Australia, what the hell man?

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"It's probably one of the most serious attacks that I've seen," he said.
WOW, that cop would not have made it a week in an U.S. City.

and for the record, Those cowardly punks should never see the light of day as free men again.


Staff member
These two kids were rabid curling hooligans. I'm surprised it doesn't happen more often.

Skinny Santa

Anyone else notice it says his identity was not release but theres a picture next to the article with his name in the caption. Huh?
"Well, your honor, the suspect was seriously intoxicated and fell down the stairs on the way into the station." "How many times?" "Several, your honor." "Isn't your precinct on the ground floor?" "Ummm... yes?"
Unlike most of you, I hope they get a slap on the wrist and only a few months jail time. Because when they get out, people will still remember why they went away. They are still school aged kids, and they shall get whats coming too them in the schoolyard or at least worse than what they will get in juvi. Things like this make me sick to my stomach.

On behalf of the rest of australia I owuld like to say these 2 dropkicks are not a representation of the rest of us.I should hope the staircase is very very long on that ground floor precinct. That at least sounds like a start.

Also no crime is not that bad down here, It's just we have some losers like these guys. Then again what country doesn't.


Staff member
YEEK! From the website of the OP there's a link to a story about a guy who was whacked out on drugs.

He was so whacked out that he saw a woman and hallucinated that she was his dead mom - who had been murdered earlier (it doesn't say who murdered her or when). So when he sees his dead mother he does what any whacked out son would do....HE RAPES HER!! WTF?!? He snaps out of it, panics and kills the lady which is fucking sick, but if you saw your dead mother would your first thought be to rape her?


Staff member
YEEK! From the website of the OP there's a link to a story about a guy who was whacked out on drugs.

He was so whacked out that he saw a woman and hallucinated that she was his dead mom - who had been murdered earlier (it doesn't say who murdered her or when). So when he sees his dead mother he does what any whacked out son would do....HE RAPES HER!! WTF?!? He snaps out of it, panics and kills the lady which is fucking sick, but if you saw your dead mother would your first thought be to rape her?
IT depends, is she really hot?


YEEK! From the website of the OP there's a link to a story about a guy who was whacked out on drugs.

He was so whacked out that he saw a woman and hallucinated that she was his dead mom - who had been murdered earlier (it doesn't say who murdered her or when). So when he sees his dead mother he does what any whacked out son would do....HE RAPES HER!! WTF?!? He snaps out of it, panics and kills the lady which is fucking sick, but if you saw your dead mother would your first thought be to rape her?
IT depends, is she really hot?[/QUOTE]

After a few hours? Room-temperature at best.
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