Big welcome to Angels2200!

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Staff member
From their website description:

New to Angels 2200? Report Here for Briefing!

Welcome new readers to Angels 2200!

The year 2200, ten years after a Genetic Plague killed almost all of the male population of Earth and its off-world colonies. During the chaos that followed, the colonies rebelled and a resource-desperate Earth is now attempting to bring them back into line.

Angels 2200 joins a squad of raw recruits aboard the old Aurora-class carrier “Outcast” on their mission to put down the revolution in the Risae Asteroid Belt near Mars.

The original concept and writing belongs to Nathaniel Savio. Peter Haynes (AKA Hansagan) was the original illustrator. Peter eventually took on the writing reins also for several years, staying true to Nathaniel’s vision. Because of time consuming life stuff, Peter has decided to take on 2 other illustrators, Jana Hoffmann (AKA Nuriet) from Australia and Kimberly Stewart (AKA Kimmers) to tackle the art when Angels 2200 Part 6 comes to a close.

If you want to know more about the history of the Angels 2200 universe, check out the 7 part History of the Sol System available in the filler section of the archives.
Welcome, welcome, welcome!

edit: Damn! Forgot the link!


Wow, I'm used to comics I like changing forums and having to follow them, not so used to having them come to me...

That having been said....


WB been too long!


Staff member
Awwww, Shego's already made friends ^^

Welcome, welcome! Please come in, have some snacks, don't touch the smoking baby :D


Thanks all, and many thanks to Dave :) I've put the word out and hope to have a gradual influx of people shortly.


Hey that was Cora, Kid's sister in the monster feet slippers right?


I'm used to the old webboard, but I dig this comic like a backhoe, I am! :)


Damn you're fast you ever sleep?

Yes that was Cora :)


Awwww, Shego's already made friends ^^

Welcome, welcome! Please come in, have some snacks, don't touch the smoking baby :D
It's true. I'm a biter.[/QUOTE]

The trick is to dangle a cigarrette in front of his face with one hand. With the other hand you have about 1.2265 seconds of back pat time. No rubbing/stroking/scratching. And god help you if you make any suddenm movements.


Thanks all, and many thanks to Dave :) I've put the word out and hope to have a gradual influx of people shortly.
Yup! I'm here! I'm here! I've been following you for this many years, I might as well drag my butt over here as well! ;)

Hello Half Forums!!


Staff member
Hmmm... I just took a look at the comic proper.

While admittedly the idea of all men dying makes me as a member of the dangly-bit sex a little bit frightful... I'm likin' what I'm seeing so far.

I'll be reading on, and I just might bookmark as well ;)


While admittedly the idea of all men dying makes me as a member of the dangly-bit sex a little bit frightful... I'm likin' what I'm seeing so far.
...which brings up questions I've had for quite some time, actually.

I mean, I came to this comic kinna late; only found out about it because I was on the Star Wars Fan Film board over at TFN, where Hansagan posted the Angels2200 prequel movie, and by that time the comic had gotten pretty far. It's possible the questions I have about their disease were answered outside the comic, but I wasn't around to hear 'em. is the distinction made between males and females? Does the disease go after chromosomes, does it go after hormones, what? Would, say, a eunuch be spared if it went after hormones instead of chromosomes? Or is it simply having XY genetics that makes one die? (Come to think of it, if it's genetics and not hormones, I wonder how many cross-dressers and transsexuals were suddenly dead and outed by the plague! Hah!)
It seems at least ONE male survived on Earth--Whiskey's father--and certainly a male has survived on the colonies...what was the difference that caused such an immunity, I wonder...

...maybe I should start asking this in it own thread, neh? :)


But I dun wanna die just because I had the misfortune of being born with the wrong set of genetics.
Well, who would? I'm sure folks with diabetes or sickle cell anemia or whatever don't much care for it either. (Actually, I'm not sure if diabetes is genetic, but you get the idea...)

Doesn't make it any less of an interesting question, I'd say.


Staff member
One thing you should know, that question is pertinent to a few members of this board. We have some transgendered users and a number of gay/bisexuals. So your question is very thought provoking and worthwhile to explore.

I wonder how much of the science they've fleshed out behind the scenes.


Staff member
Ame, I really don't think she's gonna get it without spelling it out.
Actually I think she made a damn good point. The 50% of the population born with the right genitals don't really want to die just because of that either.


Staff member
Ame, I really don't think she's gonna get it without spelling it out.
Actually I think she made a damn good point. The 50% of the population born with the right genitals don't really want to die just because of that either.[/quote]

It is a point, sure. No one wants to die. But my point was that I'd hate to have everything I've done and worked toward be in vein because of simple genetics. The one thing I cannot change no matter how many hormones I take or surgeries I undergo. That this 'killing device' would deem me male regardless of what I've done and how I view and portray myself. I know that it is a simple scientific fact, but it still makes me sad.[/QUOTE]

You'll always be a lady to us, Ame.


One thing you should know, that question is pertinent to a few members of this board. We have some transgendered users and a number of gay/bisexuals. So your question is very thought provoking and worthwhile to explore.
Well, hell, I'm a lesbian my own darn self, so...I'm not indifferent to LGBT issues, I assure you!

And I certainly wasn't bringing up the question in order to offend or hurt anyone...hell, it was basically an afterthought, really; it occurred to me while I was wondering about the other question, the hormones-vs-genetics was a natural progression that I'm surprised hadn't occurred to me before, actually.

I wonder how much of the science they've fleshed out behind the scenes.
Heck, I'm still wondering about the colonies and their history. I seem to remember a timeline being mentioned, but... Well, it doesn't come up much in the comic itself, so I don't really know much about why they're out there and what they stand for.

Actually I think she made a damn good point. The 50% of the population born with the right genitals don't really want to die just because of that either.
Yeah; a plague like this is gonna be unfair to someone, no matter how you look at it.

Cuyval Dar

I can get behind this, presuming that this plague can't kill off male fishheads.


Actually I did ask resident Biologist Chaz if he could come up with some science behind the disease....I may try to reword it into our histories.

And post said histories at some point :)
Ame, I really don't think she's gonna get it without spelling it out.
RG is kinda renowned for her "subtle as a brick through plateglass" approach to most things, bless her l'il pointed head. *grins*

I dig the philisophical conversation that popped up though. It raises a point that I've considered a couple times during the course of reading the comic: if one were transgendered (post-op, just as a study), would the virus be lethal? Less lethal? Potentially disfiguring (The one fan-comic that's been accepted as more-or-less canon showed an image of a man, covered in HEINOUS boils and whatnot)?

... In retrospect, I might have been more morbid than I thought...


RG is kinda renowned for her "subtle as a brick through plateglass" approach to most things, bless her l'il pointed head. *grins*
Aww, there've been times when I've been quite subtle...and people miss it entirely.

Bah! Humans! *spit*



It would actually be fairly straight forward to put a killing trigger on something like the gene to produce testosterone instead of androgen. Have it do something like weaken the vascular system, or perhaps shut off the marrow system. Something like this could allow a "lucky few" to survive under very protected conditions to have a few last children with families.

The medical side of the comic was not explored much other than prosthesis and first aid for jail breaks.

However, the prosthesis side would show a much advanced understanding of the human bodies rejection of foreign implants than we have now, so a standard immune system shut off would not seem to be as deadly as it is now. Depending on how you handle it, that may be what you want though.

Boils would indicate a sloughing of the dermal layer, this would be a great terror weapon, and with possible limited guys with prosthetic skin, this would work great.
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