RANT - about anything II

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Ok, I come in to work at 730 to set up all the equipment for a meeting. I get everything in place, but the projector wall plate won't work. FUCK. so i swap out all the equipment, make sure everything is plugged in, every trouble shooting thing i could think of. As im panicing (and running between floors, with a very nasty fever), my boss's boss comes in (this is who i am trying to set up the meeting for) and tells me "oh, yeah they turn off the wall plate at the breaker, we had some heat issues, no one told you?"

flip one fucking switch and everything comes up. BAH.

Now im just going to spend the rest of my day alternating between sweating bullets or shivering.
Damn it!

Ok, so we have a very small company, I'm sure that's no surprise to anyone, I've ranted about it before. The bookkeeper, aka the owner's wife, apparently can't be bothered to tally hours on a time sheet, and just takes the number at the bottom at face value, so at the beginning of the year there was a big screw up with my Paid Time Off balance because she hadn't been paying attention to the fact that I was (following the policies of the company here) writing the number of hours and then PTO on a given day if I used PTO. Instead, she wanted me to write in the total number of hours worked, with a line under it breaking out the hours into whichever category of pay they belong in. I.e. If I "worked" 80 total hours and 20 of them were PTO, it would be:

60 Reg 20 PTO

This time it was 79.5
70.5 Reg 8 PTO 1 OT

What did I get paid for?
61.5 reg 8 PTO 1OT

Now, 9 hours isn't all that terrible to lose off of one check, but it is about $250 that I would happily use to, I don't know, buy gas to come to work?


Gared said:
Now, 9 hours isn't all that terrible to lose off of one check, but it is about $250 that I would happily use to, I don't know, buy gas to come to work?
Oh man, that sucks, im sorry. I've had to yell at our accounting dept a few times for messing up my vacation hours. To them its just a number, but to me, its blessed time away from here.

Philosopher B.

Fucking Amazon. So many things on it are 'Out of Stock' or 'Discontinued' these days. I can't even buy Transformers (the REAL movie :moon: ) on DVD. And why the hell can't I order my own copies of The Lord of the Rings movies? What am I gonna hafta do? Go outside to STORES or some shit? :Leyla:

- Philosopher B., who in his defense is in the middle of Nowheresville New Jersey and lives FAR FAR AWAY from any Borders or Best Buy, and hasn't been to Delaware for that kind of shit in a while.

Scarlet Varlet


Avast scared the shit out of me with it's sounds. Had the volume half up and it was LOUD.

What the fuck is wrong with people? Aske if they want sounds, don't just assume they want their computer holding one-sided conversations. Feck...
I've been pretty pissy for the last week. Increasingly so. Hopefully my trip to the pub later will help to alleviate this.

Scarlet Varlet

Gusto said:
I've been pretty pissy for the last week. Increasingly so. Hopefully my trip to the pub later will help to alleviate this.
If that doesn't work, slug someone.


Turns out the reason I was putting off doing my last work for this semester's writing class that I was supposed to teach is because I didn't really want to finish it up. Did not realize this until I emailed it all to my boss. Le sigh. :tear:

Scarlet Varlet

ZenMonkey said:
Turns out the reason I was putting off doing my last work for this semester's writing class that I was supposed to teach is because I didn't really want to finish it up. Did not realize this until I emailed it all to my boss. Le sigh. :tear:
On the other hand, it leaves you more time to plan your take over of the world with your cats.

Ben Brantley savaged the show my mother's working on, and it's going to close four days after opening. Not unusual in the world of theatre but my mom always takes it hard, and she was really happy to have a new show.

Le Quack

Both of my headphone speakers aren't working like they are supposed to. On and off all the time.
I really want to watch the Suns-Celtics game today. Lucky for me its on ABC.
Oh wait! There's gonna be a telethon instead!

Scarlet Varlet

Have to buy Digital coverter box by end of month or coupon expires. Finances tight, but don't want to waste coupon, assuming I ever watch TV again. :grrr:
blotsfan said:
I really want to watch the Suns-Celtics game today. Lucky for me its on ABC.
Oh wait! There's gonna be a telethon instead!
Forget this rant. Its gonna be on another network.

Scarlet Varlet

Three straight days of sun, then the weekend comes, clouds and rain. Seems to happen a lot in these parts.

Wasabi Poptart

WTF takes you so long in the bathroom?!? Stop reading or playing the DS, get your business done, and get the fuck out! I'd like to take my shower before noon!
WildSoul said:
WTF takes you so long in the bathroom?!? Stop reading or playing the DS, get your business done, and get the fuck out! I'd like to take my shower before noon!
My bathroom is one of the only places where I can get some serious reading done!

1) If it is your intent to buy ALL of the food I've cooked, give me a little notice. Call in and tell me. Like jeez. I'm not a fast food restaurant, I'm ONE GUY.

2) If it's busy, you may have to stand in line. This isn't the fault of the employees. We only have three people slicing meats at any given time, yes, but we only have three SLICERS. Don't get pissy at me because you came at a busy period and couldn't stand to wait for 5 minutes.

3) Once you make it to the front of the line, STOP TEXTING AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. There are 10-15 people behind you thinking the same thing.


Nah, thats totally cool. Ignore me for a couple days and then just text me once at 2am and call it good? yeah, im not pissed about that at all


Staff member
HEY, dorm guitar guy---congrats on knowing how to strum 5 chords. That's excellent. But maybe you could take your Googoo dolls recital to another lobby while I'm on duty?
Gusto said:

1) If it is your intent to buy ALL of the food I've cooked, give me a little notice. Call in and tell me. Like jeez. I'm not a fast food restaurant, I'm ONE GUY.

2) If it's busy, you may have to stand in line. This isn't the fault of the employees. We only have three people slicing meats at any given time, yes, but we only have three SLICERS. Don't get pissy at me because you came at a busy period and couldn't stand to wait for 5 minutes.

3) Once you make it to the front of the line, STOP TEXTING AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. There are 10-15 people behind you thinking the same thing.
You make food? Food which involves slicing meat on giant slicers, but isn't fast food? I must know more.

hudeany said:
WildSoul said:
WTF takes you so long in the bathroom?!? Stop reading or playing the DS, get your business done, and get the fuck out! I'd like to take my shower before noon!
My bathroom is one of the only places where I can get some serious reading done!
I agree. If I try to read anywhere else in the house one of the cats comes and sits on me and purrs in just the right harmonic to put me to sleep instantly. Of course, this is part of why my fiance and I specifically rented an apartment with 2 bathrooms.

Silvanesti said:
Nah, thats totally cool. Ignore me for a couple days and then just text me once at 2am and call it good? yeah, im not pissed about that at all
:wince: Ouch, sorry man.

ZenMonkey said:
Ben Brantley savaged the show my mother's working on, and it's going to close four days after opening. Not unusual in the world of theatre but my mom always takes it hard, and she was really happy to have a new show.
I know not of this Ben Brantley, but I am sorry to hear that. The world needs more good theatre.

Wasabi Poptart

Gared said:
WildSoul said:
WTF takes you so long in the bathroom?!? Stop reading or playing the DS, get your business done, and get the fuck out! I'd like to take my shower before noon!

I agree. If I try to read anywhere else in the house one of the cats comes and sits on me and purrs in just the right harmonic to put me to sleep instantly. Of course, this is part of why my fiance and I specifically rented an apartment with 2 bathrooms.
Our place actually has 2 1/2 bathrooms. The real problem is that he wants to go out and do something as a family, but I can't get ready because he's using the bathroom with the shower. I could be showered, dressed and out the door in half the time he uses sitting on the toilet with a book.

CynicismKills said:
I'm tired, I don't feel well, and I move in 2 weeks so I'm stressing. Also the forums is eating my posts.

I want to go back to bed.
Eh? What's happening with the board?
Edrondol said:
CynicismKills said:
I'm tired, I don't feel well, and I move in 2 weeks so I'm stressing. Also the forums is eating my posts.

I want to go back to bed.
Eh? What's happening with the board?
Might not be the board, might be my connection. If there's a lot of folks online at work everything slows to a crawl.
Gared said:
Gusto said:

1) If it is your intent to buy ALL of the food I've cooked, give me a little notice. Call in and tell me. Like jeez. I'm not a fast food restaurant, I'm ONE GUY.

2) If it's busy, you may have to stand in line. This isn't the fault of the employees. We only have three people slicing meats at any given time, yes, but we only have three SLICERS. Don't get pissy at me because you came at a busy period and couldn't stand to wait for 5 minutes.

3) Once you make it to the front of the line, STOP TEXTING AND TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT. There are 10-15 people behind you thinking the same thing.
You make food? Food which involves slicing meat on giant slicers, but isn't fast food? I must know more.
I work in a grocery store deli. We have a Hot and Cold deli, and I've worked there long enough to be able to do both really well. So every weekend, I cook and serve ALL of our hot food. When it gets particularly busy, like yesterday, I ALSO need to go over to Cold and slice lunch meat for customers.

I don't like when shit gets outta hand like it did yesterday but very few people at my store can adapt like I can.
I'm tired, I've had headaches getting progressively worse for over four weeks now with no sign of letting up, and I wish that, just for a day or two, everyone could just take care of their damned selves. I don't need pity. I don't need help. I don't need someone to take care of me. I just need to be left the hell alone for a little while and have everyone else take care of their own fucking problems.

And I never got any pie, goddamit.
My employer recently conducted an internal service survey that asked all staff to measure the performance of each department on several different issues on a scale from 1 to 5 and then to add a quick comment.

My department's scores came back high, 4.1 out of 5. Comments were generally good, telling us that we were friendly, helpful, stretched too thin, etc.

One chickenshit coward wrote:

"Department is generally good except Adammon who is arrogant and difficult to work with (not in public, only individually). Inexperienced and obviously incapable of his position"

I know who did it, and I'd just like to fucking punch him up in his smug face.

The Mike

Have you ever tried to capitalize numbers? It happens to me all th time shift + # and then I remember that's not how it works.

Wasabi Poptart

I hate people who give me unsolicited child-rearing advice. Really. I can handle my kid. He has his moments, but they are few and far between compared to most 3 year olds. Thanks for the input I didn't want, need, or ask for. :thumbsup:
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