An idea for a website

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I was watching some movie with a friend a while back and she was like, "There are like no black people in this movie," and I realized she was right. So we started counting the number of black people we could find-- foreground, background, extras, whatever. I don't remember what we got, but that wasn't the point. It was fun and the information was "amusing" which is what a lot of sites are now-- just hosting something mildly amusing.

So I was thinking, if there was a website that had a huge database of movies (ones already counted, an area to request a movie, submit your own counts, etc) that had the number of minorities (and if you just feel like counting a shitload, even the majorities) in that movie.

If the movie is typical, the majority would be whites, so you count the asian, black, middle-eastern, etc.

If the movie is pre-dominantly black, count the whites and so on.

If the movie is from Japan, count the non-Japanese! (The number will probably be 0.)

It would be interesting to see the count rise from the early movies to the more modern ones. Also, those die-hards who count every single person in huge establishing shots for cities or the like.

I think it'd be fun. I have no way of getting this off the ground, of course, but it struck me as an entertaining idea.

And if I wasn't sure I'd be shut down by copyright holders, I'd go for the movie pun and call the website...

Minority Report

(Y'see, it's funny cuz it's a movie and the website gives a report on minorities in the movie!) :sneaky:


Staff member
I think you would open yourself up to the comments of several thousand total douchebags.

I see what you are saying but I think it's a bad idea.


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I just know how people are about racist stuff. As long as he didn't give anyone the ability to comment I think he'd be fine.

In fact, I think he could get several minority groups behind him.


Staff member
Oh, of course not. I would never allow comments on a site like that. XD

It would be information only and a way to request or submit your own counts, which would then possibly be verified by another.
Movie titles are not copyrightable. You will not fall afoul of copyright holders by naming it "minority report"

Trademark infringement is a different beast entirely.
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