Alright, I'm going...

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Let me know how it is. That's the movie I want to see tonight, but instead my best friend is dragging me to Capitalism: A love story....

Pray for me.


Espy's gone, PAAAAAAAAAARTY!!! WOOOOOO!!!! Who's got the booze and lampshade?


Staff member
Can we keep them? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease! I promise to tip them every day!
Oh, alright. But remember, keeping strippers is a big responsibility. You have to feed them, buy them floss, tip them... the list is endless. Can you take that kind of responsibility?


^^LOL to this whole stripper conversation.

Damnit, I need some of those "I love this much!" pics.

Let me know how it is. That's the movie I want to see tonight, but instead my best friend is dragging me to Capitalism: A love story....

Pray for me.
ugh. you have my pity.[/quote]

you may also have one of my strippers[/QUOTE]

And my axe!

Espy, I hope you have a great time seeing Zombieland. It's one that I definitely want to see too when I get the chance.



Let me know how it is. That's the movie I want to see tonight, but instead my best friend is dragging me to Capitalism: A love story....

Pray for me.
ugh. you have my pity.[/quote]

you may also have one of my strippers[/QUOTE]

And my axe!.[/QUOTE]

And my Bo!

Er, wait.
It was fabulous. Run, don't walk to this movie! It's the Zom-Com of the year!

And why are there passed out strippers all over my apartment?
Man. When the power goes out in Zombieland life is gonna get a little less joyful for that group. Luckily, whenever they meet a new guy that Christine might like, Columbus can "accidently" shoot him and probably get away with it.


Good thing I snuck out the back door after planting the party seed in everyone's mind. :D
I saw it midnight thursday and yeah it is amazing.

I didn't think I would ever say this because it was one of my favorite movies ever but it was better than Shaun of the Dead.

It is not only the best zombie movie in recent times but one of the best comedies of this year.


Staff member
How about zombie strippers? They can take of their boobs and give them to you to play with... until the bouncer catches you, I guess.

I just noticed that my avatar looks like it could have a "do not want" caption.

Kitty Sinatra

yeah. Put me down firmly in the category of "Do not want zombie strippers with detachable boobs"

Gnaahhhhh. I'm gonna have nightmares tonight.
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