Awake. I really, REALLY can't wait for this.

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If they do it right, NBC might have a winner. It's original, it's poignant and it's moving.

*crosses fingers*
Yeah, if they don't follow the usual "let's run this show for as many seasons as the fans will stand, then kill it by tying everything up in the last two episodes before shutting it down."

They better have a game plan, and move the show towards the end in every episode. I hate filler episodes for long-plot shows.
Holy shit, I thought this was a movie. This is a show? I must know when it starts. This looks amazing.

*repeats to himself over and over* Please don't screw up. Please don't screw up. Please don't screw up.
Added at: 16:48
Also, I didn't even know it was a TV show when I was watching the trailer. I thought it was a movie.

Honestly, even though I really, REALLY hope the show is amazing, I think this concept might have been better suited as a movie.
Holy shit, I thought this was a movie. This is a show? I must know when it starts. This looks amazing.

*repeats to himself over and over* Please don't screw up. Please don't screw up. Please don't screw up.
Added at: 16:48
Also, I didn't even know it was a TV show when I was watching the trailer. I thought it was a movie.

Honestly, even though I really, REALLY hope the show is amazing, I think this concept might have been better suited as a movie.
I'm not sure, but I think you thought this should be a movie.
Thought it was a movie as well. Frankly, I'm still thinking this should be a movie rather than a series. With the latter it'll just be dragged on and on and on until everyone is bored with it, culminating in a deus ex ending having everyone going WTF?! Then again, most movies have had the same kind of ending...

Sooooo basically I agree with Nick: *Please don't screw this up*
I don't know if I agree most movies have a deus ex machina ending. I'd say some do, but most conclusions - even the bad ones - at least have some sort of previous mention or set up. TV shows have had a couple, to be sure, like the "it was all a dream" thing from...Dallas? I can't remember.
I normally don't watch dramas on network TV but this one looks great. I'm hoping the show is as intriguing as the commercials.
I heard an ad this morning saying this thing was going down tonight on NBC, 10pm eastern, 9pm central... and confirms it:

It's a late-ish show, yet they are promoting it at least a little. What is it competing with? Grey's anatomy is on at 9. I'd hate to get hooked, then never have it resolve if it cancelled after only one season... Like, really really hate. With the passion of a thousand burning suns hate.
The pilot was good. It set the stage, and the preview for the next episode suggests that things will move along quickly. Hopefully we don't get a plodding storyline or filler episodes. It feels like they aren't skimping on "reality" in order to suit the story - in each universe he and the people around him are acting the way I'd expect them to - that he's crazy.

I'm anxious to see how it progresses, and cautiously optimistic that it will be a nice adventure.


Staff member
All I can think of is the space bee episode of Futurama. Like he's recovering from his own coma the whole time.


Staff member
At the end of last night's episode it was hinted that there may be some sort of grand conspiracy going on. I sure hope not. I guess I don't know how else they'd keep the premise moving after the initial explanation of the two worlds thing, but I hope it doesn't turn into something it shouldn't.
Yeah, I don't know how long they can stretch this out. It's such a great premise, but again, it feels like it was meant more as a movie than a series. Everything wrapped up so well at the end of that pilot that there was little left to really continue, aside from the concept itself. Is every episode going to be a different case that somehow correlates with each other or something? I was hoping for something a little more sequential, not episodic.


Staff member
Well, I'm going to spoiler a bit, without really giving details.

In last night's episode, he knew a defining characteristic about a bad guy because he knew of it from his "other" consciousness. His partner wondered how he could possibly have known the fact. So they are trying to do some weird mind-fuck stuff and I think they are going to turn this into something else with a conspiracy and dark, shadowy governmental or organizational entity pulling the strings.
If that's the direction they're taking it (conspiracy), then they likely won't keep me as a viewer. To me, the best part of the episode was when he temporarily lost the rubber band.
I'm hopeful that it won't be that bad. If things go well, I can understand a small conspiracy to kill him and his family that was botched in that he didn't die. Further that the two realities are an unexpected outcome.

I'm hoping for a realistic explanation, though, which may be stretching things. For instance, what if he is in a coma, and everything thats going on in his head is his attempt to investigate the crash. What if some little thing from each episode pieces together to tell him what really happened in the real world, where he's now in a coma envisioning these two alternate worlds trying to piece tiny, tiny details together and figure out the crash merely from knowledge he already has, but may not have noticed or considered.

He eventually figures it out and really wakes up... Is his family alive? Is he alive? Is the real world better or worse than his dream worlds? Does he get enough clues to solve the case without further investigation?

While I love science fiction, if they go the route of parallel universes where he's somehow traveling back and forth mentally it would actually be disappointing.
I'm sorry that I don't remember where but I read an interview with the creator of the show and he said that one of the realities is real and one is fake.

edit just in case anyone hasnt been spoiled.
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