A question about transgender issues

Glad this was necro'd, because weeks ago I came upon a discussion I meant to mention here, pertaining to the original want/need point of the thread. I don't know where to find it again, but the bottom line of it was that the desire to be the other gender is itself a symptom of dysphoria or being trans. People who go "that's cool that he's his gender now; I wish I was a man too" or "wish I was trans" are likely trans without realizing it. Wish I could find it again; I feel like it (much later) informed on what Fade was asking about.
I would posit that attempt to define "trans" to be a little too black and white. It suggests that if you are not 100% pure unadulterated cis, then you are dysphoric, and that means a person has about as much chance of being cisgender as they do of being Scottish.

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I recently saw an article that at least partially made a point I've thought about too - not wanting to fit into specific cultural gender roles doesn't equal being non-cis. A girl can be a tomboy without being kind of a little bit trans. You can be perfectly male and happy as a guy and still think pink's a neat color and princesses rule.
In some ways, pushing everyone towards trans can be a regression. The stereotype used to be that if a woman was overly "masculine" she was probably a lesbian. Now we've sort of accepted that women can be gay without being butch, but now butch women are being todl they might be repressing their feeling of wanting to be a man.
Those who do feel they are a different gender than the physical sex they were born with - by all means, present however you want. Be who you want to be - be who you should be. But we also need to bear in mind the differences between cultural, psychological and biological identifiers.
Let's not forget that "I only want to have sex with men" and "I consider myself to be female" are not equivalent statements. They may have a subset of overlapping characteristics, but they are not saying the same thing (no matter what South Park says).
