Export thread





So, I'm thinking of giving it another go in growing a full beard. Of course, as you've seen with a number of my pics, I tend to have a damn good goatee that I feel naked without. But I've never had the patience to grow a full beard, something I've always wanted to do. A part of me keeps thinking that it would look rather good on me.

What's everyone take on beards, in general? As long as they're trim and tidy, of course.


Element 117

on you? meh, pass




Absolutely hate 'em.




I'm having a hard time picturing you with a beard. I like your current look very much, but I guess it's worth a try. If you don't care for it, you can always return to the status quo. I like beards, myself. But not every guy can wear them.




Every man owes it to himself to try growing a full beard at least once in his life, even if it's just to reassure himself that he looks terrible in one.




If it's long enough to wrap around your finger, then it's too long.

Also, trim your 'stache. It's a pain eating when half of every mouthful is your own frickin' hair.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I had a beard for more or less 4 years and I just recently shaved it off.

Now I've been thinking of growing a goatee w/ mustache, just to try it. I think it would make me look much more italian... I'm not sure it's a good thing, though. But I'll try. Whenever I need to change my life, I change hairstyles or beardstyles, at least for a while. It works stupidly well.




I have always wanted to grow a full beard but sadly (as of right now) I can not due to it growing in patches :(

I currently have a goatee and mustache combo because I look way to young without it :)




Shave it clean so you can dress up as Superman when you and I go to FanExpo in August.




I think all men's faces should be clean shaven. .... women's too <.<




I wish I could have my 2-day stubble forever.


Wasabi Poptart

I like the goatee. I like mustaches, too. I do not like beards other than on Santa Claus.




I like the goatee. I like mustaches, too. I do not like beards other than on Santa Claus.
Wasabi has a santa claus fetish. She wants to be his ho-ho-ho.


Wasabi Poptart

And, you know, Santa only comes once a year. No pregnancy worries there.


Element 117

If it's long enough to wrap around your finger, then it's too long.

Also, trim your 'stache. It's a pain eating when half of every mouthful is your own frickin' hair.




I've recently started growing a goatee. I haven't decided if I'll keep it yet.

The pimp hat and cane were optional.




The itch drives me crazy...and it takes too long to fill in on me. I don't have the patience. Hell the only reason I grew the goatee is because the (now ex) wife didn't want me to grow one, and I was pissed at her.

After I grew it she said she liked it. WOMEN!!!!!!




You keep it very neat. :)




I've recently started growing a goatee. I haven't decided if I'll keep it yet.

The pimp hat and cane were optional.
You should keep the hat.




S'true. You look like you're going to collect money from the Hoes down in Whoville.




My facial hair grows so fast that I play with it more than most women do with their hair. I may have a goatee one month and a full beard the next, a 5-o lock shadow one week and a marlboro man stubble the next. It's awesome.

I never get itchy when it's growing though.. it's like my DNA is designed with beards in mind.

And gusto... you CAN get the 2-day stubble look forever... use clippers. Just find the right size guard for the look you like and BAM.





Calleja I wish I could rep you again for making my face glorious.




Clippers and me, man, we go a long way. Even before I shaved my head, my skin is too sensitive and girly for daily shaving with a razor, so I started using clippers and liked the stubble-y look so much that I never looked back. And then my head shaving begun and OH MAN.... when I shave, I really do shave my entire skull.

I haven't used a razor since Halloween 2008 when I shaved to dress as Clark Kent. Before that, it had been since 2004 when I graduated high school.

I don't think I even own one at this point.




I love goatees on guys. I find it sexy and I like the way it scratches. :)


Philosopher B.

I've recently started growing a goatee. I haven't decided if I'll keep it yet.

The pimp hat and cane were optional.
Dude. Fuckin' sweet accessories. Been workin' on your pimp hand?

Also, I resent beards. Mainly on account of my face is allergic to growing hair that isn't all wispy and goat-ish. :(



Do it.

PS If you do, take a daily pic of it, and make a .gif of it, or a video with an explanation of your experience.



Tried out the bearded look last year. Then shaved the beard off.

But, the power of the beard could not be removed...

I tried to resist. I tried to fight back. But the beard kept growing...again and again.

Until the appointed time, the beard shall stay. Gruffy and mildly managed (I dont like it too long).




I can grow an awesome red beard quite quickly... but honestly I don't like the feel or the look of it very much so I'm usually clean shaven. I used to have a goatee a few years back but I prefer how I look without it.



My facial hair grows so fast that I play with it more than most women do with their hair. I may have a goatee one month and a full beard the next, a 5-o lock shadow one week and a marlboro man stubble the next. It's awesome.

I never get itchy when it's growing though.. it's like my DNA is designed with beards in mind.

And gusto... you CAN get the 2-day stubble look forever... use clippers. Just find the right size guard for the look you like and BAM.
I am the same way. I pretty much change my style on a monthly basis from clean shaven, to chin goatee, to full goatee, to stubble. The only time I grow a full beard is during NHL playoffs.


Fun Size

Fun Size

Beards are great, dude. You can go around and people stop asking questions about why you don't date and never bring any girls home, and you have someone to shop with and...wait, we're not talking about facial hair are we?

Never mind. :whistling:




This thread needs more pics, people, come on! SHOW - YOUR - BEARDS! SHOW - YOUR - BEARDS! ♪




Here's my current "Lazy-Ass Bastard" neckbeard:




Lookin laid back there, Cheesy. ;D




My hair is a bit messy cause I need to get a haircut but here is a pic anyways




Since being able to grow one, I have ironically never worked anywhere that permits them to be grown. *shrug*




My beard looks like it does in my avatar, but longer right now. I need to trim it again, but I haven't worked up the interest to actually do it.

Soon, maybe.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

This thread needs more pics, people, come on! SHOW - YOUR - BEARDS! SHOW - YOUR - BEARDS! ♪

Longest (fullest) beard!

Shortest beard!

Teenager with a goatee!

stubble! (and a wig)

Unbearded! (and mannequin like)

I have no pictures of my current too short goatee with mustache.


Element 117

oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.




SJ: that blonde look really suits you n_n
Nice beard. Morphine approved. *stamps him*




Hylian, I love love love your hair. It's so shiny. *sparkly eyes* SJ, that short-beard pic of yours is one of my favorites. It's very cute. :) You have a nice smile.

We're some pretty people, y'all.




oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.

For good or bad?


Element 117

oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.
For good or bad?[/QUOTE]

You used to be freakazoid. Now that picture looks so serious. I can't reconcile it. My world view is fucking shattered.




oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.
For good or bad?[/QUOTE]

You used to be freakazoid. Now that picture looks so serious. I can't reconcile it. My world view is fucking shattered.[/QUOTE]

Would it help if I took a silly picture when I get home from work?




Current look:

Previous look: (didn't keep this one very long)

And before that:



And before any of that:




Beards good. The little woman likes my beard, and I like her liking my beard. And I have to say, I do think my beard looks pretty good.

And to think all this started years and years ago just by me being too lazy to shave.




Jesus, Bubble... you look just like a buddy of mine up in Alberta...




Bubble you look kinda like Kane from Command and Conquer with the goatee action. Positively devious.




Bubble181 said:
*mindless drooling*




Bubble makes the bald + goatee work damn well.

I'm jealous.

BUT, I honestly belive that the beard look will work for me. Especially with hair.


General Specific

General Specific


I'm nearly 30 and this is the closest I can get to a beard:

It's why I keep myself clean shaven nowadays.




Make sure you post pics when it's done! :)




oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.
For good or bad?[/QUOTE]

You used to be freakazoid. Now that picture looks so serious. I can't reconcile it. My world view is fucking shattered.[/QUOTE]

Would it help if I took a silly picture when I get home from work?[/QUOTE]

do these help at all?


Philosopher B.


I'm nearly 30 and this is the closest I can get to a beard:

It's why I keep myself clean shaven nowadays.
Don't destroy my dreams, man! I keep telling myself that when I hit 25 I'll magically be able to grow a manly chin-carpet. There's gotta be a magic age at which all one's dreams come true, right?!

Right? :'(




Nope. You'll be forever wispy. FOREVER!


Philosopher B.




ok crying like a little girl isnt going to help your image.


Philosopher B.

I wasn't crying! There was just ... something in my eye. Yes.




I wasn't crying! There was just ... something in my eye. Yes.
Is it the realization that you're forever going to be a clean-shaven man?


Philosopher B.

I wasn't crying! There was just ... something in my eye. Yes.
Is it the realization that you're forever going to be a clean-shaven man?[/QUOTE]

Yes! I mean, no. Maybe! Ack!



clean shaven is best. you are awesome.


Element 117

Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.
For good or bad?[/QUOTE]

You used to be freakazoid. Now that picture looks so serious. I can't reconcile it. My world view is fucking shattered.[/QUOTE]

Would it help if I took a silly picture when I get home from work?[/QUOTE]

do these help at all?






Ed will introduce Ed. Full name - Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the 4th

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 PM ----------

oh my god Hylian, you have ruined the image Ive had of you, forever.
For good or bad?[/QUOTE]

You used to be freakazoid. Now that picture looks so serious. I can't reconcile it. My world view is fucking shattered.[/QUOTE]

Would it help if I took a silly picture when I get home from work?[/QUOTE]

do these help at all?







You will always be freakazoid in my heart Hylian, don't you worry.




Sorry to necro, but...

Operation "Grow a full damn beard" #387 has failed. It was coming in uneven on either side and it just wasn't coming in very full in general. I mean, cripes, look at the pics over in the New Picture thread. That's several weeks worth of an attempt, as well as a trip to the barber for a haircut and beard trim. Ugh.

So, I give up.


Wasabi Poptart

I gave up, too. My dreams of being the bearded lady in a circus sideshow will have to stay as just that, dreams.




Apparently this was posted while I was on vacation. However I think I've posted my beard at its manliest already in another thread.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

I had this for about an hour, some weeks ago.


Wasabi Poptart

SJ, you need a Gauloises and a beret.


Silver Jelly

Silver Jelly

Mais oui!




Dude, that pic is creeping me out.




Something sad happened last week. I was trimming my goatee and playing with the shape of it. Before I could realize what was going on, I'd trimmed past the point of no return and had to shave the entire thing off. Now I just need to wait for a week when I can get away with not shaving in order to grow it back.


Element 117

This thread is trichophilically hirsutismist!

also, word to the wise, do not read wikipedia's entry on hirsutism..... unless you are in fact trichophiliac.
