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Staff member
This thread looks really different on my netbook, compared to my desktop. XP and Vista must have some different fonts or something.
Well, I still can't fathom why Firefox on my netbook renders differently from my desktop, but different browsers definitely handle these odd characters differently. All these screenshots are from my desktop computer running Windows Vista:


Opera 10.51

Internet Explorer 8.0.6001.18904 64-bit

Overall those three aren't very different, and pretty much the way things look on my netbook, but Firefox on my desktop is another story:

Firefox 3.6.3

So, which one is the closest to the way it's supposed to look? I'm kinda partial to the Firefox rendition, myself, because it's more like a face.

Element 117

Browser discussion? This thread has outlived its usefulness, and is now just another Null class thread.
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