(the following is translated from the original Spanish)
*headset rings, I unmute*
Me: Thank you for calling (ISP name) tech support, this is Fernando Calleja speaking, how may I help you?
Customer: ...yes. Hi. Yeah. I don't have any internet, this thing isn't working.
Me: Very well sir, we'll figure out what's wrong in just a second, may I please have your name and phone number with area code?
Customer: uh... yes.
Me: .... sir?
Customer: I don't have internet!!
Me: (gives up trying to fill the system with the guy's info) Alright sir, what seems to be the problem?
Customer: I'll tell you what the problem is, you people sold me a defective internet!
Me: I'm sorry... to..uh.. hear that, sir. What exactly is wrong with your (brand name) service?
Customer: My computer won't recognize this thing you gave me to connect to the internet. I want to look at the youtube thing and I can't cause you sold me a defective internet.
Me: Do you mean the router/modem, sir?
Customer: Sure, yeah, that thing. Doesn't work.
Me: Ok, let's check what could be wrong with it... do you have it in your line of sight? Can you please tell me how the LED lights on the front are turned on?
Customer: Uhh... no, I can't see it, it's still in the box.
Me: ....oh. Ok then, let's go ahead and open the box and configure your brand new modem, sound good?
Customer: Oh hell no, I ain't opening anything.
Me: ..... may I ask why, exactly, sir?
Customer: Cause I paid for a wireless connection, I don't want cables all over the place.
Me: That's quite alright sir, I can help you to configure your wireless connection right now, let's just go ahead and please connect the modem to the power outlet with the supplied--
Customer: WHAT?! NO! I'm not connecting it!
Me: ... sir?
Customer: Why are you tech people always so stupid? I bought a WIRELESS connection, alright? I don't want any cables, so just do whatever you need to do so I can watch the youtube.
Me: *mutes headset, looks around, roars with laughter, unmutes headset* Ok sir, for your computer to be able to connect wirelessly to the DSL service, we need to supply power to the modem.. so let's go ahead and connect it to the power grid right now, please.
Customer: NO! Why are you so fucking stupid?! *growls in exasperation* Listen to me... I bought a (sounds it out phonetically in Spanish) WIRELESS modem, that means NO CABLES, alright? So I don't need to connect anything to anything, alright? Just... ugh, never mind, I'll call again so I don't get stuck with a moron.
both of you put this in http://notalwaysright.com/ RIGHT NOWOh, I get calls like that practically every day.
Me: \"Thank you for calling Vonage Technical Support, my name is *InsertRealNameHere*, how may I assist you today?\"
Customer: \"It aint workin\"
Me: \"Ok sir, what isn't working and how is it not working?\"
Customer: \"The dang old Vontage (yes, they mis pronounce it all the time..) box isn't workin, I can't use mah phone\"
Me: \"You currently have no service sir?\"
Customer: \"Yea, nothin\"
Me: \"Ok sir I'll be glad to help you with that today, I understand your service is important to you\"
*insert 3-5 minutes of me getting the customer's information so I can take a look at his account*
Me: \"Yes sir, I do see your Vonage device is offline at the moment, let me just get some information from you so we can troubleshoot that for you today; Who is your internet provider sir?\"
Customer: \"Internet?\"
Me: \"Yes sir, who do you get internet service with?\"
Customer: \"Well we ain't gots no internet.\"
Me: \"You have no internet access at the moment sir?\"
Customer: \"We aint got internet\"
Me: \"Ok sir you do realize you need a high speed broadband connection, either landline cable or dsl for Vonage to function, correct?\"
Customer: \"Nah I never knew that. That why when I plugs in mah phone here, I just get silence?\"
Me: \"Yes sir, we are a voice over internet phone company (i dont bother explaining the term voip to them), you need internet access to use our service, no computer required just internet service is the backbone of what we use\"
Customer: \"Computer? What's a computer?\"
Me: *mute headset* i had to face palm, *unmute* *insert brief technological explaination of a computer, he seriously didnt know what it was, and this guy was in his 30s give or take*.
Customer: \"Oh, well no one told me dat. Thank you, bye *hangs up*\"
One of the best calls Ive ever taken
Eh, I could easily see how a country bumpkin, or someone equally unknowledgable about computers could confuse wireless internet with some kind of wireless cellular service. It's a simple mistake. When you work in support long enough, you start to see common user errors. While this one might be a bit more uncommon than most, I can kind of almost see where he's coming from.Those calls must have been prank calls. Come on, no person being able to use a telephone can be THAT stupid. Please tell me that they were just prank calls. Please...
Why would you call a suicide hotline to get free phone sex? People are weird.why on earth would you prank call customer support? There are ten trillion other better places to call.
Oh I don't know about that. I get some of the stupidest calls.. Not really stupid people as they are just people without much knowledge of basic computer usage. But the calls themselves, with what people say, are hilarious.I wish I could share my stories but they're so ludicrous, no one would believe me.
Oh I don't know about that. I get some of the stupidest calls.. Not really stupid people as they are just people without much knowledge of basic computer usage. But the calls themselves, with what people say, are hilarious.I wish I could share my stories but they're so ludicrous, no one would believe me.
Sadly there are people out there like that.Those calls must have been prank calls. Come on, no person being able to use a telephone can be THAT stupid. Please tell me that they were just prank calls. Please...
Be glad she wasn't using a real live mouse *laughs*Ok here's one from my college days working for an ISP. Our area is mostly older people, just getting the hang of this whole "internat thang".
One woman calls, claiming she's having trouble with her mouse. I go through the usual getting account information and stuff, check the call logs, etc, making small talk about her job as a seamstress and how she loves to make dresses, her kids bought her a computer and she's just learning to use it and the weather here is lovely this week.
So, I get into the troubleshooting. I ask her what seems to be the problem and she says she finds the mouse hard to use. I ask her if she can just try moving the mouse back and forth and I hear her grunting and struggling on the end but she says, while awkward, she can move back and forth, the arrow on her screen just doesn't to be moving in synch with her mouse. Thinking that her mouse ball is dirty, I ask if she can flip over the mouse to see if there's a lot of gunk in the under side. She sets the phone down and I can hear her grunting again. She comes back to the phone a little winded and says "It's a little dirty". I suggest cleaning it out and explain how to slide open the ball holder.
She listens to my instructions carefully and puts the phone down to clean out her mouse balls. I hear more grunting and more effort being expended then necessarily required to clean a mouse. Eventually she returns to the phone and I ask her to try again. She tries on her hand and explains that, there's no difference - it's still difficult to navigate.
At this point, thinking maybe it's a driver problem I ask her to follow me through the Control Panel by clicking on Start, going up to settings and to Control Panel. She's really hard at it now. I can her struggling like crazy, fumbling the phone, grunting and straining.
After a good minute or so, she says "This is really hard."
I respond "Yes, it takes a lot of practice but after a while it will be second nature. I just need you to left click on the start button at the bottom of the screen."
A quick google reveals they already exist.plus, it's called a "mouse" and mice scurry around on the floor . . . man, you know a button-less mouse that you place on the floor could maybe really work.
I always like to tell the "other side of the fence" story. Like I said in the "what you do" thread, I worked as an electrical and computer engineering prof for 3 years. All of us were extremely knowledgeable about computers. Hell, we designed hardware and software ourselves. Yet the IT guys still talked to us like babies, and worse yet, we all experienced times when we knew what was wrong, but explaining it to the IT guys was like talking to a wall. They had this hardcoded procedure, and they'd be damned if they let some prof tell THEM what was wrong. 99.99% of the time, if they'd just listened, they could've saved us both a ton of time.
ME: <detailed explanation of what's wrong complete with diagnosis and solution>
IT: Pbbbt. You're so cute when you try to talk IT. Let the big kids handle it.
[2 hours later]
IT: Well it turns out the <> needed to be <>.
ME: Oh, you mean like I said 2 hours ago?
IT: What? Oh you're so cute, tiny.
I appreciate the idiots they have to deal with daily, but if someone knows what they're talking about, it never hurts to listen. Why did I call IT in the first place? Padlocks on cases and common login passwords controlling admin privileges.
Why would you call a suicide hotline to get free phone sex? People are weird.[/QUOTE]why on earth would you prank call customer support? There are ten trillion other better places to call.
It's kinda win win if he's feeling down.I guess I just cant grasp the concept of that in my mind, unless it's some fetish I haven't heard about?
"Phone fuck me or I kill myself!" ?
"Harder bitch, or I slit my throat!" ?
I've encountered numerous incidences of this. Not quite how you describe it though.I also (wrongly?) though you were talking about an actual specific incident.
Did I pull a ThatNickGuy ?
I just meant that they seem to view my knowledge of computer tech that way.Re: Fade
You're tiny? Just how tiny? <3
I'm sorry. My brain just abdicated. I mean, I trust you, but wait, what?People call suicide hotlines to get free phone sex. I find this weird.
What was difficult about that?
Yeah, in-house is different. The only time I get pissy with people is when I get the "why the hell is this not working again!" or "how long is this going to take this time?" It tends to be a thankless job though. At least for me, I sit in a basement and don't hear a thing from anyone unless they are complaining about something.I realize you phone guys have a procedure you need to follow, and I respect that. But in-house guys, I'd expect a little leeway from. It's another reason I like my Mac. I'm effectively off the grid, but I can still use the Windows network, since Mac supports SMB messaging.
My company gives a free install the first time but any other visits are $99. You should hear the customers howl and scream over that.At least Time Warner does free house calls, and I'm not out of $300 or something![]()
Yeah, I've been teh snarksauce lately.I'm sorry. My brain just abdicated. I mean, I trust you, but wait, what?
(also my original post was sarcastic, but you knew that. )
I luckily don't have to either. The head of pre-press does though, and he has to deal with all kinds of ridiculous demands.Once again, I revel in the "I don't deal with customers" aspect of my job. I'm so, so sorry for those of you that do.