SakuraCon next weekend!! Woo! Costume lineup is looking like...
Thursday (badge pick-up Day 0): Street Fighter - Sakura
Friday: Powerpuff Girls - Him
Saturday: Sucker Punch - Amber
Sunday: My Little Pony - Toodleloo (Easter) and maybe Sakura again for a Street Fighter shoot. But... I have so many shots of Sakura already that I may not bother with a costume change.
Still have a bit of work to do. It's really crunch time now! I still need to finish Him's wig (widows peak + slicked back + goatee!), claws (got craft foam cut out and glued yesterday, now just spray paint and figure out how to put them together... >.>), buy red tights and finish up the dress (turtle neck + sleeves). Lots of little things to do. It's my first time styling a wig and making props and I'm not having much fun with it...
MLP still needs ears painted and wig trimmed a bit. I also need to decorate the basket! Other than that... it's looking pretty good!
Finally got a room secured and Mike will actually be there all 3 days with me, too! Woohoo! Have a couple shoots planned with EBK and also a friends birthday party at the TapHouse. It's going to be an awesome weekend, just have to finish getting everything ready now.
Anyone else have conventions coming up? After this I have a whole lot of nothing going on until SDCC in July.
Thursday (badge pick-up Day 0): Street Fighter - Sakura
Friday: Powerpuff Girls - Him
Saturday: Sucker Punch - Amber
Sunday: My Little Pony - Toodleloo (Easter) and maybe Sakura again for a Street Fighter shoot. But... I have so many shots of Sakura already that I may not bother with a costume change.
Still have a bit of work to do. It's really crunch time now! I still need to finish Him's wig (widows peak + slicked back + goatee!), claws (got craft foam cut out and glued yesterday, now just spray paint and figure out how to put them together... >.>), buy red tights and finish up the dress (turtle neck + sleeves). Lots of little things to do. It's my first time styling a wig and making props and I'm not having much fun with it...
MLP still needs ears painted and wig trimmed a bit. I also need to decorate the basket! Other than that... it's looking pretty good!
Finally got a room secured and Mike will actually be there all 3 days with me, too! Woohoo! Have a couple shoots planned with EBK and also a friends birthday party at the TapHouse. It's going to be an awesome weekend, just have to finish getting everything ready now.
Anyone else have conventions coming up? After this I have a whole lot of nothing going on until SDCC in July.