RANT - about anything II

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LittleSin said:
Argh! My husbands temper is getting worst and it's making me me so depressed and angry! He will literally freak out about the smallest thing and start throwing books or chairs around and then shout at me if I tell him to calm down or to stop destroying my shit!

His gamer rage has reached new limits. Get shot once? Hell! I'll throw my wallet at the wall and leave a huge dent! He won't eat anything that is cooked for him because it's not he wanted despite the fact I ask him what he want and he says "I don't care" or I'll tell him what I want to cook he'll say "sure' then have a fit when he doesn't like it.

It's just...just....so mind numbing. It feels like everything is my fault.
It's not your fault. If this behaviour is new, it may be linked to your current condition. Many men have a hard time with pregnancy and the various situations associated with it. Talk to him about it, talk to a doctor about it, hopefully you can resolve it before you have to talk to the police about it.
I don't think I've ever had real gamer rage. Hell, I use games to relieve that stress.

I think I should get back into TF2 soon...

Wasabi Poptart

Edrondol said:
LittleSin said:
Argh! My husbands temper is getting worst and it's making me me so depressed and angry! He will literally freak out about the smallest thing and start throwing books or chairs around and then shout at me if I tell him to calm down or to stop destroying my shit!

His gamer rage has reached new limits. Get shot once? Hell! I'll throw my wallet at the wall and leave a huge dent! He won't eat anything that is cooked for him because it's not he wanted despite the fact I ask him what he want and he says "I don't care" or I'll tell him what I want to cook he'll say "sure' then have a fit when he doesn't like it.

It's just...just....so mind numbing. It feels like everything is my fault.
Is this a dramatic departure? You might need to talk to him when he's in a calm & good mood (like after nookie) and ask him if there's something else going on like additional stress. Or he may need to see a doctor for something neurological.
This. I also would stop cooking for him. Make your own meal and don't worry about his.
I appreciate the concern and advice. Blue is very stubborn and refuses to admit if there's a problem with how he does things. I live with it, I knew he was stubborn when I married him...I also knew he had gamer rage when I married him. It's just that it's gotten progressively worse and he tells me he's trying but he refuses any kind of consellnig and he won't even go with me to my doctors appointments. I had to beg him to go to the ultrasound because he is very afraid of hospitals. He'll go see his family doctor only after a problem has increased to a point that he's like the walking dead.

Stubborn. He's convinced that no one know better them himself. He'll listen to my grievances and he'll admit that his temper is problem but bring up any kind of help and he just clams up.

As for the cooking thing, I blame his parents. He is spoiled that way. If he didn't like something he didn't have to eat it and that get up and cook him chicken nuggets or pizza or...whatever. I fear that these dietary habits will be learned by our baby.

He IS trying though. He finally gave up soda pop. For years that was what he would drink all the time and parents didn't see a problem with that. They still don't. They keep dropping off bottles of coke and telling him that he needs the caffeine cuz he's an addict and since caffeine isn't too bad he should indulge.

It drives me mental.

Wow. That was a real rant.

Wasabi Poptart

I wouldn't worry so much about the baby picking up his food habits. You have a hand in what your munchkin is going to eat, too. I'd be more worried that the baby is going to pick up his bad "rage" habit or be a victim of it. Maybe you should find a way to record him when he starts going off so he can see exactly what he acts like. Or tell him to get over his problem or else leave until he can act human again. I've made my husband leave the house on several occasions when he was in a foul mood that needed to end.

Le Quack

WildSoul said:
I wouldn't worry so much about the baby picking up his food habits. You have a hand in what your munchkin is going to eat, too. I'd be more worried that the baby is going to pick up his bad "rage" habit or be a victim of it. Maybe you should find a way to record him when he starts going off so he can see exactly what he acts like. Or tell him to get over his problem or else leave until he can act human again. I've made my husband leave the house on several occasions when he was in a foul mood that needed to end.
Have him stop playing video games.
When I stopped playing games, my nerd rage went way down.

Before I stopped, I used to have rolls of toilet paper near my desk and when I got pissed I'd throw them at the wall as hard as I could.
Maybe he should try that.
Le Quack said:
WildSoul said:
I wouldn't worry so much about the baby picking up his food habits. You have a hand in what your munchkin is going to eat, too. I'd be more worried that the baby is going to pick up his bad "rage" habit or be a victim of it. Maybe you should find a way to record him when he starts going off so he can see exactly what he acts like. Or tell him to get over his problem or else leave until he can act human again. I've made my husband leave the house on several occasions when he was in a foul mood that needed to end.
Have him stop playing video games.
When I stopped playing games, my nerd rage went way down.

Before I stopped, I used to have rolls of toilet paper near my desk and when I got pissed I'd throw them at the wall as hard as I could.
Maybe he should try that.
I wouldn't have thought it'd be possible to dent a wall with a sweater.

Gusto said:
Le Quack said:
WildSoul said:
I wouldn't worry so much about the baby picking up his food habits. You have a hand in what your munchkin is going to eat, too. I'd be more worried that the baby is going to pick up his bad "rage" habit or be a victim of it. Maybe you should find a way to record him when he starts going off so he can see exactly what he acts like. Or tell him to get over his problem or else leave until he can act human again. I've made my husband leave the house on several occasions when he was in a foul mood that needed to end.
Have him stop playing video games.
When I stopped playing games, my nerd rage went way down.

Before I stopped, I used to have rolls of toilet paper near my desk and when I got pissed I'd throw them at the wall as hard as I could.
Maybe he should try that.
I wouldn't have thought it'd be possible to dent a wall with a sweater.


LittleSin said:
I appreciate the concern and advice. Blue is very stubborn and refuses to admit if there's a problem with how he does things. I live with it, I knew he was stubborn when I married him...I also knew he had gamer rage when I married him. It's just that it's gotten progressively worse and he tells me he's trying but he refuses any kind of consellnig and he won't even go with me to my doctors appointments. I had to beg him to go to the ultrasound because he is very afraid of hospitals. He'll go see his family doctor only after a problem has increased to a point that he's like the walking dead.

Stubborn. He's convinced that no one know better them himself. He'll listen to my grievances and he'll admit that his temper is problem but bring up any kind of help and he just clams up.

As for the cooking thing, I blame his parents. He is spoiled that way. If he didn't like something he didn't have to eat it and that get up and cook him chicken nuggets or pizza or...whatever. I fear that these dietary habits will be learned by our baby.

He IS trying though. He finally gave up soda pop. For years that was what he would drink all the time and parents didn't see a problem with that. They still don't. They keep dropping off bottles of coke and telling him that he needs the caffeine cuz he's an addict and since caffeine isn't too bad he should indulge.

It drives me mental.

Wow. That was a real rant.
Tell him that he's scaring you and that you fear that he might get out of control. Let him know that this affects you and the health of you, the baby and the marriage. If he still refuses there's not much you can do besides choosing to stay and put up with it or choosing to leave.


There is good snow, and there is bad snow. Bad snow is when it snows, then it rains, then you have to get from a bar in the middle of town to your university hall of residence on the outskirts by climbing a very steep hill after several gin-and-tonics where you halfway forgot the 'tonic' bit.

Guess who just had an encounter with bad snow? Go on, take a wild stab.
Cheesy1 said:
Seraphyn said:

That is all.
Ugh, I was like that earlier this week. I'm sorry! :sadness:
I've always had trouble, sleeping only once every two days. Lately though it's slowly slipping into once every 3 days. I've been up since Wednesday. Bleh :(
Seraphyn said:
Cheesy1 said:
Seraphyn said:

That is all.
Ugh, I was like that earlier this week. I'm sorry! :sadness:
I've always had trouble, sleeping only once every two days. Lately though it's slowly slipping into once every 3 days. I've been up since Wednesday. Bleh :(
Bah! I had trouble sleeping last night. I had to be up at 6 for work, but I couldn't sleep at all until around 3:30 or so. I feel your pain.
Iaculus said:
There is good snow, and there is bad snow. Bad snow is when it snows, then it rains, then you have to get from a bar in the middle of town to your university hall of residence on the outskirts by climbing a very steep hill after several gin-and-tonics where you halfway forgot the 'tonic' bit.

Guess who just had an encounter with bad snow? Go on, take a wild stab.

Michael Jackson? The Grinch? Ed? Michael Phelps? No? ....I'm all out of ideas. Damn.

Rant: If you're sick, that's pretty bad. I sympathise. If you're really pretty sick, but you decide to tough it out and come to work? Good for you, too bad our employer doesn't really care, but kudos. If you're too sick to actually do the damn work, showing up means there won't be a replacement, and that means I have to do your work as well. We're already heavily understaffed with only 2 operators at peak times. You spending 30% of your time in the bathroom, 30% of your time coughing and sneezing so hard you can't pick up a phone and interrupt my calls, 30% of your time whining about how much it hurts and how bad it is? Doesn't help. Either you're seriously sick, so stay at home and get better, or you man up and come to work and, you know, work. Ass.
Secondly: if you have the flue, and a vowel infection and all those other nice things that accompany that sort of thing, I'm sorry for you, I truly am. However, we're together in a relatively small, "air-conditioned" room. If you have to sneeze, use a flippin' handkerchief. If you're coughing, put your hand in front of your mouth. If you're hacking up green gooballs, you should probably not even be working, but if so, don't just hack them on the frickin' keyboard I'll be using later on too. Seriously, how hard is it? Keep your germs to yourself. Try to be at least marginally hygienic. Filthy bastard.
Bubble181 said:
a vowel infection
So what, he only speaks in consonants now?

Kidding aside, I know how it is - more or less, anyway - and it sucks. Hang in there. Plus, can't you file a complaint that the guy has to be forcefully sent home or whatever? Just pretend you care for his well-being. :zoid:
Well, considering it's the weekend and we're the only two having to work, plus the fact that we're in charge of sending out control doctors...it would be difficult. nd ys, h spks lk ths. :-P

Kitty Sinatra

Bubble181 said:
Secondly: if you have the flue, and a vowel infection and all those other nice things that accompany that sort of thing, I'm sorry for you, I truly am. However, we're together in a relatively small, "air-conditioned" room.
Oh, there was one day when my nose just wouldn't stop running and I was feeling chilled enough that I had to turn off the fans around me. I felt bad quite for the guy working next to me having to watch me deal with the runny nose, so I figured it was better for everyone if I just left at break time. I apologized to him on the way out, and he was gracious enough about. He said that he was more annoyed that I had turned off the fan, though. So I then had to also thank him for not fighting with me about the fan (I know that other people would be asses about it, concerned only about their comfort).

So yeah, there is absolutely a point where you are too sick to be at work.

Scarlet Varlet

Web service provider changed directory structure on me without notifying.

Nothing to rant on today. Stay tuned though, we're supposed to have a software drop next week and as usual the lead doesn't have a grip on the project.




Only need to reword and iron out the last 10 pages of this report... but cant find the fucking motivation. I feel so fucking worthless.

Scarlet Varlet

Overcooked my carrot pickles. I'm certain of it.

I bet they turn out mushy.

Scarlet Varlet

And another thing!

Every fucking search now seems to second guess me and insert shite I'm not looking for, don't give a care about and they can shove up their arses.

What the fuck is going on here, search engine writers? I mean what I say and I don't need your fucking help or suggestions! Feck off!
Started off the week taking my car in to have the thermostat fixed, only to find out that not only was the thermostat screwed up, my battery was pretty much dead (knew that already, since I've had trouble starting it sometimes) and that one of the cables was completely corroded. A hopeful-$200 fix for the thermostat turned into $650 all things considered.

The classes offered next quarter, due to budget cuts, were cut to one time slot per class--meaning that there's no longer a Tuesday/Thursday section for all but one of them, and they're all offered in the early to mid afternoon, meaning I have to give up my position as assistant manager (i.e. "guaranteed hours") and go back to getting between ten and fifteen hours a week if I'm lucky.

The guy I recommended for my position has been having anxiety attacks, and--despite the doctor flat-out telling him, "They are dangerous and you should take the goddamn medication I prescribed you two months ago" because they've been getting more and more frequent--he had another anxiety attack, leaving me to close a very busy store located in a very busy mall by myself on a Saturday night. To give you an idea of the severity, the last time he tried going without medication for it and driving he had a panic attack in the fast lane and swerved across four lanes of traffic to get to the side of the road. Goddamn MIRACLE he wasn't hurt. EDIT: Recommended him for the job, should I ever have to give it up, a few weeks before anxiety attacks started.

After leaving work, I started getting fever chills, took my temperature, and lo and behold. Another dipshit I work with I told NOT to come into work when he was still sick came into work anyways saying he wasn't contagious anymore, and now I'm getting sick. Hopefully not with what he had, which was a horrible case of the flu, but time will tell.
My belt (I've only ever needed one) broke. It just....broke.

Now I've got to keep my pants up with a shoestring.

Kenneth Cole, you've let me down.

Scarlet Varlet

Vagabond said:
My belt (I've only ever needed one) broke. It just....broke.

Now I've got to keep my pants up with a shoestring.

Kenneth Cole, you've let me down.
Eat more fried carbo-infested foods and drink beer. You won't need a belt.
I have not had a regular cup of coffee in a week, just decaf. I didn't think it would affect me this much but my sleep patterns are getting FUCKED.
Allen said:
Gusto said:
I have not had a regular cup of coffee in a week, just decaf. I didn't think it would affect me this much but my sleep patterns are getting FUCKED.
On the bright side, at least something is.

Also, I'm at school now, where I can easily get caffeinated coffee.
Five guys dressed in black kidnapped a security officer and put a gun to his face, and forced him to open a company building for them. Afterwards, they stuffed him in a basement and left him there for several hours. I got to talk the man back to sanity and keep him out of shock 'till help arrived on the scene...Hmmyeah. Frickin' ambulance apparently took the scenic route. By the time they got there he was already mostly recovered from shock :eyeroll:
Bubble181 said:
Five guys dressed in black kidnapped a security officer and put a gun to his face, and forced him to open a company building for them. Afterwards, they stuffed him in a basement and left him there for several hours. I got to talk the man back to sanity and keep him out of shock 'till help arrived on the scene...Hmmyeah. Frickin' ambulance apparently took the scenic route. By the time they got there he was already mostly recovered from shock :eyeroll:
Yikes! What the fuck?
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