RANT - about anything II

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Working in a dispatching unit for a security company isn't always all fun and games :confused: That was at 6 am, too, less than an hour after waking up, having just started my shift. I really wished my colleague'd have handled that situation, but, eh. Apparently I'm good at calming hysterical people down?

Scarlet Varlet

Without fail.

A day off sick of holiday and these people come around with their damn leaf blowers, mowers, trimmers, etc. No damn peace.

Scarlet Varlet

Chelski sack Scolari.

Roman is a stupid Russian with his ill-got billions.
I come home and find that the beer I have brewing is foaming out of the airlock. So I decided to stick a tube in the opening so the airlock doesn't plug up and shoot yeast all over. I start to pull the airlock out, and it shoots straight up almost hitting me in the head. I also got myself a face full of yeast, and some got in my eye and it's starting to bug me. :rcain:


Staff member
Happy, active little children that I love should NOT get sick! Stupid daycare kids infecting my godchild with influenza...

I want her to feel better RIGHT NOW! :waah:
My first bus had two eight year olds slapfighting on it.
My second bus smelled very strongly of lemon dish soap.
My third bus was crowded and smelled like cat litter for some reason.

I've been up for 3 hours, on only 3 hours of sleep, and already been on 3 annoying busses.



When a NY subway is delayed (even for very legitimate reasons, the one ahead of it broke down, sick passenger, etc) there is a tendency to make up time by running express, or skipping a number of lesser important stops. Which is fine and dandy do to get the TRAIN back on schedule, but does the complete fucking opposite for the actual HUMAN BEINGS who wind up being even more delayed having to wait for ANOTHER TRAIN to go where they actually want to go!!!

slothilopolis said:
I come home and find that the beer I have brewing is foaming out of the airlock. So I decided to stick a tube in the opening so the airlock doesn't plug up and shoot yeast all over. I start to pull the airlock out, and it shoots straight up almost hitting me in the head. I also got myself a face full of yeast, and some got in my eye and it's starting to bug me. :rcain:

Wasabi Poptart

slothilopolis said:
I come home and find that the beer I have brewing is foaming out of the airlock. So I decided to stick a tube in the opening so the airlock doesn't plug up and shoot yeast all over. I start to pull the airlock out, and it shoots straight up almost hitting me in the head. I also got myself a face full of yeast, and some got in my eye and it's starting to bug me. :rcain:
Yeast. Riiiiiiight. :Leyla:
the term "popcorn movie" is the stupidest thing in the world and whenever people use it I have to fight to not ignore every word they say ever. you dont have to apologize for liking a movie that isnt an "oscar classic", there are plenty of great movies never nominated for shit

i also don't hate whatever shitty movie because i went into it expecting Godfather part 4 you dumb shit, if I expect a great movie and get a shitty movie, it's shitty. If I expect a decent movie and get a shitty movie, ITS JUST AS SHITTY

and no, I refuse to turn my brain off to enjoy a movie, that's just another stupid excuse for liking a shitty movie. I like some movies that are objectively awful =Shoot 'Em Up, Crank, Billy Madison, the Friday the 13th series, but I like them with all my brain working
slothilopolis said:
I come home and find that the beer I have brewing is foaming out of the airlock. So I decided to stick a tube in the opening so the airlock doesn't plug up and shoot yeast all over. I start to pull the airlock out, and it shoots straight up almost hitting me in the head. I also got myself a face full of yeast, and some got in my eye and it's starting to bug me. :rcain:
Sounds like you gave yourself a Frothy Susan, or in this case, a Slothy Susan.
Edrondol said:
slothilopolis said:
I come home and find that the beer I have brewing is foaming out of the airlock. So I decided to stick a tube in the opening so the airlock doesn't plug up and shoot yeast all over. I start to pull the airlock out, and it shoots straight up almost hitting me in the head. I also got myself a face full of yeast, and some got in my eye and it's starting to bug me. :rcain:
I couldn't even get upset about it, I kept thinking of that and laughing my ass off.

So the place I work at opens up an hour and a half before I get in. Apparently Internet was down the whole time but no one thought it would be a good idea to call me so I could come in early. I walk in the door and everyone is just standing around BS'ing. Freakin hell, just call me so I can come in early and get it fixed so we don't waste half the day.


Staff member
Do you know what's not cool? I'll tell you what's not cool---

Boyfriends and girlfriends who take advantage of a crowd in order to fuck with the person they're with.

Example: In front of friends or parents, the girl will MESS with the guy to no end... pulling at his hair, poking him, and "fake" hitting him and calling him names. And the guy's just trying to gently bat her away, when the look on his face is just so miserable. (I'm using a girl as an example because it's the one I just encountered).

If these people were in private, the guy would feel more comfortable about saying, "Oh my God, that's so annoying, PLEASE STOP!" But because there's a crowd and he doesn't want to seem like a jerk, he clams up and has to take it. (Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed him for saying something, but I know he didn't want to risk a public fight).

COME ON. That's SO damn childish! Gragh! Nice people don't deserve that!!!
Cajungal said:
Do you know what's not cool? I'll tell you what's not cool---

Boyfriends and girlfriends who take advantage of a crowd in order to fuck with the person they're with.

Example: In front of friends or parents, the girl will MESS with the guy to no end... pulling at his hair, poking him, and "fake" hitting him and calling him names. And the guy's just trying to gently bat her away, when the look on his face is just so miserable. (I'm using a girl as an example because it's the one I just encountered).

If these people were in private, the guy would feel more comfortable about saying, "Oh my God, that's so annoying, PLEASE STOP!" But because there's a crowd and he doesn't want to seem like a jerk, he clams up and has to take it. (Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed him for saying something, but I know he didn't want to risk a public fight).

COME ON. That's SO damn childish! Gragh! Nice people don't deserve that!!!
I give those dudes a facial expression of solidarity. I don't know if they get the intention behind it, but some will roll their eyes in response. Patience truly is a virtue.


Staff member
Gusto said:
Cajungal said:
Do you know what's not cool? I'll tell you what's not cool---

Boyfriends and girlfriends who take advantage of a crowd in order to fuck with the person they're with.

Example: In front of friends or parents, the girl will MESS with the guy to no end... pulling at his hair, poking him, and "fake" hitting him and calling him names. And the guy's just trying to gently bat her away, when the look on his face is just so miserable. (I'm using a girl as an example because it's the one I just encountered).

If these people were in private, the guy would feel more comfortable about saying, "Oh my God, that's so annoying, PLEASE STOP!" But because there's a crowd and he doesn't want to seem like a jerk, he clams up and has to take it. (Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed him for saying something, but I know he didn't want to risk a public fight).

COME ON. That's SO damn childish! Gragh! Nice people don't deserve that!!!
I give those dudes a facial expression of solidarity. I don't know if they get the intention behind it, but some will roll their eyes in response. Patience truly is a virtue.
GOOD I'm glad someone knows what I mean! It just... rrrr, it boils my blood! BOILS it, i say. I had a friend whose boyfriend would call her a bitch in front of her friends, "jokingly", thinking they would just laugh it off.

Me: "Do you think that's an appropriate thing to say about one of my oldest friends?"
Douchebag extraordinaire: *stunned silence"
Cajungal said:
Gusto said:
Cajungal said:
Do you know what's not cool? I'll tell you what's not cool---

Boyfriends and girlfriends who take advantage of a crowd in order to fuck with the person they're with.

Example: In front of friends or parents, the girl will MESS with the guy to no end... pulling at his hair, poking him, and "fake" hitting him and calling him names. And the guy's just trying to gently bat her away, when the look on his face is just so miserable. (I'm using a girl as an example because it's the one I just encountered).

If these people were in private, the guy would feel more comfortable about saying, "Oh my God, that's so annoying, PLEASE STOP!" But because there's a crowd and he doesn't want to seem like a jerk, he clams up and has to take it. (Frankly, I wouldn't have blamed him for saying something, but I know he didn't want to risk a public fight).

COME ON. That's SO damn childish! Gragh! Nice people don't deserve that!!!
I give those dudes a facial expression of solidarity. I don't know if they get the intention behind it, but some will roll their eyes in response. Patience truly is a virtue.
GOOD I'm glad someone knows what I mean! It just... rrrr, it boils my blood! BOILS it, i say. I had a friend whose boyfriend would call her a bitch in front of her friends, "jokingly", thinking they would just laugh it off.

Me: "Do you think that's an appropriate thing to say about one of my oldest friends?"
Douchebag extraordinaire: *stunned silence"
My brother does this too, not to his girlfriend, but to our parents. He'll take digs at them when we're out in public, knowing that they aren't going to cause a scene. I, of course, have no problem telling him not to be a dick.
Update on my aunt:
She made it through her surgery. However, she opted at the last minute to get both breasts removed. She also had the lymph nodes under her right armpit removed as well. She's healing up nicely and the family is just waiting to hear the results of the biopsy to see where she needs to go from here.


Staff member
Cheesy1 said:
Update on my aunt:
She made it through her surgery. However, she opted at the last minute to get both breasts removed. She also had the lymph nodes under her right armpit removed as well. She's healing up nicely and the family is just waiting to hear the results of the biopsy to see where she needs to go from here.
So glad to hear everything went well! *good future vibes, good future vibes*
Cajungal said:
Cheesy1 said:
Update on my aunt:
She made it through her surgery. However, she opted at the last minute to get both breasts removed. She also had the lymph nodes under her right armpit removed as well. She's healing up nicely and the family is just waiting to hear the results of the biopsy to see where she needs to go from here.
So glad to hear everything went well! *good future vibes, good future vibes*
Cajungal: So friendly, she can send good vibes into the FUTURE.


Staff member
Gusto said:
Cajungal said:
Cheesy1 said:
Update on my aunt:
She made it through her surgery. However, she opted at the last minute to get both breasts removed. She also had the lymph nodes under her right armpit removed as well. She's healing up nicely and the family is just waiting to hear the results of the biopsy to see where she needs to go from here.
So glad to hear everything went well! *good future vibes, good future vibes*
Cajungal: So friendly, she can send good vibes into the FUTURE.
I prefer what my drama club partner said: Leslie: So happy she craps rainbows.

Glad to hear it, Cheesy.

Just found out my stepmother's mom died back in January. Didn't even know there was a funeral. My family -- well, my father -- really sucks that way, among others.

Also, if I read one more variation on "women want only guys who can buy them expensive things" I'm literally going to scream. You all won't hear me, but it will ripple throughout the intertubes. And my throat will probably hurt. And the way the board is going today, I'm pretty sure this is going to happen.

ETA: my annoyance on this topic is not coming from Halforum. ;)
Rant: women you get a $500 computer to win their affections, and they STILL don't return my calls. Damn bitches!

Sorry Zen, just joking :teeth:

On an unrelated note, I have a very strong urge to go punch something. Punchin walls leads to flippin' painful knuckles. I need to get myself a punching bag. Or I need to learn to avoid my frickin' ex, who unfortunately seems intent on being anywhere I go to have a good time with any of my friends, ever, and manages to at the same time whore for my attention (as "I'm the only one who understands her and knows all her problems" and all that, fill in the blanks) and try to push me away as hard as she can (It's manbaw enough here already, so let's not go into details for a change...let's just say some people walk all over your heart and some people wear stiletto's while doing so).
Blergh. Off to find a way to vent.

Scarlet Varlet

California continues to melt down financially. Word around the shop is we need to double the size of the cut discussed a week ago. :waah:

Wasabi Poptart

ZenMonkey said:
Also, if I read one more variation on "women want only guys who can buy them expensive things" I'm literally going to scream. You all won't hear me, but it will ripple throughout the intertubes. And my throat will probably hurt. And the way the board is going today, I'm pretty sure this is going to happen.

ETA: my annoyance on this topic is not coming from Halforum. ;)
You know, I was looking at jewelry online and found a gorgeous pair of earrings for about $20. I showed them to my husband who was going to buy them for me. I had to laugh. So many of my friends and acquaintances would balk at their SO buying them cheap jewelry, especially for a special occasion, but I normally prefer it. The same goes with handbags and shoes. I don't understand how people can spend so much money on these things.
None of that has ever meant much to me.
Why on earth would a 30 year old blade that's been sitting unopened in someone's dresser drawer give me a better shave than this brand new Derby that's supposed to be everyone's favorite DE blade? No blood, but... disappointing. Not the best start to the day.

RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:


Edrondol said:
RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:
Welcome to the past two months of my life.

Iaculus said:
Edrondol said:
RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:
Welcome to the past two months of my life.
Not to be a tosser (yes, I just listened to Yahtzee's review), but I'd be willing to pit my 2009 against yours. As long as yours didn't include a death - which is about the only thing I have yet to experience this year - I think I'd hold up pretty well. I'm just very good about not talking about it here as it would look like I'm trolling for pity and money.


Edrondol said:
Iaculus said:
Edrondol said:
RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:
Welcome to the past two months of my life.
Not to be a tosser (yes, I just listened to Yahtzee's review), but I'd be willing to pit my 2009 against yours. As long as yours didn't include a death - which is about the only thing I have yet to experience this year - I think I'd hold up pretty well. I'm just very good about not talking about it here as it would look like I'm trolling for pity and money.
It's not so much the quality as the quantity in my case. Also, ditto on the last sentence.

Iaculus said:
Edrondol said:
Iaculus said:
Edrondol said:
RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:
Welcome to the past two months of my life.
Not to be a tosser (yes, I just listened to Yahtzee's review), but I'd be willing to pit my 2009 against yours. As long as yours didn't include a death - which is about the only thing I have yet to experience this year - I think I'd hold up pretty well. I'm just very good about not talking about it here as it would look like I'm trolling for pity and money.
It's not so much the quality as the quantity in my case. Also, ditto on the last sentence.
Same here with the quantity. We may have to have the "Kill me now and put me out of my misery" discussion in the PMs. :aaahhh:
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