Android tips and tricks

Does anyone know of a way to turn off the sounds associated with Android's voice input? I can turn off the mock-Siri voice output, but I haven't figured out how to turn off the activation or "input complete" pings.
It's a Moto-G.
Basically, any time I use voice input, there's a start tone and a finishing tone when I would prefer it to just be silent. It happens on the voice search, but it also happen if I'm trying to dictate into any text field.
Yes, exactly.

The answer might be as simple as a selective volume control app, but I haven't had time to experiment.
My quick look couldn't find anything other than a suggestion to overwrite the sound files it calls with silent audio files. Probably not the best option.
Silly stupid question. New smartphone, yes, my first, thank you, I'm catching up to the 21st century nicely, etc. Anyway, I'm trying to convince it to connect to my wifi. It won't. It sees the network, I can give the WPA password, but it simply won't connect. It will, however, connect to the free-but-limited public Wifi my modem also, automatically broadcasts. No clue why. that one isn't password protected, I'd guess there'd be some issue there but I can't quite figure it out. It lists my own network as saved and secure, but trying to connect to it simply stops the phone for a second, has it start scanning again, then connect to the free open network again? I honestly don't know anything about Android :(
My guess would be your password is wrong. Android doesn't give you much of a notification when that happens.


Staff member
It does sound like a wrong password. Does your wifi router have a WPS button? Most android devices support Wifi Protected Setup, and a lot of the time it's an easier way to add a device to your home's wifi. You just need to do it once, and it will just work after that.
Also, if you connected to the "free" one first (or last, or whenever) it's possible it's a "higher priority" to keep connecting to that one. So make sure to "forget" that network, and not just disconnect from it before trying to troubleshoot your other one.
Also make sure the time is set correctly on the phone.
Otherwise anything with encryption won't work (WPA, https, etc)

All of those were ok. Apparently the network kept disconnecting because of interference from some neightbour's wifi. Restarted it on another channel, no more issues. Ah well.