RANT - about anything II

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Edrondol said:
Iaculus said:
Edrondol said:
Iaculus said:
Welcome to the past two months of my life.
Not to be a tosser (yes, I just listened to Yahtzee's review), but I'd be willing to pit my 2009 against yours. As long as yours didn't include a death - which is about the only thing I have yet to experience this year - I think I'd hold up pretty well. I'm just very good about not talking about it here as it would look like I'm trolling for pity and money.
It's not so much the quality as the quantity in my case. Also, ditto on the last sentence.
Same here with the quantity. We may have to have the "Kill me now and put me out of my misery" discussion in the PMs. :aaahhh:
Thanks, but no thanks. I've been repressing so much over the past few years that I'm genuinely scared as to what would happen if it all came out at once.

Plus, whiny student rants are no fun at all to read. See, I'm thinking of your wellbeing here, man. ;)
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.


Staff member
Gusto said:
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.
You just reminded me of the play Shadowlands. "Give me blizzards and bursting pipes, but not this nothing time."


Gusto said:
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.
Sounds like England. If it's wet, grey and dead it's a standard day. Oh how I long for one of them right now. I can barely leave my house because the road I live on is steep, and coated in a nice layer of ice. One misplaced step and you're in a busy junction on your arse.
Mr_Chaz said:
Gusto said:
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.
Sounds like England. If it's wet, grey and dead it's a standard day. Oh how I long for one of them right now. I can barely leave my house because the road I live on is steep, and coated in a nice layer of ice. One misplaced step and you're in a busy junction on your arse.
My shoes have no grip and I walk FAST. But nobody can tell me that I'm not the best damn ice-walker this city's ever seen.


Gusto said:
Mr_Chaz said:
Gusto said:
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.
Sounds like England. If it's wet, grey and dead it's a standard day. Oh how I long for one of them right now. I can barely leave my house because the road I live on is steep, and coated in a nice layer of ice. One misplaced step and you're in a busy junction on your arse.
My shoes have no grip and I walk FAST. But nobody can tell me that I'm not the best damn ice-walker this city's ever seen.
I read that with some swelling inspirational music in my head to accompany it. A shiny penny for anyone who can make sense of that.
Mr_Chaz said:
Gusto said:
Gusto said:
I hate February. It seems to be the bridge between winter and spring. For several days, everything outside has been wet, grey, and dead.
Sounds like England. If it's wet, grey and dead it's a standard day. Oh how I long for one of them right now. I can barely leave my house because the road I live on is steep, and coated in a nice layer of ice. One misplaced step and you're in a busy junction on your arse.
My shoes have no grip and I walk FAST. But nobody can tell me that I'm not the best damn ice-walker this city's ever seen.
I read that with some swelling inspirational music in my head to accompany it. A shiny penny for anyone who can make sense of that.[/quote:3tx2magu]

I guess I should add that I've had more practice being graceful on ice than a dude should need to have. :)
Edrondol said:
RANT: Don't you just love it when all of the balls you've been juggling come crashing down on your head all at once? This week has been AWESOME! :waah:

Hope everything gets better soon, insofar as they can. Make the idiot who wrecked your car pay you $20 million, that'll at least alleviate some of the other problems, hopefully.

Also: come on! This thread needs sharing!

Scarlet Varlet

TiderDirect sent an open-box KVM switch - less the power supply.

What a load of fuckwits. Seriously. No shrink wrap, don't check to make sure it's complete inside. For that matter, someone put it on their shelf without taking inventory of it. Amateurs. Last time I buy from these fucktards.


Staff member
Scarlet Varlet said:
TiderDirect sent an open-box KVM switch - less the power supply.

What a load of fuckwits. Seriously. No shrink wrap, don't check to make sure it's complete inside. For that matter, someone put it on their shelf without taking inventory of it. Amateurs. Last time I buy from these fucktards.
Probably because you bought from some TigerDirect ripoff chain.

Kitty Sinatra

It'd be really nice if record companies would print the name of the artist and album title ON THE FUCKING CD.
Gruebeard said:
It'd be really nice if record companies would print the name of the artist and album title ON THE FUCKING CD.
haha, seriously. I'll go through my albums and see one with some fancy art on it, and sit there for like 3 minutes trying to remember what band it is..

Kitty Sinatra

I've got so many CDs, I decided a long time ago to scrap the cases and store the discs in binders. Just today, I decided to go even further and scrap the liner notes so I can double the storage capacity of my binders. I'm never gonna know what some of my discs are . . . although I can stick it in the CD Drive and let the internet figure it out for me (that works for all but about a half dozen of what I on - I'm actually amazed that some of the obscure things can be found).

A song list on each disc would be extra handy.

I just hope I never lose a binder.


I feel completely overwhelmed. I thought i could do this, but i just dont know. I haven't been truly happy in months now. FUck damn you life, what with your shitty decisions :humph:


Staff member
Silvanesti said:
I feel completely overwhelmed. I thought i could do this, but i just dont know. I haven't been truly happy in months now. FUck damn you life, what with your shitty decisions :humph:
Whatever is wrong, I hope that some good changes come along soon. :\

Scarlet Varlet

Cajungal said:
Silvanesti said:
I feel completely overwhelmed. I thought i could do this, but i just dont know. I haven't been truly happy in months now. FUck damn you life, what with your shitty decisions :humph:
Whatever is wrong, I hope that some good changes come along soon. :\
So much good karma must be coming his way it's only days until Unicorns are shitting on his roof.
It's so windy, the power keeps cutting on and off.

Of course, this only starts happening at night, not during the day, when you can stay warm with sunlight.

This happens any time it's even moderately windy.

At least I can tell when it's going to cut, because when the generator (grid, power box?) short circuits, it makes a big ol electrical explosion sound.
Apparently the "honeymoon" stage of the relationship is over when we're apart. I didn't agree to this. We used to text each other all day long and now I'm lucky to get two or three a day. And when I text a sexy text, he just responds, "lol."

But when we're together, things are perfect!!!! We can't keep our hands off each other, we laugh constantly, have great conversation, and have an overall great time.

Vytamindi said:
Apparently the "honeymoon" stage of the relationship is over when we're apart. I didn't agree to this. We used to text each other all day long and now I'm lucky to get two or three a day. And when I text a sexy text, he just responds, "lol."

But when we're together, things are perfect!!!! We can't keep our hands off each other, we laugh constantly, have great conversation, and have an overall great time.

Welcome to long-distance relationships. Mine went almost exactly like yours has up to this point, including my ex falling off the radar. You seem happy with it so I hope it all works out, but it's far from easy.


Staff member
Vytamindi said:
Apparently the "honeymoon" stage of the relationship is over when we're apart. I didn't agree to this. We used to text each other all day long and now I'm lucky to get two or three a day. And when I text a sexy text, he just responds, "lol."

But when we're together, things are perfect!!!! We can't keep our hands off each other, we laugh constantly, have great conversation, and have an overall great time.

Already there, been there a while. :\ Sorry, it does suck. I didn't get "constantly" called or texted, but he did used to call a little more "just because." We still talk at night, but that's just cuz we're both on some online game or AIM.
He's totally worth it, though. And plus, he's been visiting more frequently because he's about to move down here. I pick him up on Monday from MSY and he stays for two weeks! Things are looking up, but my brain is frazzled.

I fucking hate numbers and stuffs that doing my taxes forces me to endure.


Staff member
Vytamindi said:
He's totally worth it, though. And plus, he's been visiting more frequently because he's about to move down here. I pick him up on Monday from MSY and he stays for two weeks! Things are looking up, but my brain is frazzled.

I fucking hate numbers and stuffs that doing my taxes forces me to endure.
Same here. He's never been chatty on the phone. It just sucks when that's your #1 mode of communication.

Numbers ARE dumb.
Vytamindi said:
He's totally worth it, though. And plus, he's been visiting more frequently because he's about to move down here. I pick him up on Monday from MSY and he stays for two weeks! Things are looking up, but my brain is frazzled.

I fucking hate numbers and stuffs that doing my taxes forces me to endure.
To quote one of my favorite films:

"You two are retarded for each other." Things'll work out if you guys keep trying, and though it's a bit of a rough patch it sounds like that you'll pull through.
Silvanesti said:
I feel completely overwhelmed. I thought i could do this, but i just dont know. I haven't been truly happy in months now. FUck damn you life, what with your shitty decisions :humph:
I'm drunk right now, so I may be - hell, am probably - mistaken, but weren 't you the one wondering about your relationship recently, if it was still worth it to stay together since you'd grown bored/accustomed? If so, if this is how you continuously feel...Change something, somehow.

Actually, if "I haven't been truly happy in months now." is how you feel, change something significant, anyway, no matter how you can? If only I could/would take my own advice.
Can you also blurt out random good things here?

In any case, I've been up since Thuesday. So I needed to drop off two friends at the airport this morning. We start to drive, we get out of my city, next thing I'm conciously aware off, we're halfway there.
Good thing is: No one died! How awesome is that?

Scarlet Varlet

Seraphyn said:
Can you also blurt out random good things here?

In any case, I've been up since Thuesday. So I needed to drop off two friends at the airport this morning. We start to drive, we get out of my city, next thing I'm conciously aware off, we're halfway there.
Good thing is: No one died! How awesome is that?
There's an Epic Win thread here.

Take your positive stories and go!

grump gripe moan ruining perfectly good thread with all this positivity.

Wasabi Poptart

It's almost midnight. And I'm hungry. I want to go to sleep, but I know if I don't eat something I'm going to end up nauseous. :eek:rly:

Mr Oudemans, please go DIAF. :explode:

Mr. Oudemans is one of my teachers this semester, and he's a total dickwad. That is all.
My dad is fucking moron that drops most responsibilities at a drop of a hat if that new tart girlfriend of his asks him to. And he wonders why the fuck I don't like her.

So now my brother and I are alone for the weekend with probably no way to get money for..y'know.. ANYTHING.

And my friends are fucktards that choose the worst weekend ever to BE fucktards.

And the girl that was gonna make my birthday all "awesome" lives 40 minutes away and I have no MONEY to put GAS in the FUCKING CAR!!!

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