Bon Jovi Friday

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As a young person I feel the need to state the following things to you old fogies talking bout the 80's and 70's

1) we're halfway there
2) we're living on a prayer
3)It was long ago and far away
4)It was so much better than it is today

That is all.

Rock on halforums......also I may be under the influence while writing this post.Still doesn't change the fact bon jovi and meatloaf rock harder than everyone here....Yes even you!

Cuyval Dar

I approve of that song, especially the line
"When did Motley Crue become considered classic rock?"


"Stevie Ray Vaughan is dead but we can't get Jon Bon Jovi on a helicopter. Get on the chopper, Jon. There's a hairdresser in there..." -Dennis Leary
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