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Steven Soderburgin





You're crunk?




Do you enjoy Red Bull?




What took you so long?


Philosopher B.

How many fingers am I holding up.




I feel like I've been drunk dialed by my jerk ex-boyfriend who dumped me.


Steven Soderburgin

You're crunk?
When playing Warhammer Online, I made a dwarf ironbreaker with the keg beard thing you get with the collectors edition and named him Buragen Krunkbeard.
Do you enjoy Red Bull?
No man that shit is gross unless there's like tons of vodka in it
What took you so long?
what are you even talking about
How many fingers am I holding up.
i aint no kinda mindreader
I feel like I've been drunk dialed by my jerk ex-boyfriend who dumped me.
whoa see for me its like i dropped a bad habit of a girlfriend who was still friends with some other friends of mine and they kept talking about her and so I was like "well, maybe i'll call and see how she's doing"

halforum is the girlfriend in this scenario

Okay I was actually planning on being a jerk and not replying to this thread at all but zenmonkey's post owns so I guess I'll keep replying MAYBE???




Okay, let me speak in complete sentences.

What took you so long to come on over? We missed our little Kissyface!



Yes keep replying maybe yes questionmark


Steven Soderburgin

Okay, let me speak in complete sentences.

What took you so long to come on over? We missed our little Kissyface!
True story: I left because I was horrified by the constant misogyny displayed by many forum posters at the time. I didn't even know about moving the server or whatever you guys did but I guess that happened like a week after I left. I came back because I was horribly bored at work and really pissed at some of the other forums I post on and whoa hey new server. Also CDS kept linking me to posts.
Yes keep replying maybe yes questionmark
Stop posting.


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Basically, it's icarus' fault he came back since when I first read his post about nailing 14 year old chicks, I read it aloud to a stunned group of my peers




Basically, it's icarus' fault he came back since when I first read his post about nailing 14 year old chicks, I read it aloud to a stunned group of my peers
On the bright side we all were horrified and nobody took his side. Plus I think he left.




Basically, it's icarus' fault he came back since when I first read his post about nailing 14 year old chicks, I read it aloud to a stunned group of my peers
I read it at party's and Barnes and Noble poetry nights.




parties >:|



Can I make more bad posts if I start prefacing them with "OLLOL SO DURNK RIGT NOW"


Fun Size

Fun Size

Basically, it's icarus' fault he came back since when I first read his post about nailing 14 year old chicks, I read it aloud to a stunned group of my peers
This is a theatrical production I could get behind.

Edit: I so want a podcast now that is nothing but dramatic reading from the hall of shame.


Steven Soderburgin

Basically, it's icarus' fault he came back since when I first read his post about nailing 14 year old chicks, I read it aloud to a stunned group of my peers
This is true, and everyone was pretty stunned
On the bright side we all were horrified and nobody took his side. Plus I think he left.
Can I make more bad posts if I start prefacing them with "OLLOL SO DURNK RIGT NOW"
No, stop posting

edit: on second thought, keep posting, but make better posts. I've seen 3 posts of yours ever and I have been rather unimpressed. I think you can do better if you put your heart into it.
This is a theatrical production I could get behind.

Edit: I so want a podcast now that is nothing but dramatic reading from the hall of shame.



In just this thread or the whole forum? What about other forums? blogs? comments?


Kitty Sinatra

Kissinger, I ain't been missing ya. Who has?


Steven Soderburgin

In just this thread or the whole forum? What about other forums? blogs? comments?
I edited my comment, but I meant on this forum specifically.
Kissinger, I ain't been missing ya. Who has?
People who matter


Kitty Sinatra

Why did you just ignore the opportunity to make a Mighty Python reference?


Steven Soderburgin

Why did you just ignore the opportunity to make a Mighty Python reference?
Because I thought the insult was funnier.

I was also going to say it was more topical, but being the 40th anniversary of the start of Monty Python, the reference would've revealed my deep pop-culture savvy, and may have been the appropriate response anyway. As it stands, I think it's a push as to which is the better response.

The insult wasn't mean-spirited by the way



Why would you want to go trashing this this thread by adding a dash of nice to the posts?


Kitty Sinatra

Yeah! How dare you not make mean-spirited replies?


Steven Soderburgin

Why would you want to go trashing this this thread by adding a dash of nice to the posts?
I never said that everything I said would be true, shit
Yeah! How dare you not make mean-spirited replies?
I'm trying to turn over a new leaf. Think of this thread as an olive branch of peace to the forums at large.



How many silly questions will a Kissinger answer before a Kissinger says screw this?


Kitty Sinatra

Well, welcome back then . . . um, no 14 year old girls in your closet, are there?


Steven Soderburgin

How many silly questions will a Kissinger answer before a Kissinger says screw this?
Originally I wasn't going to answer any at all, so who fuckin knows
Well, welcome back then . . . um, no 14 year old girls in your closet, are there?
That post was so fucked up and disgusting.



Alright you've been a good sport, I'll try something a little more earnest.

Of all the potential questions you could be asked in this thread, what question would you find most intriguing/interesting/entertaining to answer?


Steven Soderburgin

Of all the potential questions you could be asked in this thread, what question would you find most intriguing/interesting/entertaining to answer?
I don't know, honestly. I'm interested in a lot of things, but my primary interest is film as many people here would be able to tell you. I'm also interested in politics, particularly feminist theory and LBGT rights. Any questions about those would be fun for me, and I'd be able to be somewhat lucid and articulate in my responses. But really, as long as the questions aren't stupid jokey questions (I don't mind clever jokey questions) then I'm having fun.

This wasn't a very helpful answer, I guess.


Kitty Sinatra

Okay, talk about feminist theory; include pictures.

*lights candles, pours wine*

You know, this would actually make for a pretty decent come on the next time I get a poly-sci major over for dinner. Thanks for the inspiration, Kissinger. Maybe you could help with another situation:

I received a text message from someone I don't know. A wrong number. The text says "Here's Candy's phone number, She knows I'm giving it to you." What should I do?


Steven Soderburgin

Ignore it. Delete the message from your phone. Don't be the guy who calls up someone out of the blue who you don't know just because you have their number, particularly when you got it in that manner. It'd be really creepy.




Kissinger, I don't think you need to extend an olive branch. You are who you are and either we accept that or bugger off.

But I have to ask a question, don't I?

Um...If you could change the ending to any movie what would it be and how would you change it?


Kitty Sinatra

Man, that's really boring advice. What if it turns out it's really a hooker fishing for business? I'd be able to skip right on past the wining and dining. That'd be smurfing-A wouldn't it?

. . . oh that leads to another question: How many dead hookers are there in your closet? (I bet I've got more than you!)


Rob King

Rob King

I don't know, honestly. I'm interested in a lot of things, but my primary interest is film as many people here would be able to tell you. I'm also interested in politics, particularly feminist theory and LBGT rights.
Could you briefly explain the different 'waves' of feminism to me? My friend made reference to 'first' and 'third' wave feminists the other day, and I forgot to look it up. I guess I could now, but since you listed that as an area of interest, I figured I could just ask you!


Steven Soderburgin

Kissinger, I don't think you need to extend an olive branch. You are who you are and either we accept that or bugger off.

But I have to ask a question, don't I?

Um...If you could change the ending to any movie what would it be and how would you change it?
Well, recently, I'd probably change the ending of Knowing, which I found disgustingly lurid, nearly pornographic.
Could you briefly explain the different 'waves' of feminism to me? My friend made reference to 'first' and 'third' wave feminists the other day, and I forgot to look it up. I guess I could now, but since you listed that as an area of interest, I figured I could just ask you!
First wave is pretty basic, but very important. It started in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and was mostly focuses on property rights, suffrage, that sort of thing. Think Susan B. Anthony.

Second wave began in the sixties and coincided with the sexual revolution for the most part. It was mostly concerned with ending discrimination. Some really great, essential feminist texts were written during this time, such as The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. This is when Women's Liberation first became a thing, so to speak. This is the "bra-burning" era, but there's a lot of debate over whether much bra-burning was actually done. This is also when organizations such as the Women's Liberation Front and NOW got started.

Third Wave feminism gets a little more difficult to define. It started in the 1990's and was basically a response to the failures of second wave feminism at getting things like equal pay, better protections for reproductive rights, and so on. When people say Third Wave feminism, they're referring to the more modern movements. It's harder to define, though, because the modern movement doesn't have any, or even a few, single unifying idea or goal. It's very fractious.

Deliberately ignoring Grueman's question because it's stupid jokey.




How would you differentiate between humorous posts and misogyny? Or can there be humor (in your eyes) that makes light of things about the female persuasion without it being misogynistic? And what do yuo say about humor making fun of men?

In that same vein, what do you consider to be "safe" humor.


Rob King

Rob King

Re: Femenism.

As far as I understood it previously, 'men and women are equal' would be a very fist wave thing to say. 'men and women are the same' by contrast, would be a very third wave thing to say.

Thoughts? Again, I know next to nothing about the particulars, but I think I'm getting a better idea.


Kitty Sinatra

Deliberately ignoring Grueman's question because it's stupid jokey.


Steven Soderburgin

I'm pretty much wide open as far as humor is concerned as long as I know someone. A good friend of mine at a party recently asked another friend about her campus feminist organization "So, if your group is all women, how do you decide which one is the secretary?"

Basically, if it's clever and funny and not mean spirited, that's fine. You can make jokes about a stereotype without the stereotype being the joke (unless it's stretching the stereotype to a ridiculous, absurd degree). I'm getting into humor theory now, I guess, and I'm really tired (I've been at work for 13 hours) but it's sort of an "I know it when I see it" kind of thing. Basically, I will never mind jokes that make fun of stereotypes (such as the one referenced above), but I do mind jokes that reinforce those stereotypes. Something like that typically means the stereotype, and not a comment on the stereotype, is the entire joke.

Same goes for jokes about men. Sexism hurts everyone, and that is true with sexist humor as well. But yeah, it's really tough to define, and I don't get quite as upset about humor making fun of men (though I still think it's really stupid) because of the whole patriarchy thing.

As far as "safe" humor goes, I've never really been a "safe" humor kind of guy.


Steven Soderburgin

Re: Femenism.

As far as I understood it previously, 'men and women are equal' would be a very fist wave thing to say. 'men and women are the same' by contrast, would be a very third wave thing to say.

Thoughts? Again, I know next to nothing about the particulars, but I think I'm getting a better idea.
Yeah, that seems pretty accurate. First wave was, as I said, really about getting basic civil rights, like the right to vote, own property, be independent, that sort of thing. The second statement is way more third wave than first wave, and certainly not second wave. It definitely doesn't represent ALL of the third wave ideas, though.

---------- Post added at 04:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:36 AM ----------

Please note that I am now entering hour 14 at work, so any attempts to answer questions intelligibly will likely be unsuccessful.


Kitty Sinatra

That's okay. It's not like I was about to ask any intelligent questions anyway.

Oh, got another one: What's your position on the state of Health Care in your country, and are you at all concerned that Obama's reform, if it goes through as he hopes, will result in you being, in your old age, brought up before a death panel to be designated orange or green?

You thought that was gonna be an intelligent Q when you started reading it didn't you?

Orange: You're plant food.
Green: You're people food.



You thought that was gonna be an intelligent Q when you started reading it didn't you?
That one made a quick swerve into the nearest ditch, bravo!


Steven Soderburgin

I worked until 2 AM last night and had to come in again at 7. Ask more questions




Where the hell do you work, a sweat shop?


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

which wave of feminism has the biggest tits


Steven Soderburgin

Where the hell do you work, a sweat shop?
I work QA for a game company and we had a big patch that came out this morning. We were here late last night making sure it was ready to go, then had to come in early this morning to make sure everything patched up correctly.
which wave of feminism has the biggest tits
Second wave. What do you think Betty Freidan was talking about in Feminine Mystique?




Where the hell do you work, a sweat shop?
I work QA for a game company and we had a big patch that came out this morning. We were here late last night making sure it was ready to go, then had to come in early this morning to make sure everything patched up correctly.[/QUOTE]

My QA brother! Hang in there, Metrics Man!


Charlie Don't Surf

The Lovely Boehner

Also, I fully support fist wave feminism. I had to cover my out-loud laughing with a coughing fit when I read that

---------- Post added at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 AM ----------

a very fist wave thing to say.
