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Banana Runts




So recently, I discovered several of my friends HATE Banana flavoured Runts. This took me by surprise, because I always assumed everyone loved them as much as my sister, my brother and I do. This prompted a bit of research, and I found out that when it comes to not only Runts, but all artifical banana flavouring, there seems to be two schools of thought:

1- Tastes like penicillin, its disgusting, and everything Banana flavoured is garbage. Runts are no exception.:mad:

2- Banana flavouring is amazing, it even managed to make antibiotics taste good. Runts are no exception.:D

I've yet to encounter anyone who is on the fence. Which side are you on?



I don't like banana runts but i love banana laffy taffy. I cannot answer this poll.




Weird. So its not all artificial banana you dislike. This is a new development.




So I'm guessing we're not using Runt to mean small child here? Is this an american flavoured candy like Nerds?

Edits: where's the grue option?




Love banana the fruit and banana shakes. Hate banana candy. I do, however, love how banana runts look. They're very cute.



They are like compressed pixie stix




So I'm guessing we're not using Runt to mean small child here? Is this an american flavoured candy like Nerds?
Sort of like Nerds. They're both made by Wonka.

The grape, orange, strawberry and apple to banana ratio here is really horribly representative. You barely get any banana at all. I was really happy when I found out you can buy just the bananas in bulk, because the rest of the candies are mediocre, but the banana is AMAZING.
Added at: 06:05
I don't like banana runts but i love banana laffy taffy. I cannot answer this poll.
I can't figure out how to edit the poll to accomodate you.




Banana Runts are made of suck, fail, and the tears from infants taught to fear cats. Yick yick yick!



I nay'd it. Now I want some laffy taffy.







ok i dont mind you liking them but wtf... the red are clearly the best.

The banana are for decoration only >.>




the red are clearly the second best. After Banana.



hehe well played




Oh cool! There was this store in Barcelona, called Hardcore Gamers, that sold japanese imported candy. One thing a friend of mine loved was this bag filled with sour-tasting fruit decoys (like that banana above, plus watermelons, pears, etc.) that tasted really weird.

The banana ones were good.




Oh cool! There was this store in Barcelona, called Hardcore Gamers, that sold japanese imported candy. One thing a friend of mine loved was this bag filled with sour-tasting fruit decoys (like that banana above, plus watermelons, pears, etc.) that tasted really weird.

The banana ones were good.
I seem to remember Runts having watermelon too. I hate watermelon. That is a topic for another day though. I wouldn't even bother to make a poll. There are very few fellow watermelon haters out there.




I seem to remember Runts having watermelon too. I hate watermelon. That is a topic for another day though. I wouldn't even bother to make a poll. There are very few fellow watermelon haters out there.
Watermelon flavor is ok, though I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

Actual watermelon though? Don't like it at all. I don't care for the taste nor the texture. Florida in summertime is especially bad, because everyone has a fucking watermelon that they want to cut up and serve to whoever will help them eat it.




banana runts rank right up there with Good N Plenty : garbage.




Watermelon flavor is ok, though I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

Actual watermelon though? Don't like it at all. I don't care for the taste nor the texture. Florida in summertime is especially bad, because everyone has a fucking watermelon that they want to cut up and serve to whoever will help them eat it.
Soul Mates.




I go through them so quick that I don't notice much difference in any of 'em.



I go through them so quick that I don't notice much difference in any of 'em.
I'm one of those people who insists on setting them all out and dividing them up before I eat them.




I'm with makare for once. Love banana runts. Can't stand most artificial banana flavoring. I think it's because it's really low-key in the runts. On that note, who decided this was what bananas taste like? I guess it's somewhat similar to dried bananas, but not much like the fresh ones.



How is that being with me?




I'm one of those people who insists on setting them all out and dividing them up before I eat them.
Yep, they have to be ordered in neat ethnical groups and/or rows, before they are ordered into the concentration camp in my mouth. Mmmmm M&Ms...




I read the post backwards. My sincere apologies for sullying your presence by suggesting we may have briefly agreed on something.



well as long as you are truly sorry.




I know of three people who have PAID EXTRA MONEY when they otherwise would have been covered by insurance, to request the doctor prescribe banana flavoured antibiotics instead of pills, despite being grown adults and thus requiring 2 to 3 times the dosage.



I know of three people who have PAID EXTRA MONEY when they otherwise would have been covered by insurance, to request the doctor prescribe banana flavoured antibiotics instead of pills, despite being grown adults and thus requiring 2 to 3 times the dosage.
you know weirdos.




I know of three people who have PAID EXTRA MONEY when they otherwise would have been covered by insurance, to request the doctor prescribe banana flavoured antibiotics instead of pills, despite being grown adults and thus requiring 2 to 3 times the dosage.
Haha, I just did that. Amoxicillin comes in either the pill format or the banana-flavoured suspension. AND I got the suspension. :)


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

When my sister and I were little, we wanted them to sell boxes of Runts that were nothing but the bananas. We'd fight over the bananas. The bananas were the reason to get Runts at all.




Adammon and Quotmander, you just- you get me, you do.



Adammon and Quotmander, you just- you get me, you do.
hmmm I get quotemander.




When my sister and I were little, we wanted them to sell boxes of Runts that were nothing but the bananas. We'd fight over the bananas. The bananas were the reason to get Runts at all.
Cherry is the best flavor you heathen.




I'm with Mathias.

Both candies = rubbish.




Banana flavoured candies aren't terrible, runts being the most bearable of them all and those marshmallow bananas commanding a solid last. Now if we're talking popsicles, my diet could, and if possible would, consist solely of banana flavoured ones.

As far as artificial fruit flavourings go for me though, watermelon anything reigns supreme.



I like that Blue-Raspberry flavor... and the mysteriousness of the "banana" flavor is why I stick with calling it Yellow. haha.

Marshmallow bananas? i have not seen this.




They aren't horrible if you can get them while they're still soft but they usually sit on the shelf for years because no one wants them and they get hard as cocks. Tiny...yellow...cocks...



I can't like that enough.




Cherry is the best flavor you heathen.
Aside from being a cosplay reporting GOD, figPez has the best taste in candy of all time. OF ALL TIME.


General Specific

General Specific

They aren't horrible if you can get them while they're still soft but they usually sit on the shelf for years because no one wants them and they get hard as cocks. Tiny...yellow...cocks...
Now that's all I can see




Oh man I love those banana marshmallows. There was a bowl of those and the strawberry ones at my family reunion yesterday. My brother and I just stood over the bowl scarfing down the bananas and left the strawberries for everyone else.

But they still got nothing on Banana Runts.




They aren't horrible if you can get them while they're still soft but they usually sit on the shelf for years because no one wants them and they get hard as cocks. Tiny...yellow...cocks...
So you prefer your cocks soft and flaccid?




Guy....I...have a confession.

I hate candy.



Oh man I love those banana marshmallows. There was a bowl of those and the strawberry ones at my family reunion yesterday. My brother and I just stood over the bowl scarfing down the bananas and left the strawberries for everyone else.

But they still got nothing on Banana Runts.
I think you may have an addiction...

Guy....I...have a confession.

I hate candy.
You live in some kind of dialectal cul de sac AND you hate candy. You missy are an enigma


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Guy....I...have a confession.

I hate candy.
Same here. I used to love it, but I absconded from the stuff during my later teenage years for some reason (along with soda, pizza, cake, etc.) and now the taste of the stuff is too sweet for me. (The other stuff in the parentheses I have returned to though, sparingly.)



I like chocolate but I would never buy a box of runts or something like that.
The only candy I always buy is candy corn (well not anymore fucking allergy warnings), candy canes, russel stover mini boxes of chocolate at valentines (again not anymore SIGH) and the occasional sucker.




Yeah, I don't usually buy candy anymore, other than chocolate bars. But if offered some, I'll take it. The only other exception is I like to buy Real Fruit Gummies for the movie theatre.




I am not a fan of banana flavouring, and don't like Runts and I detested Bananacillan, maybe that is why I am so healthy as an adult so I never have to risk it again. On the otherhand I love watermelon flavouring except Jollyranchers because those ones taste like red apples to me, even though I like apply flavouring.




I think it's something everyone goes through when they get older. All that sugar just starts to taste gross when you grow up. Except at Halloween and Christmas--it's still pretty good then.




I should also mention I don't like banana flavouring. It reminds me of the medicine I had to take for my ears when I was a kid.

LittleSin Story: I was staying with my grandmother when I got my ear infection. The doctor prescribed the banana medicine but the pharamacist gave no further instruction on it out side of 'use twice a day'.

Nanny used her deductive reasoning and decided that the way it had to be administered was by directly pouring it in my ear. It, sadly, did not work and a day or so later, after I had gained a fever and would not stop wailing, I was taken to the hospital where a very awkward intern told Nanny how the medicine was to be used.

That was my first trip to an hospital AND my Nanny has not been back to that hospital since, going so far as to drive an extra 4 hours to avoid it.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I should also mention I don't like banana flavouring. It reminds me of the medicine I had to take for my ears when I was a kid.

LittleSin Story: I was staying with my grandmother when I got my ear infection. The doctor prescribed the banana medicine but the pharamacist gave no further instruction on it out side of 'use twice a day'.

Nanny used her deductive reasoning and decided that the way it had to be administered was by directly pouring it in my ear. It, sadly, did not work and a day or so later, after I had gained a fever and would not stop wailing, I was taken to the hospital where a very awkward intern told Nanny how the medicine was to be used.

That was my first trip to an hospital AND my Nanny has not been back to that hospital since, going so far as to drive an extra 4 hours to avoid it.





what kind of pharmacy doesnt list the amount to be taken and the way it is to be administered? that's just assinine.




Oh it listed the amount and how often...just not the how. This was before computer print offs. I know that nowadays when I go to the pharamacy they will hand me a friggin' books worth of instructions and give me a personal lecture before I leave.



You have to be careful. Every time I get a prescription filled a different place it has a DIFFERENT warning on the label. It's kind of weird.


Neon Pirate

Neon Pirate

LittleSin please tell me that Granny did not provide any other medical treatment! Not into candy and chocolate gives me skull crushing headaches but I opened this thread expecting to see midgets climbing banana trees! Now the tiny yellow penises are scaring me, mostly because I have this feeling there will be a Chinese medicine based on them somewhere.



You know what's really weird, Circus Peanuts. Wtf are those made of anyway?




Circus Peanuts are made of styrofoam, circus sweepings, and hate.




Circus Peanuts are made of styrofoam, circus sweepings, and hate.
Don't forget the clown tears... oh wait, you mentioned hate so that covers it.




Don't forget the clown tears... oh wait, you mentioned hate so that covers it.
And the circus sweepings. I'm sure the least funny clowns get fed to the lions. Cuts down on repeat offenders.



After lunch today there was laffy taffy at the counter. i had to get a banana one because of this thread. mmmm




I'm tempted to do a study to see if people that like artificial banana flavoring also like licorice; Good N Plenty; Mike N Ike type crap, along with black jelly beans. After gathering my data, I shall do my best to smite their tainted abomination of a genome from the pool.

Eugenics the the XTREME!




The people that like Jelly beans make bowls of jelly beans better for the rest of us by preventing those negroid gelatin pustules from ever touching our blessed sugar holiness.




I love black licorice flavor. Except I don't really like licorice ropes. Give me jelly beans, licorice tea, or those jelly candies rolled in sugar. Mmm, so good.



I like some fake banana flavored things but not all of them.

I love black licorice flavor. Except I don't really like licorice ropes. Give me jelly beans, licorice tea, or those jelly candies rolled in sugar. Mmm, so good.
I don't like black licorice but I love the black licorice Scottie dogs they sell during the holidays. Not because I like to eat them because I don't. But because they are so damn cute.




I'm tempted to do a study to see if people that like artificial banana flavoring also like licorice; Good N Plenty; Mike N Ike type crap, along with black jelly beans. After gathering my data, I shall do my best to smite their tainted abomination of a genome from the pool.

Eugenics the the XTREME!
I Loves me some Banana flavouring, but hate, HATE, black licorice, Good and Plenty, and black Jellybeans. Mike N Ike is okay enough I guess, but its kind of a why bother.
Added at: 02:50
You know what's really weird, Circus Peanuts. Wtf are those made of anyway?
I have no idea what this is. I thought circus peanuts were literally just peanuts they sold at the circus.



uh pinkish blighted little cocks?




My best friend loves ALL banana flavored stuff. I had to have her read this thread. She also loves black licorice.

I like banana flavored runts but haaaaate black licorice. No thank you.




Blech, black licorice. I had to put fennel bulb into risotto once, and it tasted like black jelly bean rice. Gnarsty.




Blech, black licorice. I had to put fennel bulb into risotto once, and it tasted like black jelly bean rice. Gnarsty.
That sounds tasty!




Banana Runts are the worst kind of Runts. All the other flavors suck too. Runts suck.




Banana Runts are the worst kind of Runts. All the other flavors suck too. Runts suck.
Nerds is where it's at




Fuck yeah, Nerds.




Dunno what it is about artificially flavored banana things. I can tolerate them, but I avoid them when possible.




The last part is relevant to your interests.




That is actually the very image that made me start this thread. A friend posted it to another friend's facebook and when I defended banana, I was met with far more opposition than support.

Also my friend and I went to Sugar Mountain yesterday and I bought a big bag of banana runts. So much for "I don't buy candy anymore"




The only candy I really bother to buy any more are Jelly Bellies... and maybe Junior mints every now and then for the movies.



a whole bag!? how decadent!
