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Why isn't there a thread about today already??





It took until almost 2 pm CST for this thread to be made? I was only off by 14 hours.



I know this day means something. Something about fixing joints or smoking some flowers. I cant put my finger on it. I better get some ointment for my joints and take care of the weeds in my garden.



General Specific

General Specific

I'm hungry



I'm hungry
Why hello Hungry. My name is LordRavage. Would you like some ointment and help pull weeds from my garden?





For those of us who have jobs, you can't just show up to work smelling like weed.

Besides, what makes smoking today different than any other day? Do you even fucking know?




I do know, but I'm in too of a good mood to answer to your effin' attitude, so just look it up yourself.

I miss ZenMonkey, she'd be celebrating along. Where's Koko anyway?




"Hey everybody! It's 4-20!" ... or as I like to call it, "fire everybody who doesn't show up for work today Day."




You guys are too tense and taking this way too seriously. If only there were some way to calm you down and mellow you out...




So I'm guessing it's some kind of drug user holiday, or weed got legalised somewhere?

Wikipedia is failing me here and I don't see anything aside from that stupid vulcano news on cnn.


nvm found it.



For those of us who have jobs, you can't just show up to work smelling like weed.

Besides, what makes smoking today different than any other day? Do you even fucking know?




*Passes a joint.

Hey guys and gals, its all groovy. Let me just put up my lava lamp and some chill out music. Its all good. Just feel the vibes of the universe.

So...is anyone here a cop? You know you gotta tell us if we ask. :)




Why isn't there a thread about today already??[/IMG]
Those who care about it are too baked to do it?

For those looking for the origin of the term, and unable to use google:

According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 code for a time to get high, and its use spread among members of an entire generation.
Also, I miss ZM too.




So...is anyone here a cop? You know you gotta tell us if we ask. :)
Actually, no we don't. ;)



Drugs are bad M'Kay.




Damn, it's 4/20 already?! I gotta start making mead!



So...is anyone here a cop? You know you gotta tell us if we ask. :)
Actually, no we don't. ;)[/QUOTE]

Um...err....That just means you are ALL COPS!

*Puts on sunglasses and runs out the back!

(Drug humor slays me. ;)




We have at least 2 cops on the board.



We have at least 2 cops on the board.

And a possible FBI agent! ;-)




Hello there. *evil smile*








And no. I can flat-out lie to you during an investigation... up to the point where I have enough for an iron-clad case. Just sayin'... *chuckles*

However, in most cases, if it's just personal use-amounts, I really don't bother with weed. Too much of a pain in the ass, honestly. I'll just make you dump it and grind it under your shoe into the dirt. If you've got more than an ounce, tho, or more than one little baggie, then it would seem...

*puts on Sunglasses of Justice*

you've pot a problem.








HA! Do your worst, beyotch!

Oh wait, I'm outside your jurisdiction! AND The FBI's! Oh ho hoh.. let me light up right in front of you then :hippie:

(where did the smoking smiley go!?)




He's off for some munchies. *grins*



And no. I can flat-out lie to you during an investigation... up to the point where I have enough for an iron-clad case. Just sayin'... *chuckles*

However, in most cases, if it's just personal use-amounts, I really don't bother with weed. Too much of a pain in the ass, honestly. I'll just make you dump it and grind it under your shoe into the dirt. If you've got more than an ounce, tho, or more than one little baggie, then it would seem...

*puts on Sunglasses of Justice*

you've pot a problem.
This is why anyone with half a brain keeps their big mouth shut when arrested until their lawyer gets there.




Happy 420! Whatever you do, please do it safely! ...and post in the D/H/W thread :D



HA! Do your worst, beyotch!

Oh wait, I'm outside your jurisdiction! AND The FBI's! Oh ho hoh.. let me light up right in front of you then :hippie:

(where did the smoking smiley go!?)
I can see Calleja sitting at the border fence mooning the patrol.



(where did the smoking smiley go!?)
He was arrested when they found not only a huge baggie of weed but several condoms filled with cocaine in his belly. Too bad they didnt get to him in time. When they waited for him to extract the cocaine, one burst open and he OD'ed. He was survived by his two smiley kids and a sad smiley wife.

(I know the story doesnt make sense. Dont tell the people on drugs that. They are still too busy looking at how big their hands are.) :)




Hell, I could now theoritically walk up to a MEXICAN police officer with a joint in my mouth and be okay.

We can now carry 5 grams with us LEGALLY.

Yeah, in practice it's not as awesome as it sounds, though... the officer will still you stop you, of course, to check how much you have on you. And even if it's still under 5 grams, he can take your name and record it... supposedly after the third time you're "caught" with the legal limit, you're sent to obligatory rehab. Of course, that means the officer actually saved your name and put into the database, which very few bother to do apparently.

Now Vancouver... oh, Vancouver. My friends have LIT UP right NEXT to a policeman and he walked right by.

Apparently today weed is especially tolerated up there, last year the 420 celebration had something like 10 thousand people together OPENLY SMOKING and not one arrest was made even though police officers were there at all times to keep an eye on things.


Element 117

You know, I'm all for letting people use almost whatever drug they want. Any time. Just not within 72 hours either clock direction of using any more complicated a machine than say, a spoon. That seems to be where the biggest evolutionary edits occur.

Also? *hits Officer_Charon with her keyboard* "pot" a problem..... /grumble




wow, this thread smells like Otto's Jacket...

Anyone else suddenly hungry?




You know, I'm all for letting people use almost whatever drug they want. Any time. Just not within 72 hours either clock direction of using any more complicated a machine than say, a spoon. That seems to be where the biggest evolutionary edits occur.

So do you stay away from any machinery more complicated than a spoon 72 hours before and after drinking or are you just incredibly hypocritical?




It'd be like us down here in St. Patrick's Day - sure I could arrest all those who are drunk in public and violating the law otherwise, but really, the city just wants the tax dollars. The real problem comes when people get carried away with other stuff (cocaine, MDMA etc) or start getting violent. GENERALLY not a problem with smokers, but occasionally it happens, right?

---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:14 PM ----------

Also? *hits Officer_Charon with her keyboard* "pot" a problem..... /grumble
Aie! Désolé! Gomen Nasai! Stop wid' 'da hittin'! *covers head*


Element 117

You know, I'm all for letting people use almost whatever drug they want. Any time. Just not within 72 hours either clock direction of using any more complicated a machine than say, a spoon. That seems to be where the biggest evolutionary edits occur.

So do you stay away from any machinery more complicated than a spoon 72 hours before and after drinking or are you just incredibly hypocritical?[/QUOTE]

Well, if we're restricting it to "drinking" totally the second, because computers are clearly dangerous weapons. But I don't drive. I've no problem with being incredibly hypocritical, because I'm incredible. Difference being that I'd admit it, whereas you won't, jackass.

---------- Post added at 03:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:16 PM ----------

Aie! Désolé! Gomen Nasai! Stop wid' 'da hittin'! *covers head*
I have the perfect dare for you now. It might get you fired, but if you have a video camera, reproduce the sunglasses scene with line.




I have the perfect dare for you now. It might get you fired, but if you have a video camera, reproduce the sunglasses scene with line.
Got a webcam, somewhere... might be a minute, tho. Guess I've gotta tag in on the ToD Thread, eh?

Actually WATCHING an ep of CSI might help, too, instead of just sussing the meme, n'est-ce pas?




Not really, no... cannabis won't turn you violent. Ever. Quite the contrary, even. Which is why I've always found alcohol and weed to be flipped around, legality wise. Why is the more harmful, violence inducing drug legal while the healthier, violence subduing natural one is illegal?

(I know about the whole paper fiasco, I'm being rhetorical)

I mean... say you're the governing body in a country. You are given a choice between a drink that will, in many many cases, turn people into violent, raving lunatics that kill, maim, vandalize, rape and whatnot while under the influence... or a plant that will turn people into giggling, eating, simpsons-watching, useless yet comfortably numb morons. From a population control point it should not even be a question, should it?


Element 117

I have the perfect dare for you now. It might get you fired, but if you have a video camera, reproduce the sunglasses scene with line.
Got a webcam, somewhere... might be a minute, tho. Guess I've gotta tag in on the ToD Thread, eh?

Actually WATCHING an ep of CSI might help, too, instead of just sussing the meme, n'est-ce pas?[/QUOTE]

I think this would classify as an epic video type thread, rather than a dare. That game seems crazy hard.

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:24 PM ----------

Not really, no... cannabis won't turn you violent. Ever. Quite the contrary, even. Which is why I've always found alcohol and weed to be flipped around, legality wise. Why is the more harmful, violence inducing drug legal while the healthier, violence subduing natural one is illegal?

(I know about the whole paper fiasco, I'm being rhetorical)

I mean... say you're the governing body in a country. You are given a choice between a drink that will, in many many cases, turn people into violent, raving lunatics that kill, maim, vandalize, rape and whatnot while under the influence... or a plant that will turn people into giggling, eating, simpsons-watching, useless yet comfortably numb morons. From a population control point it should not even be a question, should it?
.... what?

You know what? Nevermind. You win by default, because I don't want to know what it is you're trying to say.




There is the TEENY little detail about how my agency got a mad-on against Facebooking, and decreed that nobody on the department can reference it's name in ANY online communication or social networking without permission... (that's another rant entirely)...

but I suppose if I cover up the name on the badge and the shoulder patches, I've just got a generic cop shirt. Can't get me there. *grins*

But I digress...

All of you smokers, be advised, when you blaze up and get caught, regardless of what happens afterwards, it's because of you fuckers that I have to make a run to the gas station for some SmartFoods White Cheddar popcorn. EVERY. FREAKIN'. TIME.

(that's my story and I'm sticking to it :))




.... what? You know what? Nevermind. You win by default, because I don't want to know what it is you're trying to say.
My post was in answer to this one:

It'd be like us down here in St. Patrick's Day - sure I could arrest all those who are drunk in public and violating the law otherwise, but really, the city just wants the tax dollars. The real problem comes when people get carried away with other stuff (cocaine, MDMA etc) or start getting violent. GENERALLY not a problem with smokers, but occasionally it happens, right?

But you guys ninja'd me (cause I'm typing slow as shit right now for obvious reasons) and I didn't edit the quote in.

I still win by default, though, no take-backs!



Not really, no... cannabis won't turn you violent. Ever. Quite the contrary, even. Which is why I've always found alcohol and weed to be flipped around, legality wise. Why is the more harmful, violence inducing drug legal while the healthier, violence subduing natural one is illegal?

(I know about the whole paper fiasco, I'm being rhetorical)

I mean... say you're the governing body in a country. You are given a choice between a drink that will, in many many cases, turn people into violent, raving lunatics that kill, maim, vandalize, rape and whatnot while under the influence... or a plant that will turn people into giggling, eating, simpsons-watching, useless yet comfortably numb morons. From a population control point it should not even be a question, should it?
Because you could never get away with making alcohol illegal. Americans have violently revolted against the central government just for taxes on whiskey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiskey_Rebellion#Origins). I'm not talking "You could never truly outlaw alcohol." I'm talking, "Give it a try and you'll have a revolution on your hands." It's simply not worth it.

In fact, I would be very interested to see if any country, ever in history, has managed to outlaw alcohol without either conquering the shit out of the drinkers (like in the Muslim conquests of the 7th century) or having to deal with armed uprisings.




Today's my buddy's birthday so, in addition to the birthday celebration, we're going to be heading to his house, barbecuing a ton of burgers and steak, and then watching Carl Sagan baked.

Good day, in my book.




So, Sagan did the reefer, eh?




Because you could never get away with making alcohol illegal. Americans have violently revolted against the central government just for taxes on whiskey (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whiskey_Rebellion#Origins). I'm not talking \"You could never truly outlaw alcohol.\" I'm talking, \"Give it a try and you'll have a revolution on your hands.\" It's simply not worth it.

In fact, I would be very interested to see if any country, ever in history, has managed to outlaw alcohol without either conquering the shit out of the drinkers (like in the Muslim conquests of the 7th century) or having to deal with armed uprisings.
Yeah, of course, but I wasn't trying to advocate making alcohol illegal... just how weird it is that from two drugs it's the most harmful one.. both physically and socially... that's the not only legal but socially accepted one.

Weed is going to become legal some point in the future, though, I don't think that's a ball that's gonna stop rolling. It might take a few decades still, though.




So, Sagan did the reefer, eh?
Well, partially for that reason; he was actually an advocate under the pseudonym Mr. X. It's more because my friends have recently been getting into astronomy and the sheer scale of the universe (two of them wanting to buy telescopes and learn to stargaze), and--although the Cosmos series is around thirty years old--it is STILL mind-blowing and amazing. I'm looking forward to their reactions :)




So, Sagan did the reefer, eh?
Oh man, he was a HUGE pothead. He reportedly smoked almost every day, there are testimonies of people who worked with him that said he would refuse to speak in public if he didn't have a toke or two beforehand, even.

He even wrote for a pro-cananbis book under a pseudonym, Mr. X. (you can read his whole essay HERE )

He had a very awesome view point on the altered perception state of marijuana, that is to say he didn't believe it to be less valid than the sober perception. He apparently came up with concepts and ideas that he published and were hugely influential while high, just by forcing his sober self to "decipher" what his high-self had thought up.




I must confess..... I've never actually read any Sagan...... *hides under desk in shame*




I must confess..... I've never actually read any Sagan...... *hides under desk in shame*
Watch this video, keeping in mind that the first image--that little dot that the arrow points to, suspended in the beam of light--is a picture of Earth taken from the edge of the solar system.

If you like that, pick up either "Pale Blue Dot" or "The Demon-Haunted World". You can get both for pretty cheap off eBay/at a bookstore, and they are WELL worth it if you have even a tangential interest in science, or even just in the mechanics of rational thought.


General Specific

General Specific





@Enresshou: Very thought-provoking! I am, unfortunately, at that stage of tired that leads to little brain activity, but later on tonight, I'll be working off-duty at a hotel, so I'll fire it up again. And when I get home from Warhammering tomorrow, I will crack a few tasty adult beverages, and try it a third time for more perspective. There is something to be said for how philosophical one becomes after ingesting mind-altering substances, n'est-ce pas?



Cheers all around.
Alcohol has Cinco de Mayo, St Patty's Day, New Years, to name a few, let the smokers have their 4/20




I'm an hour away from celebrating like it's needed n_n




Cheers all around.
Alcohol has Cinco de Mayo, St Patty's Day, New Years, to name a few, let the smokers have their 4/20
Wait, JESUS smoked!? How do they figure?







Smoke 'em' if you got 'em.



Cheers all around.
Alcohol has Cinco de Mayo, St Patty's Day, New Years, to name a few, let the smokers have their 4/20
Wait, JESUS smoked!? How do they figure?[/QUOTE]



Philosopher B.

