RANT - about anything II

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Allen said:
You know who sucks? People from Central California.

Man, no wonder they call it Whine Country.
Nuh-uh, no we doooon't!!!! Take that baaaaack!!!! I'm gonna go eat cheese and drink and spit in my wine cellar.

[strike:3nyb6z69]No one admired the art I posted in the epic win thread. :humph:[/strike:3nyb6z69]

Rant redacted.


Staff member
^That art *was* pretty sweet.

Ok. I work in 3 different dorms now... and OF COURSE shit goes down in the ONE HOUR that I work in the women only dorm. ONE FREAKING HOUR a week, damnit, and this sketchy asshole causes trouble on my watch.

I don't want to go into detail, because now it looks like I have to be some kind of witness when she brings up her case this semester with ... someone here, I don't freaking know. This was the 5th or so time this bubble-headed cunt's loser ex-con boyfriend caused trouble in the dorm. WHY WHY WHY did they have to be around when I was on duty? I should have fucking quit and worked at the honors dorm exclusively. This is ridiculous; the girls in here have no fucking clue how to take care of themselves. And my boss is so fucking inept that this wannabe thug is going to keep finding ways of sneaking in.

Yeah, here's my boss:

Girl on duty: ____, he's back, can you come kick him out?
Boss: I'm busy now. *sends a message to his friend on facebook who is now dead* Hmmm, I wonder if there's facebook in heaven.
*He goes to confront the guy, and he's disappeared up the stairs*

Really. REALLY?! This is who I'm answering to? If there is I heaven I don't want to run into him there. He'll be staring at his goddamn computer screen all day facebooking his friends who are alive. CHRIST is he serious?!

Fuck this place. It's full of airheads who do nothing but watch Dr. Phil, drain their fathers' wallets, and let any guy stick anything anywhere just for some form of goddamn validation.

Cajungal said:
It's full of airheads who do nothing but watch Dr. Phil, drain their fathers' wallets, and let any guy stick anything anywhere just for some form of goddamn validation.
Where's this at again? I need to take a road trip! :unibrow:


Staff member
LSU, Dave-o. You buy the right girl enough drinks at the Chimes, and you'll never be without awkward freshman sex again.
I'm purposefully listening to music that will keep me sleepy, so when I get home I can take a glorious nap. Work, however, is dragging on thanks to this.

Kitty Sinatra

Cajungal said:
LSU, Dave-o. You buy the right girl enough drinks at the Chimes, and you'll never be without awkward freshman sex again.
It's road trip time! LSU here I come. I'll swing by Nebraska and pick you, Dave. Anybody else wanna join in? I'll rent a bus if we need the room to hold the forum.

Cajungal said:
LSU, Dave-o. You buy the right girl enough drinks at the Chimes, and you'll never be without awkward freshman sex again.
If I were single I'd be all over them daddy issues.

"Your daddy didn't give you enough attention?" *moves head to highlight the speckled gray in my beard* "I think that's so interesting! Care for another mojito?"

Wasabi Poptart

Why did I want another kid? I think the one I have isn't going to live to see his next birthday if he doesn't stop acting like he's 3 going on 16.


Staff member
Edrondol said:
Cajungal said:
LSU, Dave-o. You buy the right girl enough drinks at the Chimes, and you'll never be without awkward freshman sex again.
If I were single I'd be all over them daddy issues.

"Your daddy didn't give you enough attention?" *moves head to highlight the speckled gray in my beard* "I think that's so interesting! Care for another mojito?"[/quote]

Awesome. Gruebeard and Ed--I'll be sure to point out the really really ridiculous ones out. And they won't drink mojitos. They'll probably want *shudder* long island iced teas with extra cherries. Or a cosmo. *shakes fist at "sex and the city".

AUGH I still wish I could take a swing at my boss every now and then. I know I should be more sensitive because his friend died, but the truth of the matter is that all he ever does is facebook when he's supposed to be working... so my patience is long gone.
I just got the world's stupidest customer complaint email. Honestly. The world's stupidest. This one is so bad it even surpasses the complaint that I got while working for Princess Tours that there were too many trees and someone couldn't see the forest. (Literally, that person was complaining that they couldn't see Denali National Forest because there were too many trees in the way.)

"Customer wanted to know why his payment failed. He complaint it is the most complicated payment for a piece of software. He complained it asked for City but there's no City in his address only got Town."

The worst part of this? The email didn't come from the customer, it came from a tech support rep for the company whose software the customer was attempting to purchase. Apparently neither of them can figure out where on the order form to put the name of the town that he lives in...
Teachers, if you're going to send me an e-mail asking for help instead of a work order like you're supposed to, INCLUDE YOUR GODDAMN ROOM NUMBER. I don't know everyone at this school and don't care to, at least help me help you by telling me where the fuck you are.
:aaahhh: It's dropping below zero and I think the the fan on my furnace is crapping out. It won't work unless I give it a spin and start it. I think it's just the starter that's bad, and I can replace it, but it's gonna be a long night if I have to wake up every 2 hours to start the thing.
That stupid school psychologist I e-mailed about an appointment didn't write back and it was hard enough to write that first e-mail.

I guess I'll just go on unhelped and flunk out of school, then, thank you! Good day!!


Staff member
Calleja said:
That stupid school psychologist I e-mailed about an appointment didn't write back and it was hard enough to write that first e-mail.

I guess I'll just go on unhelped and flunk out of school, then, thank you! Good day!!
Do you know her office number? If you do, go down there if you don't get a response soon. Good luck, sorry :\
My compy is en-route from Alaska.

But... I want up to the minute notice! Is it flying over Canada? Is it trucking through canada, maybe hitching a ride on a lumberjacks truck??? I need to know!

Scarlet Varlet

stienman said:

According to police, Kimberly Knight volunteered to balance the bank books for the Ann Arbor Amateur Hockey Association, then helped herself to close to $1 million dollars of the association's money.
Ought to be hoisted by her own petard, I say.

Her face should be installed in the goal during shooting practice.


Espy said:
My compy is en-route from Alaska.

But... I want up to the minute notice! Is it flying over Canada? Is it trucking through canada, maybe hitching a ride on a lumberjacks truck??? I need to know!
It was stopped by a Mountie border guard and confiscated. It is now being used to watch moose porn.


Kitty Sinatra

Cajungal said:
Men..... are........ clueless.
Ah crap. What did I do now?

MY rant is this: Now that I know I have a second life as CajunGal's guy I'm stressing out mightily. I mean, I'm amazed that I can make it down to Louisiana and back up to Ontario and live two full lives. Explains why I'm so damned tired.

Now, why do I keep making soap?


Staff member
Gruebeard said:
Cajungal said:
Men..... are........ clueless.
Ah crap. What did I do now?

MY rant is this: Now that I know I have a second life as CajunGal's guy I'm stressing out mightily. I mean, I'm amazed that I can make it down to Louisiana and back up to Ontario and live two full lives. Explains why I'm so damned tired.

Now, why do I keep making soap?
*deserved bonk on the head*


Staff member
Silvanesti said:
Cajungal said:
Men..... are........ clueless.
Yes. Yes we are. We're sorry. Maybe women should try to be a little more forthcoming. :D
Dude, if you knew how straight I was you'd be bonking him on the head too. Ah, but he's the sweetest guy ever. ^_^ Not really a rant, just a general observation after a week of frustrating experiences--not all mine. :p


Cajungal said:
Silvanesti said:
Cajungal said:
Men..... are........ clueless.
Yes. Yes we are. We're sorry. Maybe women should try to be a little more forthcoming. :D
Dude, if you knew how straight I was you'd be bonking him on the head too. Ah, but he's the sweetest guy ever. ^_^ Not really a rant, just a general observation after a week of frustrating experiences--not all mine. :p
Oiy im sorry. The dreaded totally oblivious man moment. I've done my fair share of that. :Leyla:

On a totally unrelated not. Seriously, if you're going to fuck, please do it the 14 other hours Im not home and you are. And if you can't do that, then please, at least dont do it when im trying to relax and go to sleep. AND if you cant do that, then at least be entertaining and not sound like you're raping cats.


Cajungal said:
Augh, that sucks. Do you live in a dorm?? I did... and it was.... noisy. :\
Nah, roomies. can't wait till i find a decent apartment.

(or sexyer, more not guy, roomates)

Okay so here is my morning:
1) Wake up. Check FEdex tracking for my new MBP. Says it's here in town. AWESOME! Might get it before Monday.
2) Call Fedex. They say it's not unpacked, won't get it till monday.
3) On a whim check my tracking online again. IT'S ON THE TRUCK. GLEEEEEEEE!
4) 10 minutes later check it again: It says he TRIED TO DELIVER IT BUT I WASN'T HOME. W.T.F.
5) Fedex says they will try to redeliver at noon. My faith is... low.

I am sobbing right now and cleaning my office. SOBBING.


Staff member

that's alot like when UPS couldn't deliver my package because I didn't put an apartment number on the shipping. My bad, I know. I had to call them several times to end up driving out to the middle of fucking nowhere to pick it up. A few days later I get a postcard from UPS saying they couldn't find my address.

You know, in my mailbox. With the apartment number and everything.
I've had issues with our retarded delivery guys before. They don't even bother to ring your apartment, they just go try and dump everything at the office the problem is.... the office isn't open so he just left a "SUCKS TO BE YOU" note and moved on.
They are supposed to call me at noon and tell me to go wait for him outside.
You bet your ass I will.
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