A little speculation about Quetz

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Um, nothing there that suggests that Quetz saw Hammer's Medusa, much less that she would have any reason to suspect that she would be in a Medusa. Unless she has some superhuman eyesight that she hasn't shared with the rest of the crew.
Quetz knows there were old Medusas around... if she sees a Medusa with, maybe, a flashing beacon Hammer has accidentally activated, she might well have the right suspicion.
The beacon mentioned in the page 13 above was not a flash but a signal (hence why she says "they couldn't hear me" rather than "they couldn't see me"). Picking out an individual Medusa out of all of the debris from the explosion in the darkness of space would be nigh impossible. Hell, even if there was a flash that wouldn't mean much as again there would be no guarantee that it would be seen by the naked eye so soon amidst the chaos after the explosion of the Arroway. If Whiskey wasn't near death there might have been an argument that a more thorough search could have been done. But that wasn't to be.


Hmm. I seriously doubt that Quetz would knowingly abandon Hammer. She's a cold bitch, but not quite that bad.

Then again, I believed for years that Hammer was actually dead, sooo I could be completely wrong. ;)
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