Another Anime Thread

What should I watch next?

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Seconded on Eden of the East. [spoiler:2ir0yigr]Conspiracy theories done right.[/spoiler:2ir0yigr] And oddly enough, opening by Oasis.

Thank you JonJon, I'll look for Dead Leaves then.
IllogicalVirgo said:
Lally said:
I remember way back in the day (I guess almost 10 years ago) they started showing a dub of Escaflowne on Fox on Saturday mornings when they showed Digimon. Apparently it didn't do too well and they pulled it after only a few episodes, but I liked it! I think that will be added to my "must watch" list too.

Actually my understanding is from what I read years ago was that it got pulled not for doing poorly but because of content inappropriate for the time slot(lots of death and violence, horrors of war, hints of teenage pregnancy). This was still when studios knew jack about anime beyond 'kids love it lol'.

I highly recommend getting ahold of it though, the dub is VERY good and manages to properly blend medieval fantasy and mechas.

Also note Fox butchered and censored the hell out of it so you will be in for a treat if you liked the abomination they showed a few episodes of.
Yes, finally got someone to watch it... i swear, i almost punched a friend of mine when he said that he doesn't watch older anime because the animation isn't as good as today.

figmentPez said:
I guess I'm the only one who found Death Note to be annoying. I just could not stick with it, I found it grating after a while.
That scene is even worse in the original japanese. At least the American VA realized how stupid it really was and decided to make it EPIC just for laughs.


Just started watching El Cazador de la Bruja, and it's been a thoroughly pleasant experience thus far. Basic plot is that a bounty hunter has been assigned to protect a girl with some very unusual abilities during a lengthy, rambling trip through Central America, and a whole host of oddballs are on their tail up to and including the government conspiracy that created her. It's a surprisingly amusing, laid-back show despite this; things happen slowly, but in a most agreeable manner, and the music's great. Very recomended.
AshburnerX said:
That scene is even worse in the original japanese. At least the American VA realized how stupid it really was and decided to make it EPIC just for laughs.
That, tied with the "spazams" by Ryuk that episode were just all out hilarious.
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