A new kind of forum software

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If you are at all interested in forum and discussion software, you should check out http://discourse.org .

I've been playing with it for a few weeks as an alpha tester, and its pretty spiffy in a number of ways. Still very beta, but its a distinct take on community discussion.

The test forum is at http://try.discourse.org though its going crazy right now since it was just announced a few hours ago. You can also peek behind the scenes as people report bugs and ask for features at http://meta.discourse.org .


Staff member
Hmmm. Not sure I dig the thread format. Looks like an IRC conversation, which is to say confusing unless you are in it for a long time.


Staff member
It can't find every topic I tried to view. Still it loads the error page quickly.
Hah. That's good, like this one review on newegg I read, that had everything about the product listed in "Cons" and under "Pros" the only thing listed was "Fits easily in any standard sized wastebin."
Ok, got into some threads it seems pretty quick, but that's just a test site, who knows if it sported a bigger load. I love, *LOVE*, **LOVE** that it supports Markdown.

I think I might just check it out more.
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