It's like the Ring video. 7 days from now, all of us who saw it will have Jean Lorring give us an aneurism. (I know I'm mixing marvel and dc stuff)I still haven't seen it.
Why must they keep this magic footage secret?
It is test footage, so it's likely the suit is not the final one. Even then, this is supposed to be his origin, so likely the scene in question involves him utilizing a prototype version of his suit at some point in the beginning, similar to how in the first Iron Man he went through three total suits.Not a fan of the mask and the Darth Vader breathing, but the concept seems sound enough. I'd probably watch this.
I second that. It would be fantastic.What I wouldn't give for Simon Pegg to be Scott Lang...
Interviewer: "One of the great things of this film is, the idea that... failing something early in life and kind of going back and trying to redo it. What is something that you guys have failed at that, y'know, maybe early in life that you wish you could go back, and get a second chance to try one more time again?"
Simon: "I wouldn't point at that picture of Ant-Man at Marvel. Cause that caused a big storm."
This means it comes out just 3 months after Avengers 2, and while Batman vs Superman is still in theatres.Your wait for director Marvel Studios' highly-anticipated "Ant-Man" feature film, directed by Edgar Wright, just got a few months shorter!
Arriving in theaters July 31, Marvel's "Ant-Man" joins Marvel's "Avengers: Age of Ultron"--out May 1, 2015--for a one-two knockout punch in the summer of 2015! Stay tuned to for much more about "Ant-Man"!
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Yeah, good luck. I don't want to be the guys who have to have "Ant-Man" compete with "BATMAN & SUPERMAN BANG SOME BITCHES & HAVE THE MOST AMAZING FIGHTS WITH SOME BAD GUYS YOU'VE EVER SEEN".Ant-Man probably isn't going to be released as a Batman vs Superman killer, rather it's the followup in the 2015 one-two punch from Marvel. Avengers 2 in May to kick off the summer blockbuster season, Ant-Man at the end of July to give ticket sales a boost, while Avengers 2 is still fresh in everyone's mind. Batman vs Superman is also released in July if I'm not mistaken.
My guess is that Marvel are probably going to introduce plot lines in Avengers 2 that will be resolved in Ant-Man. So now theatergoers will go "Well, I'm in the mood for one more superhero movie this summer, so I can either watch Batman and Superman, or I can find out how so-and-so ends by watching Ant-Man."
And honestly after a busy comic book movie summer may not help it any.just that to them it will be a new comic book movie.
YES, I would like to see a super-heroin (not a T&A tease) on the team. Black Widow is quite lame.Sigh, this still makes me sad that Ant Man won't be in the next Avengers movie.
Can we at least have Wasp? Sure would make the Avengers less of a super sausage party.
Rosie the Riveter?If I can't have Wasp, can I please have:
Sorry, but we only have cocaine based supers so far:[DOUBLEPOST=1380811481,1380811364][/DOUBLEPOST]YES, I would like to see a super-heroin (not a T&A tease) on the team. Black Widow is quite lame.
When did Ms. Marvel become a lesbian?If I can't have Wasp, can I please have:
First thing that popped in my mind... lets pretend the haircut makes her look like the previous female Captain Marvel, and i'm not a horrible bigot.That's her Captain Marvel outfit and also, why the lesbian comment?
Well, then we need a super-heroin then! I demand it.Sorry, but we only have cocaine based supers so far:[DOUBLEPOST=1380811481,1380811364][/DOUBLEPOST]
Irony is that the tomboy fighter pilot gets a high maintenance New York high fashion hair cut, and that's what starts the lesbian comments.That's her Captain Marvel outfit and also, why the lesbian comment?
Posey the ProctologistRosie the Riveter?
Hey, i'm an enlightened bigot, i don't hold what her job is against her... just how she styles her hair...Irony is that the tomboy fighter pilot gets a high maintenance New York high fashion hair cut, and that's what starts the lesbian comments.
Yes, i'm a bigot because i associate awful haircuts with being a lesbian... i thought everyone got's pretty awful.
I'd rather have Ms. Marvel than the Scarlet Witch. Mutant magic/magic characters are less compelling to me. Though, I'll take the witch over Black Widow.I'd actually prefer Ms. Marvel to Wasp. I never found Janet to be that interesting of a character.
Also, wasn't it already revealed that we're getting Wanda and Pietro in the next movie?