Adventures in Telephony

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Staff member
Man... you guys might think I'm unpleasant? I just spent two phone calls with the MOST unpleasant person on earth. Mister J.M. of Cleveland, Ohio. Every time you talk to him (even when HE calls YOU), he sounds extremely irritated at being interrupted from just finding out that his wife has left him, taking the kids and everything he owned, and while she was leaving she accidentally backed over the dog but kept going, all while he was busy getting fired.

I mean, seriously, I hate people and all, but at least I try to be professional on the phone. I don't see how this guy holds down a job sounding like he does. And no matter how much you try to appease him, you can practically HEAR him rolling his eyes in exasperation at the other end of the line.
He must have been the guy who called me a couple months back demanding how I got his number. Um, sir? You called ME. And this is a hotel. Do you want me to interrogate any of a hundred guests to find out who called you?
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