Are we dead?

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Staff member
Mavandar - my (now) level 61 Pally - has gquit and joined <Fusion>. It's level 13 and has a LOT of people on. I'm going to evaluate them for a bit and see if I may move all toons over. I'm nearly always alone...
I've been so busy. I haven't played wow in at least two weeks now. I only have Saturdays off and I usually spend that time sleeping.
I plan to come back for the next patch, but yes, not many people on anymore. =( I just was a bit turned off by the difficulty jump in heroics, I consider myself pretty casual and I don't like logging on to fight my groups.
Really, I've been digging the difficulty with heroics..which has dropped significantly since we've gotten used to them. Back to CC and such.


I tried... I really tried, but didn't even play more than a week after the new patch (even bought collector's edition) I just got so bored on it and quit.... again.
Now I got LOTRO and DCUO to keep me busy.


Staff member
been playing on my mage over on a different server, and loving that, while levelling an off-warrior. I don't really have the deisre to re-learn being a pally, but may at some point.
I started playing wow again, but I'm a horde man through and through. If anybody is on jubei'thos , add me ( Fadoomsh). Always looking for someone to chat to while grinding.
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