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Argentina legalizes marijuana



The supreme court in Argentina has ruled that it is unconstitutional to punish people for using marijuana for personal consumption.
The decision follows a case of five young men who were arrested with a few marijuana cigarettes in their pockets.
But the court said use must not harm others and made it clear it did not advocate a complete decriminalisation.
Correspondents say there is a growing momentum in Latin America towards decriminalising drugs for personal use.
The Argentine court ruled that: \"Each adult is free to make lifestyle decisions without the intervention of the state.\"
Supreme Court President Ricardo Lorenzetti said private behaviour was legal, \"as long as it doesn't constitute clear danger\".
\"The state cannot establish morality,\" he said.
The initiative has been supported by the government - Congress is expected to introduce amendments to the current drug laws.
But the court said it was not advocating a complete decriminalisation of the drug - a move possibly aimed at deflecting criticism from the Church and conservatives, says the BBC's Candace Piette in Buenos Aires.
The eight-page statement also called for a comprehensive policy against illegal drug trafficking.
Health fears
The move has been criticised by some campaign groups who say it will encourage damaging behaviour and lead to health problems.
\"There will be an increase in the drug trade and the people that fall into addiction will not, unfortunately, access treatment,\" Claudio Izaguirre, director of the Argentine Anti-drugs Association told Reuters.
\"My country doesn't have the necessary health coverage for what will happen,\" he said.
Argentina's move follows rulings by several other countries across the region, including Venezuela, Ecuador and Colombia.
Last week, Mexico enacted a law decriminalising possession of small amounts of drugs, including cocaine and heroin - the country is in the midst of a drugs turf war which has claimed more than 11,000 lives in the last three years.
The aim of such moves is to enable police to focus their efforts on the big criminals in the drugs trade rather than dealing with petty cases, says our correspondent.
But it also marks a shift a dramatic regional shift to the decades-old US-backed policy of running repressive military-style wars on the drug trade, she adds.




But...but...THINK OF THE KIDS!!



Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Me gusta



in unrelated news, all crimes except shoplifting of snack foods drops.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

It's hilarious, you see, because stoners eat snack foods.



i bet your wit just stuns all the ladies.




Nah, he uses the wooden club for that...


Cuyval Dar

Really? I prefer something that doesn't leave a mark.




Rohypnol does wonders. Of course, you first have to convince them to accept a drink from you, and that can be hard, looking like him.

Also, hurray for more decriminalisation.



Hurray, as if there werent reasons enough to avoid our neighbors.




Oh man, it's happening... can you guys feel it? All around us... it's happening.




Good for them. It's a pity though that Argentina's chief executive isn't all that concerned with what their constitution says.




Good for them. It's a pity though that Argentina's chief executive isn't all that concerned with what their constitution says.
Not everyone is as obsessed with their founding fathers as Americans are, Gas.




Not everyone is as obsessed with their founding fathers as Americans are, Gas.
It's one thing to change the constitution to something else. We've had quite a few amendments to our own. It's another thing to completely disregard it. That's when you stop having "rule of law" and start having tyranny. And opposition to tyranny is not exactly the sole province of the united states.

The Argentinian supreme court made the ruling that marijuana is legal based upon their constitution. That's good. The Argentinian president recently seized all private pension plans, regardless of constitutionality. That's not so good.



Heh.... I remember a comedy skit from Robin William regarding pot smokers. I have to agree I never met an angry pot smoker (yet) so if everyone is allow to smoke, there might be less crime (except shoplifting for snack foods) cause everyone is stoned ;)




Heh.... I remember a comedy skit from Robin William regarding pot smokers. I have to agree I never met an angry pot smoker (yet) so if everyone is allow to smoke, there might be less crime (except shoplifting for snack foods) cause everyone is stoned ;)
That's what they said about the Pax. It got us this reaver problem we have now.



That's what they said about the Pax. It got us this reaver problem we have now.
heh.. that is why I said "yet" cause I probably might meet an angry pot smoker.




Not unless you get on the way of him and his munchies, you probably won't.

It's hard to get MAD when you're high. Paranoid? Sure. Pissed off? Nah.

Next you'll be wary of potentially "violent" Valium consumers or something... it's just not part of the effect.
