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Are you voting?


Element 117

And how?





Not sure.




I already voted.

35 minutes ago.




I will vote, but my votes are all over the board. I'm going to vote almost 50/50 Republican & Democrat on my ballot.




Probably not. As it happens, there are no major races going on in my area. I want to vote against the incumbent, but what little the alternatives have said about issues indicate that they essentially agree with him on the stuff I would vote him out for.


Element 117

Probably not. As it happens, there are no major races going on in my area. I want to vote against the incumbent, but what little the alternatives have said about issues indicate that they essentially agree with him on the stuff I would vote him out for.
no ballot initiatives/props ?




Yep, I sent in my mail-in ballot the other week.




Annoyed at the level of political junk mail I was receiving, I adopted a policy this year: I absolutely will not vote for any candidates who's campaign has paid for any form of mud slinging towards any other candidates.

I don't think that leaves me with anybody who I can vote for.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I forgot to register, so I'm out.

But if I was voting, I'd be only voting for people not currently in office.



I forgot to register, so I'm out.

But if I was voting, I'd be only voting for people not currently in office.


Philosopher B.

Mixed ballot.




Yup, I'm voting. Mostly for the Senatorial race. The Governors race I could take either of the candidates.




Probably not. As it happens, there are no major races going on in my area. I want to vote against the incumbent, but what little the alternatives have said about issues indicate that they essentially agree with him on the stuff I would vote him out for.
no ballot initiatives/props ?[/QUOTE]

There is one, about preventing tax assessments of wages from being used for anything but supporting employee benefits, but it seems highly unlikely that this won't pass, considering most of NJ supported Governor Christie's cancellation of the Hudson tunnel project (which we actually badly needed).




Not vote, Finnish.

But I do intend to vote in the upcoming congregational elections, where local parishioners elect the non-clergy officials of the parish. Usually it just happens without notice, but this year opinions have become more radicalized. There's been a lot of discussion about the rights of gay people vis-á-vis the church, particularly the notion of marriage (Finnish legislation allows for civil unions for gay people), and people are basically divided into two camps: those who think the concept of marriage is set in stone, one-man-one-woman deal, and those who believe that marriage should be broadened to encompass same-sex marriages as well. There was a huge televised debate about it a couple of weeks back, and the results have been quite noticeable: over 30,000 people have left the Lutheran Church in protest of the conservative opinions of the clergy present in the debate, and the Christian Democratic party leader has been making statements that sound positively Bible Belt (including that Finland should give preferred entry to Christian refugees, since "the Muslims won't have a parish to join and will likely radicalize rapidly"). So a lot of people have left the church due to being disillusioned; I personally haven't, but I do feel obligated to gouge the political opinions of candidates in my own parish due to this kerfluffle of a situation.




I moved and didn't register in time. I'm disappointed because I wanted to try and vote out Rick Perry.




I can't decide for who to vote for for governor. I mean, uber-rich liberal guy, not rich liberal guy or kind of crazy not rich conservative guy. I feel like a kid in a candy store with these delicious choices!




Remember, voting for Jesse Ventura style candidates may be funny when you are at the polls, but a few weeks later you may regret it.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

try and vote out Rick Perry.
lol I wish this were humanly possible.

Remember, even turning in a completely blank ballot helps take power away from the terrible old people that elect all the terrible people you bitch about!




Voted this afternoon on the last day of early voting. Had the choice of Don Blankenship's puppet of a governor or a teabagger from Florida to fill the late Senator Byrd's seat. So it goes.




Nope. I never vote. I just don't care one way or the other. Too lazy really. It doesn't matter to me who is in office. I don't follow politics and am not an informed voter so I would be voting blindly.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Nope. I never vote. I just don't care one way or the other. Too lazy really. It doesn't matter to me who is in office. I don't follow politics and am not an informed voter so I would be voting blindly.
and here we are with a government that only really serves rich old people, congratulations america



no i am not voting and it makes me really sad :(




Nope. I never vote. I just don't care one way or the other. Too lazy really. It doesn't matter to me who is in office. I don't follow politics and am not an informed voter so I would be voting blindly.
and here we are with a government that only really serves rich old people, congratulations america[/QUOTE]

Nope, it just doesn't matter to me who is in office. I don't care who runs the company I work for as long as I get my paycheck. I didn't care who was President of my university I just wanted my degree. I'm perfectly happy with my status quo so I don't feel the need to vote (and believe that my one vote doesn't make a difference). Plus, by not voting I'm throwing a huge "FU" to the rest of the world who wishes they had our freedom. So it's really a win/win for me.




I don't even want to think about the Senate race near me, and the Governor's seat is a choice between a Democrat and a Libertarian, because the Republican option is just that bad. Actually, almost all public office races are so bad that I feel like vomiting about them instead of voting, so I may just go to vote on state/county measures and leave those slots blank. WTB "None of the above".




I've already got my sample ballot and have made my choices. I will vote on Tuesday.




Voted on last day of early voting, mixed ticket, as parties don't matter below State level, and not much above. Voted for three zombie candidates and the flying spaghetti monster. If I could, I would have voted against John McCain, he scares me, and I don't even live in Arizona.




Not vote, Finnish.

But I do intend to vote in the upcoming congregational elections, where local parishioners elect the non-clergy officials of the parish.
[FINNISH]: I'll also vote, the first time I've done so in a congregational election. I don't have a candidate picked out yet, though, so I guess I'd better get to picking one.

Meanwhile, I'll be waiting for the mud-slinging to start for the finnish parliamentary election next April.




It may sound weird but I won't vote as long as I am in the Military. I try to keep away from the politics of why I do what I do and just know that I, will follow lawful orders, and I will do my best to remember that this is just a job, lots of people have them and they don't get to choose their boss.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Plus, by not voting I'm throwing a huge "FU" to the rest of the world who wishes they had our freedom.
I'm sure they notice.




I voted. Straight Libertarian Party ticket. My money is where my mouth is, even in the circumstances of this election.




I voted. Straight Libertarian Party ticket. My money is where my mouth is, even in the circumstances of this election.
Was that 3 candidates?




Voted before I went to court today. I voted straight across where I had options for my party of choice. What's the point in fighting for democracy if I don't exercise it when I'm done?




I voted. Straight Libertarian Party ticket. My money is where my mouth is, even in the circumstances of this election.
Was that 3 candidates?[/QUOTE]

Surprisingly, almost every single race, national, state and local had a Libertarian on the ticket. I think the only exception was Constable.




OK, that's a bit different than in years past.




I'm not surprised honestly. Who'd want to run against this guy?




Just got done voting. The polling people were super nice and we were in and out in no time.

Not seeing these lines people are talking about, but then again we have 8 polling stations in a city of 30,000.




My town of 280 folks only has one polling station. The 2008 primary seemed to have more people than that in line to vote against Hilary.




Voted at 7:45 am. It was fairly busy, but the average age was probably 60. Where the feck are all the 20 and 30 somethings?

Voted a mixed ticket. Most of the folks around here are fairly conservative anyhow. Voted against most of the incumbents.




Where the feck are all the 20 and 30 somethings?
Hopefully at 7:45 they are sitting at their desk.

I'll not vote till 6 pm.




In the end, held my nose as hard as I could and voted to keep my Dem congresscritter. Much as I dislike his policies, no way am I going to allow his Tea-partying, terror-wagging opponent to represent me. Voted Repub for my state assemblyman, not because anyone knows anything about him, but at least he's not embroiled in an ethics investigation for misappropriation of political donations like the incumbent.

Voted Dem for County Sheriff, because he actually seemed like a very solid individual, for once. Anyone who fights to make sure the county can afford for every officer to get a bullet-proof vest, and to resurrect bike patrol programs in an area with lots of parks and alleyways is okay in my book.




I just voted. You'll all be surprised to know I voted exclusively Republican. They were the better candidates.




I voted 3rd party on my Senate vote, because, even knowing I was essentially "throwing my vote away", I cannot stand Michael Bennet and Ken Buck.




After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.




I voted. I was the only one there at the time. I think there's only 30 or so that vote at my station though. No fancy voting machines here. Just slide your ballot into a locked rubbermaid bin. Seeing that always makes me laugh.




After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.
That's just disgusting. That's worth a letter to the editor of your campus paper, right there.




I voted against my congressman because he thinks 9/11 was an inside job. So thats kind of a not gonna get my vote situation right there. I voted for the repub candidate for govorner because the independant guy has no chance in hell and the democrat candidate is only where he is due to his being sickeningly rich. He was selected despite the dems having some really awesome candidates in the primary but do they pick any of them? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... they pick the guy Time Magazine picked as one of their "Five Worst Senators". You might remember him, he was the nutjob who closed his senator offices due to "claims of an unsubstantiated terrorist attack". Thanks Minnesota. Thanks for making this one easy. I don't care for the repub candidate but no way in hell do I want that guy in control of my state.




The news places are calling KY for Rand Paul and Indiana for Dan Coats. And I'm on my way home. Sniff you jerks in the aftermath.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

the democrat candidate is only where he is due to his being sickeningly rich..
spoiler: this is everyone in politics




the democrat candidate is only where he is due to his being sickeningly rich..
spoiler: this is everyone in politics[/QUOTE]

National politics yes, State and local, not always. There are some honestly real people that can get elected to State level position (rep or senate) and they aren't rich, but they usually don't go anywhere beyond that level.




the democrat candidate is only where he is due to his being sickeningly rich..
spoiler: this is everyone in politics[/QUOTE]

Yeah... no.

Maybe on national levels but the two other guys in the running are not even in this guys weight class. This guy CRUSHED his democratic opposition despite being the worst candidate, no democrat I know wanted him to win, yet somehow he gets the primary vote. Ugh.




After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.
Yeah, that is shitty. Boo, I say. No matter what political leaning, everyone should be encouraged to vote.




I voted. Theise, Gara, skip, skip, and No.




Looking like my favorite Senator will lose his race to an idiot who spouts platitudes with "I'm gonna fix it" but never saying how he plans to do it. Blech.




The Democrat club in the University of Florida did that too. They offered to drive anyone who needed it to the polls...but only if you were voting for Obama.




I voted ..Christine O'Donnell - Sexiest Loser Tonight!





Don't worry. I'm sure she'll be coming to a Fox news program soon.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

But will she be showing up on one?


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.
Damn, here I thought I went to the most liberal college in the U.S., and even the kids there encouraged you to vote, regardless of party.



After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.
That's just disgusting. That's worth a letter to the editor of your campus paper, right there.[/QUOTE]

I don't get what the big deal is. They were democrats out to help democrats. They weren't just some random group. If you are republican and want help voting then go to the republican group.




Just a quick question. Who here thinks the Young Republicans would drive someone to the polling station to vote for Obama. Anyone?




I think the point is in the presentation. People were going door to door in UF giving a general invite to go to the polling station, trying to appear non-partisan but once they found out that perhaps you may not vote for Obama, they shunned you. If they came up to the door with a big fat Obama sticker and said they were looking for Obama supports to go vote, fine, but don' come up to the door, make an impassioned speech about the need to vote and then flip you a figurative bird when they discover you don't share their political leanings.




So the point is, don't pretend to be non partisan. Just flip the bird.




So the point is, don't pretend to be non partisan. Just flip the bird.
That's the Canadian way. And that's how you get Joe Clark!



So the point is, don't pretend to be non partisan. Just flip the bird.
That's the Canadian way. And that's how you get Joe Clark![/QUOTE]

and justin bieber




and Bryan Adams. Fucking Canada. You almost made up for it with John Candy. Almost.




After years and years of wishing I could vote, I'm finally allowed to. I see these people on campus helping people register to vote. I go up to them and ask for help and talk for a bit. They ask me if I lean more republican or democrat and I say republican. They basically tell me they can't really help me. Then I notice they're from the young democrats club or whatever. I was so disgusted I just put voting out of my mind until it was too late.
That's just disgusting. That's worth a letter to the editor of your campus paper, right there.[/QUOTE]

I don't get what the big deal is. They were democrats out to help democrats. They weren't just some random group. If you are republican and want help voting then go to the republican group.[/QUOTE]

If you're publicly helping people fill out a voter registration form, then you help them fill out a form, regardless of what their party affiliation is. If they're not registering the way you want them to, then do your best to convince them to vote another way, or try and answer their concerns. Saying "you can't help them", besides being patently false, demonstrates a complete lack of moral character.


Element 117

I just voted. You'll all be surprised to know I voted exclusively Republican. They were the better candidates.
red avatar, red state. I see how it is.




I just voted. You'll all be surprised to know I voted exclusively Republican. They were the better candidates.
red avatar, red state. I see how it is.[/QUOTE]

I always assumed that the American conservative's hatred of communism was rooted in anger over losing their trademark color to a bunch of crazy lefties.




The Arizona election went just about as I expected on the national side of things. On the state side of things I'm pretty bummed out about Jan Brewer staying in office, but not exactly surprised. I'm more ticked about my district representative losing her seat in the House. She was a Congresswoman I truly believed had the best interests of her District at heart and is one of the few candidates I know of that doesn't have a wealthy background. Most of all I think I'm taking it personally because I've known her for years and am really close friends with her son.

It's a major bummer.




Voted after I finished with classes today. Mostly libertarian and republican candidates but not on everything.




...blue in a Red State...



The Arizona election went just about as I expected on the national side of things. On the state side of things I'm pretty bummed out about Jan Brewer staying in office, but not exactly surprised. I'm more ticked about my district representative losing her seat in the House. She was a Congresswoman I truly believed had the best interests of her District at heart and is one of the few candidates I know of that doesn't have a wealthy background. Most of all I think I'm taking it personally because I've known her for years and am really close friends with her son.

It's a major bummer.
Yep, pretty much how I expected too. Now we get to watch Brewer do nothing for another 4 years. Little disappointed about 203 and a city strong mayor thing, but it looks like my preferred CD 7 and 8 are hanging in there.

Scud said:
an idiot who spouts platitudes with "I'm gonna fix it" but never saying how he plans to do it.
I hate that too. Especially when they say "I'll fix the border!" And then nothing on how they'll do that.



Frankie Williamson

I can't believe that you guys in California voted down prop 19. That's just amazing. Keep it illegal, allow the Mexican cartels to continue what they do.




I can't believe that you guys in California voted down prop 19. That's just amazing. Keep it illegal, allow the Mexican cartels to continue what they do.
I'm trying to find the article where I read it, but apparently exit polling indicates a massive break along age groups, where 6/10 under-30s voted to legalize, and 8/10 over 50s voted to keep it illegal.




Meh... it'll be back on the ballet in a few years.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

Meh... it'll be back on the ballet in a few years.
It will also probably be on the ballot.

---------- Post added at 09:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 AM ----------

I can't believe that you guys in California voted down prop 19. That's just amazing. Keep it illegal, allow the Mexican cartels to continue what they do.
Here's how I describe its failure to my friends: This was a bill that was completely rational, would help out the state a lot, and had little to no downsides if it passed.

Of course it would fail.




So hey we get another recount again here in MN.





So hey we get another recount again here in MN.

When you guys order pizza in MN, does it take 3 hours to decide on a topping, or do you just go halfsies?




We order halfsies, it comes, we send it back to make sure it's got the correct amount then the democrats count half the pepperoni as sausage and the republicans try to explain how the crust counts as a topping and it just all ends up in the trash.




That's stupid. Crust is so not a topping.




We order halfsies, it comes, we send it back to make sure it's got the correct amount then the democrats count half the pepperoni as sausage and the republicans try to explain how the crust counts as a topping and it just all ends up in the trash.
...After about 50 people have handled it with their filthy hands...

---------- Post added at 04:17 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:16 PM ----------

That's stupid. Crust is so not a topping.
Have you not have a pizza that's topped with smaller pizzas?




What if the crust is stuffed with cheese?




Cheese isn't a topping either. Extra cheese, however, is.




Cheese isn't a topping either. Extra cheese, however, is.
But how do you determine which cheese is intended to be the extra cheese and not just regular cheese? Also, how would you count it if there were multiple types of cheese on the pizza?




It doesn't matter which cheese is the extra cheese and which isn't.




Clearly now you see our problem here in MN.




The problem with pizza in Minnesota is the fact that salted herring is a mandatory ingredient.




Clearly now you see our problem here in MN.
Not enough cheese? Wisconsin always has room for more people.




Clearly now you see our problem here in MN.
Not enough cheese? Wisconsin always has room for more people.[/QUOTE]

There's a reason for that...




Clearly now you see our problem here in MN.
Not enough cheese? Wisconsin always has room for more people.[/QUOTE]

There's a reason for that...[/QUOTE]
Not my fault people can't handle the awesomeness that is Wisconsin.




The Wisconsin Dells were very scenic when I went through them by train.




You're a darn liar Null. People in America don't ride trains, that's science fact.




Actually all of the trains I traveled on were at least half-full. One girl had been on from Jackonsville, FL, and was heading for Wyoming. I went from Philadelphia to Fargo and back.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

My new screen name rules




I laughed so loud I scared the cat. You should use his picture for the avatar.
