My friends paid for my ticket, and I got my money's worth, though I was far more impressed with it than I expected to be. Since my expectations were at a zero, I suppose that is a victory for Avatar.
The movie is cheesy as fuck, and doesn't get it. It wraps itself up in Importance and Gravitas, it purports itself to be a "love story" and it, like so many movies before it, exemplify the Noble Savage. The Na'vi were head slappingly horrible indian sterotypes, and didn't get to be interesting until way late into the film, when James Cameron decided to finally stop jerking off to how expensive the whole fucking thing was and got to making interesting visuals. I don't give a fuck that it cost how many millions of dollars, and I don't want to doddle for an hour and a half with impressive little CGI tech flourishes. The creatures all looked shiny and dumb; the lemurs were stupid, the Resident Evil dogs were stupid, the birds were stupid, and most of the plants were stupid. Cameron and crew just tried way too hard, which was ultimately distracting. I didn't feel immersed into an alien world at all; instead, I sat there going "Wowies look at all the money they poured into this shit."
What did the movie have going for it? A meager handful of actors that did seemingly understood the shlock they were in, and acted accordingly (or perhaps to the best of their ability, but same difference in the end). The film got somewhat interesting plot-wise towards the end, after the paint-by-numbers in the first hour and a half. The last battle was impressive visually, and actually lent towards some sort of forward motion story-wise instead of just jerking off the budget a little bit more.
So, yeah, it's not a complete waste as I thought it would be, and my cold heart was warmed over just enough. But it's still a dumb, dumb movie that, besides its budget, will be a forgotten relic of cinema.