RANT - about anything II

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We've got new accounting software at work. Entirely web-based applications. The learning curve of new policies and procedures is one thing. It's even understandable when certain functions aren't yet fully working....but some of the formatting is just god awful!!

I have a report that in order to view with any kind of completeness, I ave to stretch the window across BOTH of the side-by-side monitor set up I have....and since I can't print it without cutting off 2/3rds of the info, I've taken to Print Screening the whole thing, pasting it into MS Paint (of all things) and then hacking it up to get the information I really need (which are the first 3 and last 3 columns) next to each other.

Philosopher B.

Frakkin' colds. I feel like falling over. My back hurts and everything ACHES. Thank the stars school was canceled today.
I spent 8 hours last week doing a massive revision project for our client, turning their FAQs from poorly translated German -> English wording to American English (whilst making sure to stick to proper grammar, tyvm), including the email templates that both the German customer service team and our customer service team in the States use to respond to customer emails. The entire project was proposed by our client, and they agreed that there were probably too many templates in the first place, as there are all kinds of duplicates and templates that hadn't been deleted but are no longer relevant. Also, the client wanted the email templates to sound more human and be more customer friendly.

Apparently, they hate it now. They are incredibly angry. And, the email from the client makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Fucking client.

Okay, I'm confused now. Got a phone call from said client (did I mention they're German, from Germany, and we're American, from America?). Specifically, from the head of customer service for said client. Same person who sent us the email. Absolutely happy with the work we did. Loves the revision. Not worried in the least.

Apparently, she hadn't read the work we did, and was just going off of complaint phone calls from the German CS team that the new templates make them work harder. Once she actually read the work, she was happy with it.
F*** it! No one understands!!

If you read it right (and you know you did) fuck it, go ahead and fucking whine. No one here is going to fucking care but at least it gives you a spot to fucking do it.

... (yes, I fucking cussed a few fucking times. It's in my fucking nature.) Whine about anything you want to.

My whine:

I'm lonely. I broke up with what may have been possibly the most wonderful girl in the world for what may be stupid fucking physcho reasons caused by my impending divorce.
F*** it! No one understands!!

Thread Necromancer said:
If you read it right (and you know you did) fuck it, go ahead and fucking whine. No one here is going to fucking care but at least it gives you a spot to fucking do it.

... (yes, I fucking cussed a few fucking times. It's in my fucking nature.) Whine about anything you want to.

My whine:

I'm lonely. I broke up with what may have been possibly the most wonderful girl in the world for what may be stupid fucking physcho reasons caused by my impending divorce.
I am also drunk and it took me three attempts to find the "-" key.

--edit 2--
fuck, I am drunk. I didn't notice I hit quote instead of edit. Also, this thread is about YOUR whining in general. Don't give a shit about me, it is YOUR CHANCE TO FUCKING WHINE PEOPLE!! about anything and everything. lets have at it.

Since this was the intention, threads merged. -ZM


F*** it! No one understands!!

sooo..wait, you broke up with your girlfriend, or your wife? ...or your girlfriend while married? Wha??
F*** it! No one understands!!

Actually both TNG ( I hope I got that right). I broke up with my wife, who ended up with another mans child. That was a few months ago. And then I had this wonderful girlfriend who I broke up with because I was afraid I was going to hurt her.


F*** it! No one understands!!

ahhhhh (and I say this as sympathetically as I can, please don't misunderstand)... so you were afraid of rebounding on her and hurting her?

How badly did you break it off with her?


I think we should have been merged into the manbaw thread? :eyeroll: (at merging, not your situation)
I will now double post:

I was afraid that no matter how deeply I cared for her that somewhere in my mind it was a rebound thing. And I could not do that to her. So in the end, yes, what you say is true. I felt for her very VERY strongly, but part of me feared it was a rebound thing and that I would realize that eventually and just hurt her more in the end.

Thread Necromancer said:
holy shit we have been merged!!!
Well, you said you wanted a thread where everyone could whine, and since we have a good one...

I am sorry to hear about the romantic suckitude, though. :(

The Neon Grue said:
:eyeroll: (at merging, not your situation)
I went off what TN said. If you don't like it, :pud:.
A Troll said:
[quote="Thread Necromancer":2oh4laz9]holy shit we have been merged!!!


I'm a really big jerk and I realize that. So I take this back and humbly insert instead a kind offer to a drink:



Thread Necromancer said:
I will now double post:

I was afraid that no matter how deeply I cared for her that somewhere in my mind it was a rebound thing. And I could not do that to her. So in the end, yes, what you say is true. I felt for her very VERY strongly, but part of me feared it was a rebound thing and that I would realize that eventually and just hurt her more in the end.
Now is a good time to listen to some Michael Bolton.. I listened to it when I split with someone.. made me feel better.

Sorry man, I don't know what else to say. If you're afraid of rebounding, stay single a while.. recover, recuperate, heal. If this lady is willing, perhaps she will/can wait a while to make sure you don't rebound and neither of you get hurt?

Prayin for ya.
Thread Necromancer said:
[quote="A Troll":74i6ctsg][quote="Thread Necromancer":74i6ctsg]holy shit we have been merged!!!


I'm a really big jerk and I realize that. So I take this back and humbly insert instead a kind offer to a drink:


Awww, you're not a jerk. No worries.

*buys TN another round*
Wait, we're supposed to be ranting now, aren't we?

FUCK YOU, LUNGS. You little bitches need to toughen the fuck up. I'm not going to miss 2 days of school in a row because you two can't keep your shit together during one measly little cold.
Now we are ranting:

Fuck you intoxication!! I don't care if I can drink (al)most anyone I meet under the table!! I am not drunk enough to be this whiney!!!
I AM the liquor, Randy.

RANT: I didn't sleep. At all. This makes me extremely pissy and even MORE hungry. It's gonna be a long, expensive day for ol' Gusto.
Gusto said:
I AM the liquor, Randy.

RANT: I didn't sleep. At all. This makes me extremely pissy and even MORE hungry. It's gonna be a long, expensive day for ol' Gusto.
UPDATE: In the 2 hours since posting this, I have consumed a breakfast sandwich (2 slices rye, mayo, two slices smoked turkey, one fried egg), two cups of coffee, and two donuts. I have also fallen asleep on the 1.5 hour bus ride.

I hate Tuesdays.
Gusto said:
Gusto said:
I AM the liquor, Randy.

RANT: I didn't sleep. At all. This makes me extremely pissy and even MORE hungry. It's gonna be a long, expensive day for ol' Gusto.
UPDATE: In the 2 hours since posting this, I have consumed a breakfast sandwich (2 slices rye, mayo, two slices smoked turkey, one fried egg), two cups of coffee, and two donuts. I have also fallen asleep on the 1.5 hour bus ride.

I hate Tuesdays.
I hate Fridays. Yes, I know, they're the start of the weekend, and I get off work at 2:30pm with a nice 2 and a half day break ahead of me, but traffic around here is always phenomenally bad on Fridays and I spend 3 times as long getting home on Fridays as I do any other day of the week (unless it rains on any other day of the week, or snows, or is sunny, or isn't sunny but doesn't rain or snow), and when you start out with a 50 minute commute, multiplying it by 3 ain't a happy Friday drive.

Also, CNN really needs to work on their headlines. Yes, I know they're designed to make you click the link and that occasionally there is real news behind said link, but really? My current CNN headlines include:

Nurse didn't show up for smoothie with friends
Dreaming dog lumbers into wall, wakes (video)
Five cool day trips around the country

Gared said:
Also, CNN really needs to work on their headlines. Yes, I know they're designed to make you click the link and that occasionally there is real news behind said link, but really? My current CNN headlines include:

Nurse didn't show up for smoothie with friends
Dreaming dog lumbers into wall, wakes (video)
Five cool day trips around the country

I can beat that. This morning I saw the Boston Globe come up with this:
'Octo-mom' straddles the line in reproduction debate.

All I could think of was was this: 'Octo-mom' straddles the line in reproduction debate - six more babies fall out
Gusto said:
Oh man what happened with the smoothies.
It was actually a "Nancy Grace Cold Case" report, so that one at least had some real news behind it.
Fun Size said:
Gared said:
Also, CNN really needs to work on their headlines. Yes, I know they're designed to make you click the link and that occasionally there is real news behind said link, but really? My current CNN headlines include:

Nurse didn't show up for smoothie with friends
Dreaming dog lumbers into wall, wakes (video)
Five cool day trips around the country

I can beat that. This morning I saw the Boston Globe come up with this:
'Octo-mom' straddles the line in reproduction debate.

All I could think of was was this: 'Octo-mom' straddles the line in reproduction debate - six more babies fall out
Nice... I love the fact that she had publicists (who quit after receiving death threats).


Staff member
You're a very nice lady, and I'm happy that you're enjoying the United States. But you really need to find another job. Just because you grew up speaking a language does not mean you should be teaching people in college to speak that language. GOD! I'm so annoyed. You're the kind of person I'd like to just chill with and talk to casually, but if I have to suffer through one more semester of your shoddy teaching, I'm going to SWIM to Spain for the immersion... or just jog on down to Mexico.
Cajungal said:
You're a very nice lady, and I'm happy that you're enjoying the United States. But you really need to find another job. Just because you grew up speaking a language does not mean you should be teaching people in college to speak that language. GOD! I'm so annoyed. You're the kind of person I'd like to just chill with and talk to casually, but if I have to suffer through one more semester of your shoddy teaching, I'm going to SWIM to Spain for the immersion... or just jog on down to Mexico.
Hey, at least you KINDA like her. You should see some of my teachers...


Staff member
I LOVE her! She's this kind, funny lady from Costa Rica. That's the saddest thing. Because she's an interesting person, she has the capacity to make the class interesting. But she fucking... won't. She just has her nose in this piss-poor textbook the whole time and has us do worksheets. I had to SPEAK more Spanish in high school than I do now to keep my grade acceptable. That's just sad. And when I attempt to ask her a question in Spanish instead of English, she just stares. Sometimes I think she just wants to learn more English so she prefers we speak it..... argh.

Scarlet Varlet

Lost at trivia because host has wrong title for a song. (I DID have it correct) :facepalm:
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