RANT - about anything II

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I have terrible luck. :facepalm:

I have the very first problem problem with my car, something totally benign, and it renders it completely INOPERABLE.

Actually, just my fucking luck. Because, while waiting to get towed, my meter stopped accepting money. Almost got a ticket because the parking attendant was a bit of a prick. I couldn't move my car, the meter was broken, and he wants to ticket me. :Leyla:

So, I get towed, and I asked if it's covered by the roadside assistance I've got. Well, turns out when I called my dealership to get towed, they called the wrong fucking towing company, meaning I'm going to have to pay for the tow, even though I'll get reimbursed later. I know I'll get paid back, but that SUCKS.

Today was almost a complete waste, and I had a bunch of shit I needed to get done.

At least I got a haircut, yay.


Staff member
Yikes, so many of you guys got fucked over hard today. I am crossing my fingers because today has been relatively good...


I had to drive into bumfuck rural ass Mattoon where the mapquest gave me the numbers that the signs don't use. Who knew CR-7 was actually "Old State Road"?

Also, I'm about five dollar in debt to the drying machine at the apartment. Ten little men blowing hard at my pile of clothes would be cheaper and more effective.

Scarlet Varlet

UPS 2nd day air package delivered to door, not at door.

Now on phone tracing to see if on truck still.

Not the first time package was still on truck.


Hoping not stolen. :eyeroll:

Scarlet Varlet

3rd night running, a wall of water is coming down outside my window. Lightning a while ago, but the wind was so strong I thought it would push the window right in on me.

I don't want to hear any more of this drought business.

It's rained and poured now. OK?

Scarlet Varlet said:
I don't want to hear any more of this drought business.

It's rained and poured now. OK?
No, not okay. Here in Southern California at least, this storm might bring us up to the average rainfall for the year, but it's not going to take us out of the drought.


(I guess mine counts as a rave since I loooove rainy weather.)

Scarlet Varlet

ZenMonkey said:
Scarlet Varlet said:
I don't want to hear any more of this drought business.

It's rained and poured now. OK?
No, not okay. Here in Southern California at least, this storm might bring us up to the average rainfall for the year, but it's not going to take us out of the drought.


(I guess mine counts as a rave since I loooove rainy weather.)
Argh. LA doesn't need rain. All your water comes from here or the Sierras. Not fair.

Scarlet Varlet


All the water for SoCal comes from NorCal. Why should we have mudslides for you?

Scarlet Varlet said:
Why should we have mudslides for you?
:eyeroll: :facepalm: :pud:

Here's some mudslides for you, happy now?

I'm reminded of one thing I don't miss at all about living up north -- the smug, sanctimonious attitude about anywhere else in California. (And it's pretty hard to get me to reminisce other than fondly about northern California as I loved it there.)

Scarlet Varlet

ZenMonkey said:
Scarlet Varlet said:
Why should we have mudslides for you?
:eyeroll: :facepalm: :pud:

Here's some mudslides for you, happy now?

I'm reminded of one thing I don't miss at all about living up north -- the smug, sanctimonious attitude about anywhere else in California. (And it's pretty hard to get me to reminisce other than fondly about northern California as I loved it there.)
You evidently have no memory of the massive quantity of mudslides here. We're still recovering from 1998. Devil's Slide, along Highway 1 is being bored into the mountain side rather than be washed down by the next big mudslide. As it is, it's easy to be trapped in the Santa Cruz-Monterey area by mudslides along main roads. Many roads in the hills are down to 1 lane or closed. Not a pretty situation to heap more of the same on.

Scarlet Varlet said:
You evidently have no memory of the massive quantity of mudslides here. We're still recovering from 1998.
I was living in San Francisco in 1998, but nice try.

Scarlet Varlet

ZenMonkey said:
Scarlet Varlet said:
You evidently have no memory of the massive quantity of mudslides here. We're still recovering from 1998.
I was living in San Francisco in 1998, but nice try.
"Here" isn't San Francisco. Try again.

Scarlet Varlet said:
"Here" isn't San Francisco. Try again.
Right, because it wasn't news in San Francisco at all. No one heard about it one tiny bit. Like it never even happened. I think Hearst had something to do with it.

Wasabi Poptart

Gusto said:
How many more days before levels of BAWWW die down?
It will die down around St. Patrick's Day when many people will be too drunk to care.
Fighting about rain solves nothing!


Also more rain means less for me to do at work, so I'm all for it.
WildSoul said:
Oh I've seen fire and I've seen rain.
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end.
Interesting note:

Fire and Rain, by James Taylor, was the song that was playing during my first kiss. :) Followed by Vanessa Carlton's Ordinary Day.

I took note of many of the little details.


Scarlet Varlet said:
Cajungal said:
Silvanesti said:
I feel completely overwhelmed. I thought i could do this, but i just dont know. I haven't been truly happy in months now. FUck damn you life, what with your shitty decisions :humph:
Whatever is wrong, I hope that some good changes come along soon. :\
So much good karma must be coming his way it's only days until Unicorns are shitting on his roof.
Heh, thanks guys. just had a bit of a "what the fuck am i doing" moment. after a great vday weekend everything is gravy again :D
I know there's more important things to be pissed about, but...grah. I understand why some people hate Gamestops now, considering that my store and the ones in the surrounding area are pretty cool. Little backstory: Street Fighter IV is coming out tomorrow, and I wanted to get an arcade stick, since the SFIV ones are too expensive/impossible to find. (Also, for those who don't know, I also work at Gamestop)

So, I did a system search about two weeks ago, and they show the Hori EX2 stick in stock at a Gamestop in a nearby city (next closest place is nearly two hundred miles away). I've had problems with this GS before, though, whenever I went in, but figured it was worth a shot, so I called them and they said they were sold out. I take this to mean an employee has it on hold, shrug, and say okay. Two weeks later (today) I see it's still in the system, and the limit on employee holds is normally a week or so. I call, talk to somebody there, and he says they have it in stock. I ask him to make sure it's not the SFIV ones, he says no; it's the EX2. I thank him, and debate whether or not I really want to go all the way out there for a fight stick ($10 ticket and an hour-long ride one way, and it's cold and shitty outside).

Half an hour later, I decide to make the trip. I call and ask him to put it on hold for me as a customer; he says it's against corporate policy. I tell him I know for a fact it isn't, unless it's a Wii or Wii Fit during the holiday season (and even then the policy's half an hour), and he says they still can't put it on hold, but they're not going to sell out of it. I thank him, hop on the train, ride out there, and get to the store. And, predictably, they tell me they're sold out. I tell them I called an hour ago and they had it, and it's been in stock for the past two weeks whenever I did a system-wide search. They insist they're sold out and ask who I talked to. I tell them, he comes out of the back, looks it up, smiles at me and says, "Sorry, it's spoken for." I tell them I just made a long trip after being assured it was available, and he shrugs. I ask if it's being held for an employee, and he tells me he can't say. I ask how long it will be until the employee's hold expires and I'll be able to pick it up, and he glares at me and says he can't say. I think it was either the two assistant managers or the manager and one assistant. At this point I simply smiled, waved, and walked out of the store because I'd already figured out what I was going to do.

It's common sense, but you shouldn't jerk people around who are part of the same company as you. If they'd been apologetic and admitted an honest mistake, that would've been fine. I don't appreciate being lied to, especially when I know exactly how the system works, and they know I know.

Individual stores are graded on four criteria, the biggest of which is--predictably--customer service, and the main thrust of which is the little feedback surveys you get on individual receipts. I'm going to call back on Friday, ask for the manager I talked to, and see if they have it available. If they don't, my weekly visit to the city to get ramen will include me going in and buying several cheap items on separate transactions and scoring the store at zero on each online. Managers get reamed out if they drop below 80%, particularly if they're mentioned in the feedback...they'll hover somewhere around 33% or so.

Passive aggressive, maybe, but I hate pompous assholes who work at game stores the same way I had pompous assholes who work at comic shops. I don't even care about the stick anymore, since I just asked for a transfer from another store (and the guy was awesome and said he'd send two, since they didn't need them)...I'm just looking forward to fucking with the guys now. I figure this'll be worth more in entertainment than the $10 I lost getting there and back.

(sorry for the length of the rant)

Scarlet Varlet

No sign of my package from Tiger Direct. Now, joy of joys, I get on the phone with them and see if they'll take responsibility for not demanding my signing for the package. If it's on someone else's doorstep, it's a blob of soggy wood pulp and water damaged electronics by now.
Scarlet Varlet said:
No sign of my package from Tiger Direct. Now, joy of joys, I get on the phone with them and see if they'll take responsibility for not demanding my signing for the package. If it's on someone else's doorstep, it's a blob of soggy wood pulp and water damaged electronics by now.
Yeah, my dad ordered a BluRay player through them. A week or so after getting it, the disc player went kaputski, and when he called them to get a new one they led him around by the nose and basically said it wasn't their problem. He called teh manufacturer and they said send it in and they'd send a new one, no charge.

RANT: Okay, with everything else going on, sometimes stupid shit just fucking pisses me off. So last Saturday night I had a gig. You all remember the radio contest that we won? Well, my wife took her friend Mary to dinner and went swimming, etc. They had a great time. So this morning I check my bank account and we're overdrawn because the hotel charged us $250. I called them expecting it to be a mistake and it was an additional cleaning bill because they were fucking smoking in a non-smoking room!

It's a non-smoking room! Do you need to smoke that fucking much?!? You already cost us $4 a day for your fucking habit and now it causes us to go into debt even further? FUCK!
Related rant: I've been through two rounds of antibiotic for a sinus infection, and when I started the second one, the doctor said if things didn't improve he'd have to check for polyps or some damned thing. The headaches are going away, but now I smell smoke all the damned time while I'm working. No one else smells it, but it's like someone is burning a cigarette right behind me all day. Apparently, it's a symptom of fucked up sinuses. So tomorrow I drop another $20 on the doctor so he can send me to someone else. Ugh.
ZenMonkey said:
I'm reminded of one thing I don't miss at all about living up north -- the smug, sanctimonious attitude about anywhere else in California. (And it's pretty hard to get me to reminisce other than fondly about northern California as I loved it there.)
Funny, I think the exact same thing about people in SoCal.

A Troll said:
ZenMonkey said:
I'm reminded of one thing I don't miss at all about living up north -- the smug, sanctimonious attitude about anywhere else in California. (And it's pretty hard to get me to reminisce other than fondly about northern California as I loved it there.)
Funny, I think the exact same thing about people in SoCal.

WildSoul said:
Good Lord, its like NY, NJ, and PA all over again. :rofl:
Yeah, except the thing is, I've lived both north and south, and they both have their awesome qualities and their terrible ones, and the whole "us vs. them" thing is idiotic no matter who it spouts from.

I just heard it a whole lot more up north is all.

Scarlet Varlet

I grow weary of those to take on too much and expect me to do likewise.
ZenMonkey said:
WildSoul said:
Good Lord, its like NY, NJ, and PA all over again. :rofl:
Yeah, except the thing is, I've lived both north and south, and they both have their awesome qualities and their terrible ones, and the whole "us vs. them" thing is idiotic no matter who it spouts from.

I just heard it a whole lot more up north is all.
I've had the opposite experience. People in SoCal are always the ones to complain about people in NorCal and always the one to declare their superiority. I think it's just most Californians in general, no direction more guilty than the other.
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