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Another Epic "I Quit"










She's much cuter.




Much, much, MUCH! She is definitely a HOPA. :D




HOPA...that's a new one. And not untrue.




lol, brilliant.











People like Spencer make good and competent people quit their job. Should this be in the MFIF thread?
Close, but not quite. Out side of his one sexist remark, he just seemed like a normal office tool.




I'm sure that Farmville is one big reason that my work blocks Facebook altogether.




If I was one of those workers... I would have tackled him when he came into the cafeteria with the boombox, and searched him for guns. That was a little creepy.




Possibly a hoax? At the time I was struck by how well-done the photos were. Would make sense if it was all staged.

The Prankster Brothers Behind "Jenny," the HPOA Girl | Peter Kafka | MediaMemo | AllThingsD


Element 117

Drifter, Dream Crusher.




Also HOPA vs HPOA?




Also HOPA vs HPOA?
HPOA, pronounced HOPA




Link is already dead.


Element 117





Chazwozel said:
Well, shit.







I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".




Oops. I missed that. Then again, real stuff like this happens all the time. See PassiveAggressiveNotes.com ? funny (if not necessarily "passive-aggressive") notes from pissed-off people for examples.




I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.




It's epic in the sense that she went with a bang (if it had been true). Besides that, I agree with you Fade. But I won't complain, because she's hot.




I get what you are saying Fade but... One important thing. He (and yes, I know it's fictional, just working with what I got) did not comment on her attractiveness (and lets face it, saying "he commented on her attractiveness" is a very nice way of saying he was very rudely and crudely commenting on her looks)in a private conversation, he did it in the workplace, on a work telephone on what must be considered a (albeit fictional) business phone call. Making sexually inappropriate comments like that is not ok. If he wants to do it off the clock on his phone outside the office, well, not much one can do, but this fictional situation doesn't seem to fit the "private" scenario that would make it, according to some, appropriate or ok.




She looks familiar. I'm trying to figure out where I've seen her before. Maybe she just has one of those faces.


Element 117

Well, I guess Fade doesn't like this. More proof that he's the bellwether of everything anti-me.




I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse, he's expressing himself on a forum.


Element 117

I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse, he's expressing himself on a forum.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, people are allowed to bitch, it's the Internet.




I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse, he's expressing himself on a forum.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, people are allowed to bitch, it's the Internet.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, for petes sake it needs some water and it's coat brushed.




I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse, he's expressing himself on a forum.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, people are allowed to bitch, it's the Internet.[/QUOTE]

Get off, getting off of your high horse... this could go on forever.

I am just tired of seeing a post followed by a random attack post.




What "high horse" was I on? It'd be a really stupid way to quit. That's not a high horse. In fact it puts me down with the lowlies who have to work where she quit.

Not to mention I acknowledged I didn't realize it was a joke later.


Element 117

I posted this in the random crap thread--didn't realize there was a whole thread about it. I'll repost what I said there: I think it's cowardly, rude, and confrontational. I don't find it epic or cool at all. For one, this is one side of the story. Not just for us, but likely for her whole office. For another, as I said over there, the boss seems like a dick, granted, but he called her attractive (in a creepy way) in a private conversation. Not only that, in what way does that mean that's "all he thinks of her"? I don't know--I don't have the whole story--but I suspect not. I've gotten a little sensitive to this stuff lately. She's physically attractive. Spencer is in no way evil or bad for noticing that or commenting on it privately. Sex is part of the human condition. Again, before anyone goes off on me, from what she says, he sounds like a jerk, and maybe she deserved some comeuppance, but I just find this more annoying than "epic".
Get off your high horse, it's a freaking joke.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse, he's expressing himself on a forum.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, people are allowed to bitch, it's the Internet.[/QUOTE]

Get off YOUR High Horse, for petes sake it needs some water and it's coat brushed.[/QUOTE]

Get off your high horse before you kill it with all the bad grammar!




It's already dead :'(




Get off YOUR high horse before I have to figure out a joke about horses! High ones!


Element 117

Get off YOUR high horse before I have to figure out a joke about horses! High ones!
Stop kicking the dead horse, Dave.




Now we are flogging the poor high horse...




Fastest photoshopping I could muster.








HORSE! It's not even lit yet!







too soon...




Aww, some poor anonymous poopsy got all hurt because I didn't share the same opinion they did again. Apparently disagreeing is called "whining" these days.*

P.S. Even if it is fake, people are cheering the act, not the fakeness. Does that mean that they "can't read" either?




::enters thread::
So I was wondering how this thread was still going after the reveal. I should have known it would be drama, mockery, and waaahing.




So typical Halforums then?




Looks like I missed all the fun. Fake or not, I thought it was funny.




I'm sorry, I was too busy looking at that one picture of her on facebook with her thong almost off and nipples peaking through her shirt. What were you guys saying?




I'm sorry, I was too busy looking at that one picture of her on facebook with her thong almost off and nipples peaking through her shirt. What were you guys saying?
In other words, he was in his bunk. :rimshot:
