Azurephoenix AMA

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So I'm late to the party on this but I figured I'd give it a shot. Who knows? I might even have some interesting answers to dole out!
Will you play more COOP games with me? If yes, what games should we play? Create a playlist.
Of course! You are a fantastic gamer to play with and I wish I had more free time to play coop. I remember some pretty epic ME3, Team fortress and Killing Floor battles.
Currently I'm playing Planetside 2 with what little spare time I have but if you want a list of games we could play.

- Planetside 2 (I'm on the Genudine server on the Terran Republic side)
- Killing floor (I'm still terrible, but getting better)
- Team Fortress
- Left 4 Dead
- ME3 (HAHAHA! Stupid EA)
- Counterstrike

Those are all shooters but I can sometimes also have the time for a longer game like Civilization V, Company of Heroes, Sins of a Solar Empire or DOTA2.

The biggest challenge for us is the time zone difference. Secondly (as you're going to find out) kids make things a bit tougher to arrange. Also, my computer currently is in the room under my youngest son which makes it hard to do proper voice communications in the evenings. I'm looking into rectifying that situation as soon as possible.
Do you use Q-Tips to clean your ears and does it make you feel like a badass knowing you're flagrantly disobeying the warning on the box, as well as moms everywhere?
Do you use Q-Tips to clean your ears and does it make you feel like a badass knowing you're flagrantly disobeying the warning on the box, as well as moms everywhere?

Haha... I totally do use Q-tips to clean my ears... Q-tips rule! Damn the stupid warnings on the box... I do what I want! :)
Have you ever needed to purchase feminine personal hygiene products, and was the experience embarrassing, annoying, or just confusing?
Have you ever needed to purchase feminine personal hygiene products, and was the experience embarrassing, annoying, or just confusing?

Heh, yes I have. The very first time doing so was daunting as I had never really paid much attention to just how many different brands and types there were. I remember going back and forth between two types and eventually just buying both because I wasn't sure which one she really needed.

Nowadays it's fairly old hat so there's no embarrassment, annoyance or confusion... just another household job that needs to be done (I'm sure with your flock of children you can understand that :))
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