Bah! 60 Days?

times are tough. the higher ups determined that they couldn't wait for you to bump year old threads anymore. They figure with a 59 day limit you'll be able to increase your necro output by 2.24538%
times are tough. the higher ups determined that they couldn't wait for you to bump year old threads anymore. They figure with a 59 day limit you'll be able to increase your necro output by 2.24538%
Surely it was not their intent to bring about more frequent necromancy but that may well be the end result.

Damn it man! It's just not that easy!

Necromancy can not be frills and random "haha's I necro'd a thread." There is finesse and technique lost on most people.

Consider if we will the many factors in play.
Original post date and time duration since the last post are far from the only factors that need to be considered. The purpose of the original thread. It's length in pages. How true it has stayed to it's original topic point, derailments, evolution of conversation, relevant new information. Even the original poster and topic title play part in the reason for a necro. Like recently Doctor who explaining time as not a linear thing but a tangled ball of timey wimey things and threads as are the threads of our lives.

Take for example Dave and the mod's little joke recently of posting (playfully) in a locked thread we could not reply to. Where he says:
Dave said:
Nick? You think Nick is bad? He's a light breezy zephyr compared to that jerk Thread Necromancer!
Just a playful little thing right. But I could respond. I could, because I remember. The thread title and original poster in this case make the playing field for the perfect necro. Waiting for the praise my dear Dave? From the Jerk of the Thread Necromancer? And you shall have it.

Thread Necromancer said:
Love you too Mr. Grumpypants Sugar Moobs
Clever you see, utilizing a thread by it's title from the poster to respond when he's having a laugh because we can't respond.

Twisty turny timey wimey when you have to explain a joke

Halforums Member's rumor game

Necro'd after 5 months of death.
\"Yavaux\" said:
I heard that the Thread Necromancer has given up on the necromancy thing.
The game, the Poster, the content in the necro. It all worked so perfectly.

All the threads are connected stringing together like a giant tapestry that I care for and tend to. By auto locking threads after 60 days I've been effectively neutered. Kicked out of the sandbox.
If it helps at all I want to put all my support and forum-fame resources towards undoing this new 60-day limit. Of course, it'll do fuck-all... but it's the intention that counts, right?

Element 117

Everyone posting in this thread is now that much closer to death, with nothing to show for it.
THAT'S the Thread Necro we know & love!
I'm still the same ole intoxicated asshole I was, I've always been here, just not saying anything.

If I was smart enough, right now I would post a video clip of Meet Joe Black when he's talking about how you're shaving but your mind is somewhere else, if you know that, then you understand one one millionth of what I mean lol