A couple of years ago, I went to visit my friend in San Jose and it rained the entire week I was there.
Post picture of eats.
Dark, late night. No traffic. No signs. Needed to stop, but signs at pullouts said no sleeping in vehicles. Waited until outside Carmel to pull over where there were no signs.
My favourite part of my trip so far. Has to use the instagram filter because it's so beautiful...
Psh. Who needs working brakes anyway.
Dude, your baby has no shoes!
What happened?
Stienman nailed it. Caught a grinding noise coming in through the Cali desert. Decided to have it looked at in Henderson. Turns out that the back brake pads were gone and the rotors too thin to be machined. And the calipers had to be rebuilt because they were stuck on.
$750 later and that's my entire trip budget gone. I mean it had to get done anyways and it was wayyyyyy cheaper to get it done down here than in Canada but still. Ouch.