Apocolypse Monday!!!!

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Facebook Group to Prove Breasts Don't Cause Earthquakes

Bring it on!!!

"Women in the Islamic Republic are required by law to cover from head to toe, but Sedighi says an increase in young women flaunting the law -- and not the fact that Tehran straddles scores of fault lines -- is risking the lives of the city's 12 million inhabitants.

Jennifer McCreight is determined to prove him wrong.

Since launching the "Boobquake" Facebook page she has enlisted more than 20,000 women promising to show as much cleavage as possible on Monday, April 26.

If the world doesn't then disappear into an apocalyptic fiery chasm, then Sedighi will have no option but to admit he was wrong.

"On Monday, April 26th, I will wear the most cleavage-showing shirt I own," McCreight wrote. "Yes, the one usually reserved for a night on the town. I encourage other female skeptics to join me and embrace the supposed supernatural power of their breasts. Or short shorts, if that's your preferred form of immodesty.""

Philosopher B.

That guy's right, though. Boobs are what's wrong with the world. He is one, after all.
Dusty668 said:
If the world doesn't then disappear into an apocalyptic fiery chasm, then Sedighi will have no option but to admit he was wrong
I'm not convinced. I think a real test of this and a way to ensure our demise is a full day of globe-wide full frontal nudity.


Staff member
But what happens if Tehran is hit by a major earthquake on that day? Will she admit that SHE'S wrong?


But what happens if Tehran is hit by a major earthquake on that day? Will she admit that SHE'S wrong?
We will need a series of these days to have a true scientific test no matter what the outcome is.

I volunteer to assist should some young lady care to get into the "Advanced Adultery" testing phase.


Yeah, the actual argument was that adultery causes earthquakes. We're going to need large-scale orgies to test this properly.
Unfortunately, the natural balance of things will be overthrown by the vibrations caused through excessive motorboating. Mark my words: we will all be undone by this!

That said, it might be worth it.


Soooooooooooooo worth it, my boat has been in dry dock way too long.
Uh, guys? There was an earthquake here in Taiwan, on Monday the 26th. Also, I dunno if this is relevant, but it was magnitude 6.9, which seems like a bit too much to be a coincidence.


I think all of you are completely failing to realize the ramifications of this. This could be a whole new way of fighting wars. We would just need to send all of our bustiest models to a country with cleavage-pressing clothing and cheer as it sinks into the earth!
So when can we expect pictures of how our female forumites participated in today's festivities?




Wasabi Poptart

Of course, I'm 900 years older than darkangel and not nearly as physically fit, but here is my Boobquake contribution for today. LOL
This event ranks up there with great things to happen on my birthday.

If this became an annual thing, I'd be ecstatic.
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