I spent five hours tonight using a flash drive to transfer files that needed to be saved from my computer to my playstation, music, movies, pics of friends and such, and then put all of my important word files onto a disc. I was getting constant blue screen crashes whenever I tried to start up in anything but safe mode, and even safe mode crashed every five minutes for just about no reason, so as you can imagine it was a painstaking process. I was even having trouble actually running the restore program I finally got it all done, everything neccesary was saved, and copied over. I go to restart the computer, it starts up just like normal, everything's fine and the problems I was having before are now gone . . . 5 hours of transferring and it fixed itself. :explode:
I am superfly TNT. :explode:

I am trying to remain cool, but I am just about to fucking lose it. I am trying to get the fuck out of school, but my damn boss is piling project after project, and trip after trip on me. I am being stretched in way too many directions. I tell him I need to focus on one or two projects, and he tells me I can handle 5 - 6. Then, when it comes time to present my data, I have these little bits of here and there data that isn't related and doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And, I'll be damned if I am going to Kansas for 3 fucking days. Enough. If I am forced to go I will put this guy in my power point. :finger:

Scarlet Varlet

Finally starting to use the new PC my old boss ordered for me before she left over a year ago.

The reason I'm taking so long?


It's every annoyance I've heard and a good deal more. So far I've turned off Glass, have the classic look going and installed Firefox. More to follow, I expect.
Oh, so that's how you kids want to play it, eh? Embarass me in front of the principal by suddenly acting like wild animals? I don't think so, children. I go easy on you because if I don't, I become a tyrant in the classroom. Well, I see you've made your choice. You guys are seriously going to regret your behavior today when next week rolls around.

Scarlet Varlet

A Troll said:
Oh, so that's how you kids want to play it, eh? Embarass me in front of the principal by suddenly acting like wild animals? I don't think so, children. I go easy on you because if I don't, I become a tyrant in the classroom. Well, I see you've made your choice. You guys are seriously going to regret your behavior today when next week rolls around.
That's what you get for trying to educate troll kids. Human kids would never .. uh .. hmm.

Carry on.
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